Chapter 20 - Finding Her True Alpha


I ran out of the back door of the pack house. As fast as I could, I ran through the snow-covered forest. I was trying to outrun the guilt I was feeling. How could I let that kiss happen? Why did I think that Ian and I could just go back to being friends? And I just hurt Mason, tears running down my cheeks. I know how I’d feel if things were reversed and I can’t believe I did that to him.

I ran until I hit the clearing with a waterfall. This is the spot where I’d come with Ian. The water falls into a hot spring pool and then overflows into a creek. Large, flat rocks surrounded the pool of water. Panting, I was covered in sweat by the time I reached the falls.

I sat cross-legged on a rock, facing the pool and the waterfall. I was trying to settle my breathing, but I couldn’t. Guilt churned my stomach as I thought about the situation I put myself in. I thought Ian and I had an understanding of our relationship. Did I not make my intentions clear to him?

I felt this burning pain in my chest and it was making it harder to breathe.

“Tundra, what is happening?”

“Ashlyn, you need to release that built-up of magic. I want you to walk to the middle of the clearing,” Tundra commanded. I stood up from the rock and walked to the middle of the clearing.

“Now what?” I asked her.

“Close your eyes and focus on the wind. Picture it moving around you, building up speed.”

I did what I was told, and the burning in my chest grew hotter. I started gritting my teeth against the pain.

“Now, push the force out!” Tundra howled.

I threw my arms out, letting out the scream I was holding in. Once the burning eased, I fell to my knees, panting. I opened my eyes to find a 30 foot circle of snow cleared around me. The trees around the clearing had also dumped their snow. Looking around, I was stunned.

“Tundra, what was that?”

“You used the power of the air. You can use all the elements, but you need to focus. Overwhelming emotions helped bring them to the surface, but you’ll need to learn how to bring them forward without those emotions.” Tundra explained.

I walked back over to the pool; I laid down and let my arm dip into the water. It was a cloudy late November day. It was chilly, but Tundra was keeping me warm enough.

“Tundra, I fucked up.” I sighed.

“Ashlyn, Ian fucked up. He touched you, and Mason will understand.” She told me.

“Will he? I know I’d be pissed if that happened to him.” I countered.

“Sit up, I sense someone.” She growled.

I did what I was told and looked around the clearing. I noticed nothing unusual until five figures walked out of the forest on the far side of the clearing. They didn't smell like wolves and I didn't recognize them.

“Vampires.” Tundra growled.

I stood up off the rock and waited for them to come to me. The pack didn't know Tundra, so I couldn't shift. I crossed my arms over my chest while they approached me.

“This is werewolf pack land. Leave now.” I commanded, when they stopped about 10 feet in front of me. They were all dressed in black, and they had hoods covering their faces. The one in the middle lowered his hood.

“Oh my little wolf, you’ll be coming with us.” He smirked. And I glared.

“I’m not going anywhere with a bunch of vampires. Now leave.” I stated firmly. Why would vampires want with me?

“We have our orders, little Wolf. You can walk out with us peacefully or we can force you. Either way, you are coming with us,” he stated. And I moved into my fighting stance.

“I guess we are doing this the hard way.” I told him with a smirked. The one in the middle moved back to let his minions try to take me down. Not today, assholes.

Two came at me and I ripped one’s throat out with my claws and I hit the other with my elbow, sending him back. But he clawed me down my ribs, ripping my flesh. He tripped and fell into the pool. The pain was intense, but now I was pissed off. The burning sensation was back in my chest, and I closed my eyes to focus. I could find their heartbeats. I focused on the pumping of the blood until I forced the sensation out. One vampire exploded when I opened my eyes. And I was now covered in his blood. His comrades were stunned, and I used that to my advantage. I ripped the heart out of the one that was closest to me.

That left only the one that did all the talking and the one in the pool of water. He had climbed out now and they were both circling me. Holding one of my hands to my side, I tried to stop the bleeding and the pain. Closing my eyes, I focused on the surrounding air. I could hear it building and the screams of the two vampires. I held on until the burning was unbearable and then I released it with a scream. After opening my eyes, I fell to my knees, exhausted. But I had to make sure the two vampires were dead before I could relax.

I stumbled but got up and walked the 20 feet to where they were lying on the ground. It shocked me to see that the air cut right through them and they were both lying in two pieces.

After I knew I was safe, I walked back over to the pool and took off my clothes, leaving my bra and panties on. The warm water felt great until it hit the gashes down my ribs. Fuck, stupid vampires. I opened a mindlink to Ian.

“Ashlyn, where are you? I felt something cross the border.” He yelled.

“Our spot, vampires.” I stated. I had to close the link because it was taking too much energy to hold it open.

I rest my head on my folded arms on one of the rocks. I was most submerged in the hot spring pool, exhausted. The heat was pleasant, and I closed my eyes. I could hear paws hitting the ground in the distance. I knew it was Ian and his warriors.

Ian startled me by jumping into the pool, grabbing my waist from behind, and I screamed out in pain. The water was now pink from all the blood. And there was blood and dead vampires all around the clearing.

“Ashlyn, you’re hurt?” Ian exclaimed, holding me in the water.

“My side,” I hissed. Ian lifted me out of the water and laid me on a rock so he could examine my wounds. I didn’t even care that I was almost naked at this point. My side burned with a pulsating fury.

Ian hopped out of the pool and he helped me to stand. He then wrapped a towel around my midsection to help stop the bleeding. The pressure caused me to cry out. I wasn’t sure how I was even going to make it back to the pack house. My knees buckled when I tried to walk. I was more exhausted than I thought.

Ian scooped me up in his arms. He was now wearing a shirt and shorts. Trying really hard to breathe through the pain, but it seemed to only be getting worse and not better.

“Ashlyn, I’m going to carry you to the hospital. I need you to stay awake. So why don’t you tell me what happened.” Ian whispered to me while he was already walking. I groaned, just wanting to sleep.

“I came out here to think and five vampires entered the clearing. One said that they were looking for me. One of them clawed me before I killed them.” I explained. I closed my eyes because the bouncing was making me dizzy.

“You did such a good job.” He praised me. “And I know you’re tired, but I need you to stay awake a little longer, okay?” I nodded on his chest. He may not be my mate, but his scent was familiar to me.

I must have fallen asleep because it awoke me with a start when Ian placed me on a bed in the hospital. The doctor unwrapped the towel that was now saturated with my blood. He started checking the wounds, and I screamed out in pain. Ian was holding my hand to give me some comfort.

“The vampire coated their nails with a toxin that’s affecting your healing.” The doctor explained. “I’ll need to clean it and stitch you up. It will take a few days for the wounds to heal.” The doctor told me and I nodded.

Ian covered up some of my body with a blanket while the doctor was cleaning the wound. I was crying from the pain, tears streaming down my cheeks. It was not feeling any better. The doctor tried numbing the area with a numbing cream but I was sure I was going to break Ian’s hand. He was brushing my hair away from my eyes and whispering to me.

It felt like hours by the time the doctor finished stitching me up. Alex brought in some clothes for me so I could return to the pack house. The doctor gave me some painkillers, but mostly I just had to wait until my body flushed the toxin out. I knew that fucker was dead, but I really wanted to kill him again for causing me this much pain.

Ian and Alex took me to the pack house. Ian helped me to my room and Alex made sure I had some water and my phone nearby. I don’t even remember them leaving the room. My head hit the pillow, and I was out.