Chapter 37 - Divorced, but Not broken

The car stopped outside this place just had lights and colors on the walls, people were lining up to get in and Austin walked out when the driver came and opened up for him, helping me out when I jus walked by his side, having my arm in his, giving me some relief from the heels I wasn’t that used to.

There were people everywhere.

I mean everywhere when he walked past, having his driver plus some other guys I hadn’t even seen push drunk and high people away when we walked over to an area upstairs having the whole dancefloor underneath us.

private tables and roped off, just like it was last time, and I mimed thank you to him when he helped me down and I looked around when a girl that looked like she was eighteen and having basically no clothes on came up and he whispered in hear ear making her giggled before she was off and I made a small frown, what the fuck was that about anyway?

He saw me and just made a relaxing smile like I wasn’t supposed to worried and before I knew the girl came back and put down the drinks in front of us making me lose whatever jealousy I was feeling, she was just a waitress, alright. I nodded like I got it and he chuckled making me blush, well fuck I wasn’t used to this, the loud music was crappy and I smiled more at him, he didn’t talk and neither did I, what was the use anyway, the music was way too loud, and I swore that I would be deaf before the evening was over.

It had been about ten minutes before some guys walked up, I had my back against the people when Austin got up and just winked at me, closing his jacket and I smiled back , sipping the drink, not wanting to get drunker then I already was when I almost spat the clear drink right on the table when I saw the people that was standing next to Austin, making fucking small talk, looking serious before walking into an area that I wasn’t allowed into and had several dark suited guys looking like they would not be nice enough to let me in, even if I asked kindly.

My heart beating faster when I just got up from my seat, no… just no… I was making loud whining noises feeling so fucking sorry for myself when I just stared at the door, they had walked inside just a moment ago.

Jonah, Tom, Joseph and a guy that I bet was the replacement for Chris.

They didn’t have suits on, no. actually, they looked like they used to, just maybe a bit more dressed up, and I wanted to die.

my chest getting tighter again, my nausea was back when I stumbled away from the table, not making anyone look up, in their eyes, I was drunk, but I wasn’t, I was just fucking heartbroken and for some reason I just couldn’t fucking escape him, no matter where I turned, he was there.

Why the fuck was he here?! I was so stupid believing that he was just this innocent kid, he sure fucking wasn’t if he was here, doing fucking business with the same guy that may or may not having something to do with Kayla dropping from the face of earth, that motherfucker!

I was just standing there like and idiot when they came back outside and I saw him again, my mouth open and I just gawked at him passing me, the hard eyes not even giving me a glance when I felt my heart being broken all over again, none of them looked at me, like I never existed, like I was a fucking stranger and not someone that they had laughed with, eaten with, what the fuck was up with that!” I wanted to run after him, he fucking hurt me the last time, made me feel like a whore and then just told me to get the fuck out, I fucking hated him for that!

Austin was still not back when I walked downstairs, well this was it, fuck men, fuck them! I should have learned when Ryan fucked me over, they couldn’t be trusted, none of them…. Just all bastards that broke your stupid idiot heart…...

I made sniffles when people were pushing me around inside the club, when there weren’t any guys in suits that helped keep them away and I made surprised scream when I guy in some magical way spilled all his fucking glass over me and my dress.

“you fucker!” I screamed at him when he just looked sorry before staring down at my boobs being wet from the drink and I clenched my jaw and was about to slap him when I felt myself being dragged back, stopping me from slapping the shit out the guy that had ruined my dress and he didn’t even care, how the fuck was I supposed to return the dress now?!

I was about to start screaming more to the guy holding me back when I turned my head and my eyes dilate in horror and longing the same time, meeting the hard blue-green eyes that was looking at me like he was so fucking mad that he didn’t know what he was supposed to do then just hold me, not letting me start a fight with some random guy.

“Jonah…” I just whispered his name and leaned into him, my back against his hard frame and I felt myself relaxing, in a way I hadn’t done for weeks, I didn’t care anymore, I just needed him, just for the moment, forgetting everything right now.

He didn’t answer me, just turned me around fast, having his hands on my shoulders, staring me down when I made a small yelp from getting slightly dizzy from his fast hands.

“Jonah… please… please…. “I was just begging again, making my eyes plead at him when he didn’t even say something back, just cold hard eyes that didn’t give me anything…. I just stopped…. Fuck I was so pathetic, wasn’t I? I snatched my arm back from his hand, the heat still burning when I stared right back, so he was just here to make sure I didn’t fuck Austin, was that it? Well, I was going to, right fucking now!

“He left you.” My eyes widen in the shock when I just looked at him, was he fucking serious with me, Austin left me, why?! He wanted to fuck me, I know he did, I saw it!

“You did this!” I pointed my finger in his chest when he smirked making his handsome face even more handsome, fuck, he did do this and he wasn’t hiding it either, he was going to make sure that I was going to be alone forever and he fucked a new girl every day, was that it?

“Yeah, I did… because you know why? You are fucking mine and I’m not letting Austin Evans of all fucking people touch you, not anyone.” I just made a big gasp from his words, how the fuck did he dare say that to me, I was not his, he had taken away my stuff, made sure I left and now he was here and just said that I couldn’t fuck anyone I wanted, well fuck him!

“I am not yours, you got that you fucker! I told you that I fucking hate you and I am never coming back, you got that Jonah!?” I pushed my finger harder into his firm chest making my voice shriek, I was looking like I was crazy, and I felt like I was, what the hell was he doing, one minute he didn’t want me, and the next one I was his, it was just stupid, and he was a dick!

“Aren’t you?” he pulled me closer making my heart start to beat like crazy even more when I felt his body against mine, his hand already on my ass, caressing it with his big strong fingers that was making me lose my breath and my way of speaking.

“Let’s try that. I bet that I can make you come, right here on the dance floor and you will do it, because you are still mine Andrea, no matter how fucking much you are going to try to run from me, I will always be there, knowing that you are my good girl that will do what I tell you…” I was shivering when he was whispering the words in my ear, leaned down and I made a small moan when his teeth were gracing my skin before he let go and did a small chuckle still rubbing my ass with his warm hands, feeling my hard nipples against his chest, since I was so fucking turned on right now that I didn’t know what to do.

“Now… open your legs for me.” My heart stopped when I looked up scared at him, did he want me to do that now, here of all places? I looked around, people dancing, and the place was packed, me and him just looking like we were just another couple on the dance floor… I made a deep inhaling when he smacked my ass with his hands like he wasn’t going to wait anymore and I parted my legs, just enough to make me grab onto his shirt when I felt the long fingers that was pushing inside me, making my pussy tightening around him, fuck I was dying here, and he was just looking at me like he loved every second of me as his doll.

I was breathing faster when he moved them slowly, stretching me out when I just gave into the hard throbbing that was dominating my body, leaning my head against his chest when I made a cry of pain when his other hand slapped my ass harder this time, making me look up into the hard eyes that was just not giving me anything, no warmth, no care and no fucking mercy.

“I never said that you could lean on me, now just come for me like the bitch you are!” he hissed the words when I felt the tears in my eyes, burning already when he twisted his fingers, knowing what to do when I clawed my nails into his arms, not wanting to scream from the wave of throbbing that was hitting me hard, making my pussy milk his fingers and I just looked away, ashamed that he had made me come, right here on the dancefloor, he didn’t even need to do that much, I was really pathetic.

“That’s it… that’s why I love fucking you Andrea… you are so fucking easy to win over, I just tell you what to do and you do it, like the good girl you are…” he was pulling out his fingers and walked away, leaving me panting and flustered on the dancefloor, what the fuck just happened?!

The hard cry broke through my chest, I was going to kill myself, I was! I just stared where he was going, following the slowest when I saw him back at his table, smiling and laughing like he hadn’t just fucked me right here, my heart shattered even more when he got a girl that came over, she was young and pretty, she really was, flawless, she looked like Kayla, only younger, skinnier and more beautiful.

I just gawked at them, she was kissing him and when he saw me, just for a second, his eyes met mine and he smirked before taking the girl closer, holding her and making me watch him have a full on make out session.

He didn’t kiss me… I touched my lips just staring at them… he didn’t fucking kiss me….” I made even more high pitch sounds from the hard sobs that I just couldn’t stop, why did he do this too me, he told me he didn’t love me, why couldn’t he just let me be, live my own fucking miserable life in peace?!

“Hey pretty… lets go... I’m taking you back since your date ditched you...” I turned to the side and watched him, the nice eyes that was so fucking guilty that I wanted to hurl when I saw them.

I just bowed my head and felt my tears burning even more, I wasn’t going to fight back, what did it matter, I wasn’t going to win, I was never going to win against Jonah, and I just started to realize that.

He pushed people out of the way when we started to walk out of the club, just like the dark suited men and I finally got it, that was his job, Tom was the fucking muscle to Jonah, just like Chris had been, fuck I was so stupid!

I just watched him when he got the keys to his car and opened the door for me and I walked inside, I had stopped crying, but I still looked like a fucking disaster when he got in and just smiled at me like it would help, nothing would help.

I didn’t even raise my eyebrows when he stopped in front of James house, of course he knew where I was living, I wasn’t even surprised anymore, for all I known, Jonah could have been having a tracker on me, I bet he did.

None of us was speaking, I didn’t have anything to say to him, he had done his job, I was back and he could leave.

“Pretty…wait…...” I was going for the handle when his voice that was drenched in pity and guilt stopped me before I just opened the door, I didn’t want to hear it, not tonight, I just fucking didn’t.

He got out to, and I didn’t turn back when he walked after me, doing the thing that was Jonah’s job, taking me home, being fucking sorry over something he didn’t even do, well I didn’t fucking want his excuses or sympathies.

“Andrea, stop please!” I stopped, he called me my real name and I just turned around slowly, showing my destroyed face, what did he want now, he wasn’t Jonah, and I didn’t want him to get in trouble either for talking to me.

“I’m sorry about Jonah… I don’t know what the fuck he is doing…. But don’t let him fucking destroy you, he is the one that is crazy here, not you!” he gritted his teeth when I just smirked back, so he wanted to help me, nobody could help me.

“No… I’m doing fine. Can’t you tell, I’m happy as fuck….” I just sniveled when he looked even more pissed, I didn’t know if he was angry at me or Jonah, but it didn’t matter, I was done.

“I don’t agree with how he did it, but please, for fuck’s sake… stay away from Austin Evans, he is not a good guy Andrea, not at all!” he looked like he wanted to say more but couldn’t, like the good doggie he was, idiot.

“Yeah, stay away from him… got it….” I was just staring into the pavement, standing in a ruined dress that I couldn’t afford and listening to the wrong guy telling me the right things.

“I’m serious, don’t call him, don’t do anything, just stay away.” I looked up, what did it matter anyway, nothing mattered anymore.

“Maybe I should just disappear, just like Kayla, nobody would miss me you know… “I made a weak smile just shrugging like it didn’t matter, I was just talking shit that he wasn’t supposed to hear, I was just drunk and lonely.

“I would miss you.” I looked up again, my shoulders down and I made a smile, sure he would, the woman that he had to follow around, drive home and listen to being a bitch that he didn’t deserve.

“You don’t know me Tom…” he looked more guilty when he knew I was right, I mean sure I had talked to him, but did he know me? Not more then I knew him.

“Well… fuck… maybe not that good… but I know that you are pretty and funny, what more do I need to know? Oh, and that you got a temper like hell, and that you drive Jonah crazy.” He smirked at the end making me huff again, he was just making up shit now, Jonah had shown me just how much I meant to him, absolutely nothing.

He saw that I didn’t believe him and smirked even more, looking happy for the first time since I saw him, I was feeling the same way, except the happy part.

“You do, always have. he was the one that made us go to your job you know, he didn’t need to buy shit, he just wanted to see you.” I blinked when he said that still smirking, Jonah had fucking followed me to my work, was he serious right now?!

“Oh, and when you called him, the night when you left, he was just walking around, like he didn’t know what to do and then you called and I swear I never seen him so fucking happy in my life when he hanged up, just counting the minutes to meet up with you.

He would have come gotten you if it wouldn’t have been so fucking obvious that he was already ready to do anything for you.” He smirked more when I didn’t smile back. It just made the hurt even worse when he told me that Jonah really felt something for me, it didn’t help me, not one fucking bit right now.

“Listen… that’s great… but just stop… I don’t want to hear it…. I was holding my head against my hands, just rubbing my forehead, trying not to start to cry again, I just wanted to sleep and forget I ever saw him tonight.

“Okay but listen, Andrea I’m not just telling this to be fucking nice to you, I’m telling you that you don’t have to take this shit from him. you have him by the fucking balls, all you have to do, is put some pressure on him and he will crack open, he is not that strong against you like you think. he is the bitch here, not you.”

He smiled more when I just stared at him, the big guy that just smiled back, like that would solve everything, just some fucking pressure, well that was fantastic, why didn’t I think of that?!

“I told him I loved him, I told him that if he didn’t say anything to me, I was gone, and now I am fucking gone, and you know what? He hasn’t told me shit, so excuse me for not believing you!” I caught myself raising my voice when he just shrugged like it didn’t matter, it didn’t fucking matter that I had done everything in my fucking power to make him admit that he loved me, anything!

“Are you then, gone I mean?” he smiled more when I lost my air, fuck he was right, I was still here, still waiting on him and he knew it.

“Motherfucker!” I said it out loud when he chuckled at me, he saw that I finally got it, Jonah was afraid of losing me, he was, that’s why he always was around somehow, in his own fucked up world, that was how he thought that love was supposed to be.

“Well, I’m leaving, and … thank you…Tom… I guess I catch you someday… or not…” he just smiled, and I watched him get into the car and drive away.

I hadn’t moved, I was still shell shocked over what he had told me, and I needed a plan, Jonah was going to regret that he ever saw me when I started to walk the stairs up to James’s place, he was going to beg for mercy when I was fucking done with him.