Chapter 33 - Divorced, but Not broken

I was still staring at the back of Tom when I felt someone walk up to me and I turned around. Fuck it was James, what the hell did he want from me now?! I wanted to go to the motel and just let out all the tears that I couldn’t inside the slow-paced store.

“Andrea, are you alright, I was about to call security, that guy didn’t say anything to you?!” he looked after the way that Tom had left with a scowl when I wanted to laugh at his worried face. Was he kidding me? What the hell did he have to do with anything I did, for all he knew, Tom could just have been a paying customer, just like everyone else.

“Nothing James. I’m fine.” I didn’t want to say more, and I didn’t have to, James was my boss, not my friend, and him watching over me was starting to annoy me. Why was he acting like this?!

“You sure, I can have him inside the inside of a cell like that!” he snapped his fingers making me laugh now, wow he was really stupid but he did make me smile I guess, even if he was annoying as hell.

“Yeah, I’m sure… I see you tomorrow James…” I was still laughing when he was smirking, glad he made me happy again I guess when I walked over and changed, getting out on the parking lot, fuck. I missed my car, Kayla…. Fuck… I still didn’t know where she was, and my car was towed, and couldn’t afford to get it back, life was awesome.

“Hey Andrea!” I was turning around surprised when I saw James again, he was panting like he had been running the last part and I just raised my eyebrows, what was it now, did I forget something?

“James, what is it?” I tried to not snap at him, he was still my boss, and I needed my job more than ever since I was getting any support from my supposed Dom that I didn’t knew I had, that motherfucker.

“I just wanted to tell you that I can give you a lift, I mean I seen that you haven’t got a car anymore so… “he stopped, and I just pressed my lips together, okay, I didn’t know what he was doing, but was he being nice was he into me?

“No James I can’t… its fine… I can take the bus, its not that far for me to ride…” I made an excusing smile when he just sank down with his head and I felt bad, shit he was alone, just like me, and he was trying to be nice… and here I was, being a bitch like always.

“You know what? Sure.” I smiled more when he looked up and smiled at me, gosh he sure was sweet, I can’t believe he was the same guy I hated being around before, I mean I still didn’t love being around him, but who loved being around their boss? That just wasn’t natural.

He opened the door for me to his car and I got in, it was not a blue sportscar, it was a combi with good space and good milage, a practical car for a sensible man, I guess.

He smiled more when I said where I was living and I just stayed quiet, not knowing what to say, it was still awkward, I mean, me and James wasn’t friends, even if he cared, he was a total stranger to me, sitting in the driver seat and making small talk that I just answered yes and no to silently, hoping we getting to my motel fast.

“Hey… I know that I push you too hard sometimes Andrea, and I’m sorry about that, I just think you got potential, and I like that, you just don’t sit around and tap on your phone like the rest of the girls.” His words made me turn my head and just smiled at him, wow I was so easy to win over, but hearing that he thought I had potential made me feel like I was finally having something to be happy over, and not just feeling like I wanted to die not being with Jonah anymore, no matter how we ended it.

“Well… I like to do something… beats just walking around the house feeling like you just waiting….” I stopped myself, no. I didn’t want to talk about my past, or the fact that I worked so much was because I didn’t want to be alone and cry over Jonah, no matter how nice he was to me.

“Yeah, I can tell, you get things done. I don’t believe Margret even worked seeing what you have done with the same things she took ages to finish in two weeks, you are doing great.” He smiled more and I blushed, shit that was nice to hear, even if it was from my boring boss sitting in his car, it really was.

“Thank you…” I just made a proud smile still blushing, God it felt so good right now, maybe I wasn’t going to cry myself to sleep tonight, that would be the first one in two weeks.

“Yeah, keep going like this and I have to watch my back, I can tell you are going places Andrea, you are a smart woman, and you should be proud of that.” He was driving into the small parking lot when I laughed at his praise, he sure was putting it on thick right now, I wasn’t that great, I just did what I was supposed to do.

I turned my head to him again and grinned, he was smiling when I just made a small sighed and beamed more, I don’t know why, but all this made me feel great, and he was a good guy, he was.

“Thank you, James, really… I have had a rough couple of weeks, you telling me this… well I don’t feel like shit right now….” He just smiled more, he was happy when I said goodnight and got out still smiling, I was fucking going places!

I was giggling to myself when I walked up the last part, feeling like I was finally not drowning when I looked up to get my card to the crappy motel I was staying in and then, I saw it.

The blue sports car.

Oh shit.

I just stayed there, completely frozen when the engine roared and I know that I was staring into his eyes, even if it was dark and I couldn't see him, I just knew it when the hard piercing gaze that always kept me hostage was on me, making me start to tremble already and he was still in the car.

I was holding my breath when I waited for him to come out when the engine roared again and I watched in horror as he reversed, making me catch his dark burning eyes with mine when he just shifted his eyes and started to drive away, from me, from us.

“Jonah!” I couldn’t help it when I screamed his name, he was here and I just fucked it up, all because he saw me get out of James car, I wasn’t fucking James, I wasn’t!

I kept screaming when I didn’t see his car anymore and someone came out their door and asked me to shut the fuck up making me whimper when I was left standing outside the motel, still holding the card in my hand, he had come for me, he had.

Fuck…. Fuck…... I was pushing the door open and just slammed it behind me, my voice was raw from screaming when I just buried my head in the unmade bed, fuck!

I was already crying my eyes out when I grabbed my phone, and wrote to him, begging him to come back, I fucking loved him and he just had the worst fucking timing when I just stared at the screen, waiting.


Not a fucking thing.

I searched his username, desperate and I got nothing.

So he blocked me, that fucker blocked me!

I made a loud screech again and threw the phone hard into the wall not caring what happened to it, he fucking blocked me, or he already had, I fucking hated him!

I couldn’t breathe anymore, just hissing when I was trying to not claw my skin off ripping at my blouse, making the buttons scatter all over the floor and I fell down again, feeling like I wanted to die, why in the fuck did he have to come just at the moment that I was getting out of James car, I wasn’t fucking him but I knew the second I saw his eyes that he believed that, like I was a goddamn whore opening my legs to any man that smiled at me, fuck!

I was going to kill James when I saw him tomorrow, he had ruined my only chance to get Jonah back, and now it was gone, fuck fuck fuck!!!

I was just turning around in the small uncomfortable bed that I hated, I wanted to be in Jonah’s bed, his arms around me, I know I was desperate when I didn’t care, I needed to see him, I did. I just couldn’t let us end like this, not when he had come here, showed him he fucking felt something, he did!

I was already up, getting a shirt on and just out the door, I was getting him back or die trying.