Chapter 34 - Divorced, but Not broken

The music was blasting when I walked up the stairs. Yeah, I still was a coward about using the elevator, making me stop halfway, the sweat clinging onto me, shit. I really needed better cardio, and this heat was awful. Why couldn’t I just use the elevator like a normal person?

I walked fast towards my door when people were around and I just ignored them, I don’t know if I was imagining it but there were more people here, like way more than before, making me push my way to get to my door the last part and I stopped, fuck. I had left my keys there, in fact, Jonah had them the last time I saw him.

I tried the door, and it was locked.


I sighed and looked over to his doorway that was open, I was going to get my keys back and tell Jonah that he was a bastard that never listens to me, he just saw a small piece of what had happened and not the whole truth.

I pushed my way towards it and just walked inside. I felt nothing, no fear of going inside, no fear that he would be mad at me for being there, just the cold hard emptiness of seeing his place, where I lived for a short time, the couch that he had gotten because of my hip and watched Netflix with me eating hamburgers.

My eyes searched the room when I saw Joseph. He saw me back and got light in his eyes like he had missed me, and I walked towards him in the kitchen and to my surprise he hugged me like we were old-time buddies. Trust me, we were not.

“Omg, Andrea, thank God you are back, I can’t fucking take it anymore, make it stop!” he sounded dramatic when I frowned, make what stop?

“Joseph, I don’t know what the fuck are you talking about, did something happen?!” I hated that my first thought was that I was worried something had happened to Jonah, even if I was so pissed at him for leaving me.

“Yes, something happened, your boy has been driving me fucking crazy since you left, he makes me go out every fucking day and yeah as you can tell, all this shit!” he made a gesture with his arms around Jonah’s apartment when I started to laugh at his misery. So he was mad at Jonah for dragging him out every night. That was nothing new.

“I don’t see the difference if I’m honest, Joseph…” I smiled when he sneered at me, so he was slightly drunk too when he patted my face and I let him. He wasn’t scary, in fact, he was charming, and I wished that I had fallen for him instead of his asshole friend.

“ It’s a big fucking difference. When he met you, all he did was business, he was fucking straight like an arrow, only doing what he needed and got back, now I have to watch him drink and smoke every fucking day, hitting up some pussy….” He was screaming at the beginning only to fade out when he saw me close my eyes at him telling me about Jonah fucking other girls…. Whatever… I opened my eyes again, ignoring the hard pain in my chest, so he fucked other girls. What the hell else was new?!

“I just need my keys Joseph, to my apartment?” I was screaming to when he didn’t hear what I said first and nodded like he got it and leaned in more, making me deaf when he screamed inside my ear.

“Jonah has them!” he leaned back looking sorry at me when I swore out loud, of course he fucking had, and I had to see him, fuck!

“Where the fuck is he then?!” I sneered when he pointed to the bedroom and I just felt sick, no. no fucking way, he was in there fucking some girl and he had my keys fucking hostage that motherfucker, I was going to kill him.

“He misses you!” Joseph last words didn’t help when I gritted my teeth, clenching my hands, he missed me?! Well, he sure had a funny way of showing it when I walked over to his bedroom door, the same room he had fucked me in, where I had slept in his arms and just stood there getting angrier before opening the door and it was fucking open, like people just knew that you just didn’t walk inside Jonah’s bedroom, or you would be fucking sorry.

I saw them right away.

I thought that I would do better, feel better, but I just felt like I wanted to die seeing his firm bare ass and the girl underneath making sounds that made me want to puke when I just stood there. hypnotized of Jonah fucking the young pretty girl that was making me want to kill them both right now, I swear to God that if I had a knife in my hand, I would have killed him, just stabbed him in the back until he wasn’t moving.

But I just stood there and watched like the fucking loser I was when I was in his presence.

I came here to tell him that i was willing to forgive him for what happened... but now... I just felt like I wanted to die.

The girl was the first one to see me and she tapped his shoulder, making him stop and looking up. He was mad as hell before he saw that it was me and not some random person that had been too drunk or high to getting lost, watching them fuck.

“Andrea?!” he looked at me even more shocked. He was drunk or high. Both when I nodded. Yeah it was me, standing here watching him break my heart even more, it was one thing to know something, but it was something else to see it, like it was burned into my eyes forever.

“I want my keys back.” I just said that. All my rage was gone, all my confidence blown away when he got up and the girl didn’t move, she was waiting for me to leave so she could continue being fucked by Jonah. Good for her.

“Keys? What?” he was sitting up now, still naked, dick hard and I just stared at him. Fuck he was still hot, even when he was looking like he didn’t know where the hell he was or what he was doing, he still looked good.

“Yeah… my keys… you still have my keys to my place…Jonah… please… just give me them and I will leave again…” I made a smaller voice looking down at the floor, my arms crossed under my boobs, and he was quiet like his brain was still trying to get around what I was talking about.

“No.” he lifted his head making me gasp when I saw the hard determination behind the fogginess of whatever he had been taking and stood up making me take a step back and the girl whined over some shit for him to get back when he didn’t look at her making me feel the slightest better, God I was so pathetic still not being able to talk back to him when he was like this.

“You in the bed, whatever your name is, get lost!” he said it hard when she looked at him like she couldn’t believe he just said that to her when he sneered and she got up from the bed still naked and dressed quickly, giving me hateful looks before walking out and slamming the door behind me and I flinched when he got closer to me and I inhaled deeply, feeling the sweet minty breath that made my stomach twist around in a knot when he leaned in even more and I made a gasp when he locked the door behind me, still staring down into my eyes and I was already having a hitch in my breath. my core already throbbing from the way his eyes were on me and giving me the look of hard domination that I was already submissive to where I liked it or not.

“You, clothes off and same fucking position she was in, now.” I was biting my lips from the hard shame that I loved every second of this, I did, and he knew it backing away. I just stood there, my thighs heating up, my core already clenching for him when he gave me a frown like he wasn’t going to wait that much longer.

“Now Andrea, or I’m going to punish you and you know what happens.” He sounded like he wanted me to resist when I just shook my head, no, I didn’t want to get spanked, it hurt!

I pushed my jeans down slowly, making his dick twitch when I stood there and he was watching me in my panties when I pulled off my tank top, giving away my boobs making his eyes go big like he was dying from seeing me in my underwear and my heart was pounding hard against my chest, he loved seeing me, always had when I smiled at him, I had missed him, I really had.

“God I fucking missed seeing that beautiful body… and look at your tits, they are fucking huge baby…” he licked his lips when I smirked, sure they were, or he hadn’t seen me for a month and was imagining shit up.

I pushed my panties down when he nodded in approval, seeing my pussy and I swear I was already wet, ready for him when I unclasped my bra, just dropping it where I was standing when he nodded to the bed and I made a small laughter, he really wanted me in the same position as the girl he was fucking when I walked in did he?

I got down and fell back and he just watched me from the side when I smirked at him, feeling a hundredth times better when I walked in here pushing my legs wide apart, just like that bitch that was fucking him had when I saw them, fucking whore.

“fuck, look at you, just lying down, waiting for me like a good girl… “he stopped when I swallowed. I had said that I didn’t want to be a good girl anymore when my hand move over my pussy making his eyebrows move like he didn’t expect me to do something when I made circular motions over my clit, already turned on by him when he didn’t stop me when I moan pushing my legs further apart and pressed my index finger inside of me, I was already wet making him just stare at me, not taking his eyes away from my pussy for one second, like he was hypnotized by my hand making me even wetter for him.

“Don’t fucking stop, you hear me Andrea, you stop, and I will punish you.” He got around the bed kneeling down making me moan again when I speeded up my finger, rubbing my clit with my other hand when he just watched me kneeled down staring right inside my pussy, making me even more turned on when I was bucking my hips now, the hard clenching making me want something more when my fingers wasn’t enough and I looked at him begging, I needed his cock and he knew it just as much as me.

“Jonah, baby please… I need that dick, baby… I love you so much…” he snapped his eyes up at me, frowning like he didn’t want to hear it, he just wanted to see me come when I closed my eyes and pushed my finger inside rougher when the hard throbbing finally made me buck my hips again and I let my fingers ride out the waves of pleasure that was pulsating thru me when I looked up at him and smiled when he was smiling too.

“Now, get the fuck out.” He got up and I just stared at him, what the fuck did he just say to me, get the fuck out!? But he hadn’t even fucked me?!

“No! I’m not fucking leaving, you give me that cock you bastard, you don’t love me, then you can at least fuck me!” I screamed the words when he was standing at the end of the bed and his shoulders got tense like he couldn’t believe that I just yelled at him, like he was surprised every time I did, that idiot.

“I don’t love you?!” he said the words mocking when I frowned, he didn’t! he had told me himself or did he forget that, how fucking much had he been drinking these last weeks I was gone really?

“No, you don’t and that is why I am gone Jonah, that’s the hard fucking truth, I can’t stand living here when I love you, seeing you fuck girls every fucking day right before my eyes!” I was sitting up now, still out of breath from coming when he made a small chuckle and I knew I wasn’t going to like his answer, I just wasn’t.

“That’s right Andrea, I don’t love you, so get the fuck out before I drag you out by your fucking hair naked!” his eyes still burning when i just gave into the madness that was burning in my chest. Fuck him and what he felt about me!

“I hate you, fucking psychopath, telling me to take my clothes off and take the place of the girl you were fucking, that’s just messed up!” I was already getting up when he was standing so fucking proud, like he hadn’t been drinking at all, dick still hard and his eyes where amused, like he was enjoying fighting with me, I bet he was that sick fuck!

“Oh shut the fuck up, you love it, any other girl would have just screamed and tried to get out, at least show me she didn’t like it, but you just love it don’t you Andrea, you love hearing me command you, and you know why, because I am your fucking dom!” I sneered when he was mocking me, fine I loved it, he made me love it, that fucker.

“You know what, just give me my fucking keys and them I’m out of here, I can even push in another girl if you like that. You can tell her to do whatever you want and I’m never coming back here again!” I was going for his clothes because I know that he would have them on him, he was predictable like that, he didn’t leave his shit around, not like I would do when he saw me and before I could reach the pile that I knew he had been wearing today he snatched me up, holding me back in my arm when I just stared defiantly back into his eyes that where hard and unforgiving against my angry ones.

“So, you want me to treat you like the rest of the girls I fuck, is that it?” he was still holding me, and my arm was starting to hurt when I didn’t answer, no, that not what I fucking wanted, I wanted him, for him to love me back, was that so hard for him to get?!

“Answer me, or I swear to god Andrea, I will fucking smack you so hard that you wont be able to walk out of here.” I made a small gasp when he used his darkest voice, the one that made me scared when I just whimpered back, paralyzed by the dark nature that was over him right now, the one that didn’t care if I got hurt or not.

“ANSWER ME!” he screamed in my face, making me cry right out when I was still being held and he blinked a few times, seeing me cry and just dropped me when I stared at him, still glaring at me with his dark eyes, he was a goddam monster…. I crawled back getting only my tank top and jeans, still crying when I fumbled with the lock and slammed the door open, not caring that he was still naked, and pushed my way through the crowd of people that stared at me and then at him and I knew that there was going to be talk when he just walked up and slammed the door hard.

I was going for the exit when I caught the eyes of Tom, he looked sad and I got it now, he knew, and he tried to fucking warn me about Jonah, that he was a goddamn monster that didn’t have a stop when he snapped.