Chapter 13 - Erotic Adventures of Doctor Edison

They took the train and then the taxi to the office building where Gary worked at.

Edison asked Gary on the train if his boss wanted more pheasants. He could sell him all he had got. That way he did not have to find a buyer by himself.

“Edison, wait for me here. I’ll ask my boss about the pheasants.” Gary seemed confident that his boss would agree.

After Gary went inside the building, Edison put the basket on the ground and squatted on the side of the road. It was around 8 o'clock in the morning but Edison was not sleepy even though he had been up all night. Instead, he was restless because of the heat and the humid weather.

Over twenty minutes later, Gary walked out of the building with a grumpy face, “Bro, I asked my boss. He wants to buy all of your ten pheasants, but the price will be lower than $100. He is buying so many pheasants from you, so you should give him a wholesale price. What do you say?”

Wholesale price? Is he taking me as a fool? I don’t have to do wholesale!

“How much is he willing to pay?” Edison asked, taking the cigarette that Gary handed over and lit up. It was a cheap cigarette, may be $5 a pack. Being in Gary’s pocket for a long time, the cigarette was crumpled. Gary lit up one for himself, “Five hundred for all of your pheasants. That’s his offer.”

Five hundred? That means only $50 for each. What a stingy businessman! It’s not bargaining, it’s a robbery. I thought big boss in the city would be generous. Turned out that I was wrong.

Edison took a deep breath and stared at Gary, who looked away as if he was hiding something from Edison.

“Gary, did he tell you that? Five hundred for ten pheasants? Don’t fool me, man. If he only pays me $500, then I might as well sell them to someone else.” Edison was not a person keen on math or business, but he could tell that it was not right. Why did he pay $300 for Gary’s three pheasants and $500 for my ten pheasants?

Edison doubted it. It was possible that Gary lied to him and he wanted to take advantage of him. He picked up the basket and was about to leave.

“Wait, bro. I’ll ask my boss for a higher price. $60? Or $65? How much do you want?” Gary tried to stop Edison from leaving.

“Gary, are you the boss? How can you decide the money?” Edison shook off Gary’s hands, which almost made Gary fall down. Gary was shocked that Edison had such a strength to shake him off. He was way stronger and taller than Edison.

Realizing that Edison could not be fooled, Gary tried to say something nice, “Edison, $65 is a good price. Do you know how to sell things? Especially pheasants. Do you know how to make people buy it? I doubt that. If you come back to me with ten pheasants after you failed to sell them in the market, I will not be able to help you.”

“Forget it, Gary! How do you know that I can’t sell them in the market? I will sell them all today. You’ll know it.”

“I’ll say uncle if you can sell them!” Gary did not believe Edison could do business. He was a doctor after all.

“You will regret what you just said!” Edison carried the basket on his back and walked away from Gary.

“Fuck. You’re such a fool. I’ll consider giving you $40 for each one if you fail to sell them.” Gary spit on Edison’s shadow. I’ll set the price lower than $40 if he comes back in the afternoon.

Carrying the pheasants on his back, Edison found it hard to find a suitable spot to sell the pheasants. He knew nothing about the brand new town although he spent his high school years here.

Back then, he lived in the dormitory and seldom hung out because of too much homework. Five years later, the town was a completely different place.

“I know where I should go,” the only place Edison was familiar with, except his high school, was the hospital in the town.

He had been here for a few days of training before he was sent back to the village as a gynecologist. He liked to take a walk along the street opposite when he had worked here.

The street was a small market where people sold fruits, supplements, flowers, and vegetables. People who came to visit patients in the hospital would come here to buy something. This is a good place to sell my pheasants to those who want their friends or relatives in the hospital to be healthier.

He walked quickly to the small market.

Edison frowned when he noticed that all the good spots were already taken by other vendors. Edison could only find a small corner. Next to him was an old man who was selling hens and eggs.

Since Edison was not selling hens, the old man did not mind Edison taking the place next to him. They soon began to chat to relieve the boredom when there was no one passing.

“Only $30 for a hen that is all prepared to cook. You don’t even have to clean it,” The man said to a customer.

“$25. I’ll buy it if you sell it at $25,” the customer started to bargain.

Hearing this, Edison started to ask people passing by to take a look at his pheasants.

“How much is one?”

“$100. They are fat and fresh.”

“That’s too expensive.”

The pheasants’ fresh and their tender meat worth the money. They are expensive for a reason. Is there anyone here who knows the value of pheasants?

After an hour, Edison did not sell even one pheasant. They were expensive for most people.

“Boy, you should go home. You’re not made to sell pheasants in a market,” the vendor sitting in the chair laughed at him.

At this moment, Edison saw a fancy white car pull up. A beautiful woman got out of the car. It was the lady from the bus!

He remembered that it was a Ford that she left on the road before she got on the bus. Now it was a Maserati. She must be rich. Edison whistled lowly as he admired the car.

“Hi, do you want some pheasants? They are big and fresh, and you will like their meat, I assure you!”

Edison squatted on the ground and looked up at the woman who was wearing a pair of high-heeled shoes. He could see her panties under her short skirt since she stood right in front of him. But he could not see it clearly because of the black stockings. He hated the stockings. If it weren’t for the stockings, he would see the color of her panties.

She smelt good. Her feet, legs, and even skirt were fragrant. Edison wanted to press her on the ground and taste that fragrance.

The woman’s eyes widened as she recognized Edison’s face. Her face turned red when she heard Edison’s voice, “It’s you...shame on you!”

She then turned around and went towards the hospital.

“What? Why are you treating me like this? I’ve done nothing to you,” Edison did not understand. He had done nothing wrong.

The vendor chuckled, “I guess she’s terrified of your bulging cock. You’re right, they are big.”

Edison would not miss the chance. Selling one or all of the pheasants to the rich lady was worth a try. $1000 in her eyes was not too much probably since she had not only one but two expensive cars!

“Dude, take the money. Can you keep an eye on my pheasants? I have to go to the hospital. I will be back soon,” Edison put $10 on the vendor’s palm.

“No problem, man. Leave them to me. Maybe I can sell one or two of these,” Everyone loved money after all.

Edison quickly crossed the road and followed the woman into the hospital. The hospital was crowded with people, many of them were from the surrounding villages of the city. They were lining up to see the doctor’s names and titles displayed on the board on the wall. Edison spotted the woman and stood behind her, pretending to stretch out her neck to see the board. Soon a few more people joined the line.

Finally, Edison was pushed by the people behind him and moved closer to the woman. He felt his body cooling down when his chest pressed against the woman’s back. Her butt in the black short skirt was protruding out.

“Hey dude, can you step back a bit?” Edison told the man behind him while his body was still pressed against the rich lady’s.

Edison felt her soft butt rubbing against his cock which fit in her crack perfectly.