Chapter 14 - Erotic Adventures of Doctor Edison

Edison was pushed by the people behind him and his body closely against the woman in front of him. But Edison did not mind being pushed from behind. He wanted to feel her body’s temperature, curves, and smell the seductive perfume she was wearing.

“Do you want me to call the guard?” The woman turned around and warned Edison.

Edison pretended to look behind him helplessly. More and more people were gathering around. “I’m not doing this on purpose. There are people lining behind me. They are pushing me forward,” Edison said with a forced and sorry smile.

The hospital had won a good reputation in service and excellent doctors. Most people were trying to go to see the best doctor in a certain department. Few people had time to come here during weekdays, so there were always more people on Sunday.

“Take your dick away. And if I feel it on my butt again, I will cut it off!” The woman whispered aggressively and looked at the people behind Edison. He was stretching her patience to the limit.

The man behind Edison chuckled when he heard this, which made the woman angrier. Edison seemed cool with it. He stood closer to the woman as she turned around to read the words displayed on the wall. Edison felt the woman’s soft body with his chest and dick. Her waist was slender and her ass round. And her legs were thin and silky.

He pinched her waist when no one else were paying attention to them. “What are you doing? Security! Where’s the security? He’s a pervert.”

"Shhh!" Edison whispered, "Please don't call the security. Let’s not waste other people’s time. If you line here, it will take you at least half an hour to get the information about the doctor you’d like to see. And you may not see the doctor today. How about this? Tell me which doctor you’re looking for. Maybe I can introduce you to him. You don’t have to wait until tomorrow or even till next week. I have friends working here.”

“You? Really?” The woman was somewhat suspicious of his words as she eyed him.

“My name is Edison and I worked here. The doctors and nurses know me well. You have nothing to lose, right? Why not let me find you a reliable doctor?” What Edison said sounded reasonable.

The woman frowned, “I know what you’re trying to do. Are you working for some doctor and trying to get him more clients? Alright, how much do you want for getting me the doctor that I want?”

If he can help me find the doctor, then it saves me time. If it’s a lie, that’s fine, I have money and I’d like to take a risk rather than standing here surrounded by savages.

“I don’t want money. But you have to buy one pheasant from me. Trust me, they taste good and are worth $100 each. And in return, I’ll find you a gynecologist.”

Edison did not want to take advantage of others and he only wanted to sell all the pheasants for money.

“Deal! I’ll buy your pheasants. But you must introduce me to the gynecologist, Clara.” The woman agreed to the offer quickly. $100 was nothing to her if he could really introduce her to Clara.

“Clara?” Edison asked in surprise.

The expression on his face made the woman feel hopeless, “Why? You don’t know her?”

“Well, you’re asking me to complete an impossible mission. Clara is the best gynecologist in the hospital. Even the hospital administrator respects her a lot. It’s tricky but I will give it a try.”

That meant he knows Clara.

The woman had heard from others before she came here this morning that it was impossible to see Clara. If her car had not broken down halfway, she could have been here earlier and would have seen Clara. It was over 10 in the morning. If I do not see the doctor today, I have to come another day. What a waste of time!

Edison smiled as he saw the woman’s worried face, “You’re lucky today. Clara is my friend. She’ll see me no matter how busy she is.”

Really? I think he must be bragging. Clara graduated from a well-known university and she also went to study abroad. With her advanced medical skills, she had made great achievements in gynecology. After only one year working here, she became the chief physician. How could a man selling pheasants know her?

“If you can introduce me to Clara, I’ll buy all your pheasants,” a tone of contempt in her voice showed that she knew it was impossible for Edison to do what she asked of him.

“Great,” Edison’s eyes lit up. He looked around and said, “Come with me. We’ll go to Clara’s office. I’ll say you’re my cousin and boom, problem solved. What’s your name, by the way?”

“Call me Sally,” Edison finally got her name. He smiled enigmatically at her, “Let’s go. Remember you’re my cousin now.”

Clara always gave Edison a headache. She was a person with principles. Although she would do Edison a favor, she would get mad if she knew what was actually going on.

Edison led Sally upstairs, “Sally, what’s troubling you? Because I am also a gynecologist! Tell me, maybe I can help."

Sally snorted, “Even if you were a gynecologist, I would never trust you. I want Clara.” Sally rolled her eyes at him. I’m not a fool.

“Alright, alright, I know Clara’s the best in your mind.”

When they arrived at the third floor, where Clara’s office was, Edison asked Sally to wait for a second outside the office. He pushed the door open and went inside.

Sitting on the chair behind the office table was a slender young girl wearing a white lab coat. She was reading a book and did not notice that someone had entered her office. Before she could turn her head around, her eyes were covered with a pair of big hands, “Guess who I am, sweetheart!”

“Edison?” Clara knew it was him when she heard his voice.

She was a respected doctor from a prestigious family. No one dared to call her “sweetheart” in the hospital. No one other than Edison.

“At least you remember me, sweetheart. Let me see your face. Wow, you became even prettier.” Edison put his hands on Clara’s shoulder and turned her around. Her face was indeed pretty, but what Edison cared about were her well-shaped boobs.

Her boobs were big, bursting out of the white coat. And with her childlike face, she was like a high school student who was wearing a grown-up’s clothes.

He grabbed Clara’s boobs with one of his hands, making her blush.

“Stop, Edison. I am at work!”

She put her hands on Edison’s chest and tried to push him away, while Edison grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his arms. She hugged Edison tightly. With no one else in the office, Clara was acting like a child. Tears filled in her eyes and her shoulder twitched, “Edison, you should come here more often. I missed you.”

It had been only two weeks that Edison finishing training in the hospital and went back to the village. But to Clara, it had been like a century. She buried her head against his shoulder.

Feeling her soft body, Edison patted her back and kissed her forehead tenderly. “Clara, are you crying? If someone walks in and sees their respected doctor crying on a stranger’s shoulder, you’ll get into trouble.” He did not want to make things difficult for Clara. He was trying to figure out a way to let her help Sally.

“Let them talk. I don’t care. You’re not a stranger.” Clara refused to budge from Edison’s arms. She knew that if the nurse saw her like this, her jaw would drop. But Clara did not care.

Since Edison could not push her away, he reached his hands down her waist and pinched her round ass. Clara did not resist for she was enjoying his touch and swung her hips. Edison knew that her butt was her sensitive part. Every time he pinched there, she would usually push him away, but she liked it today.

“Clara, if you really want it, let’s do it in your office, huh?”