Chapter 19 - Finding Her True Alpha

Prince Mason

We took Ashlyn home from the hospital, and she immediately went to her room. I couldn’t blame her. Everything her aunt told her was fucked up. I’ve known Ashlyn for 3 days and I can already tell you she would never sleep with someone to gain a title. She rejected her fake Alpha mate. Most girls I knew wouldn’t care what the Alpha did, as long as she became Luna. Ashlyn seems to really care about the people in her life. I think she cares a little too much for that Alpha Ian, though.

“So.” Liam drew out the o. “You and Ashlyn, huh?” He asked me. We were all sitting in the living room. I didn’t know how to answer that question because I haven’t been able to talk to her. And her aunt didn’t seem to be a fan of mine, or maybe it was because I’m a man of title.

“I haven’t spoken to her about it yet.” I shrugged.

“So, what did you guys talk about after she woke up?” Brandon questioned.

“Ashlyn and Alpha Ian were spelled in a love potion. Their bond wasn’t real. I guess when I kissed her, it forced the magic to surface and then she could break the spell.” I explained. And they both looked at me, stunned.

“What the fuck does that mean?” Liam exclaimed.

“It means that Ashlyn is my mate, but there’s magic blocking some of the bond. I can feel the sparks, but Thor can’t claim her.” I told them, going further into details about what I knew.

“Why can’t you claim her?” Brandon asked. I looked at Liam and he was still trying to process everything.

“Thor says that when he tries to come forward to claim her wolf, Tundra, he’s met with an invisible wall.” I confessed. Ashlyn was so upset that I knew I couldn't sleep. I was going to go see her when Brandon’s phone rang.

“Hello?” He answered. I got up to go check on Ashlyn. I found her asleep in her bed. She looked so peaceful, and I didn’t want to wake her up. Honestly, I wanted to crawl into bed with her. I sat on the edge of the bed beside her and she rolled into me in her sleep. She was chasing my scent, even in her sleep. Mates slept better together, and she was seeking the security my scent provides her.

I was enjoying my moment with Ashlyn until Brandon was in my head. Apparently, Donny was the one who called, and he was demanding to see Ashlyn. Brandon went down to bring him up here. Sighing, I shook Ashlyn’s shoulder to wake her up gently.

“Go away, Mason.” She groaned.

“I’m sorry, but Donny is demanding to see you. He’s on his way up.” I murmured. I knew she was upset.

“Fine.” She whined. She climbed off the bed and walked into her walk in to change. I sat on her bed to wait for her. Even when she is grumpy and annoyed, she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. And she was ours. I can’t wait to meet her wolf. I was smiling when she came out of the closet. She looked surprised to see me still here, waiting. She said nothing, as we walked out of her room to meet Donny in the living room. He immediately stood up to gave her a hug.


I wasn’t happy about getting out of bed to see Donny, but I knew how persistent he was. When I walked into the living room, he immediately wrapped me in a hug. I welcomed the comfort. I was feeling alone. Brandon and Liam were sitting on a couch, and Mason took the chair. I sat with Donny on the other couch.

Donny passed me a coffee, and I was so thankful that he remembered my slight coffee addiction. The warm beverage definitely helped soothe me.

“Thank you for the coffee.” I told him, smiling into my cup.

“Ashlyn, are you okay? What happened?” He asked, concerned. My coffee was in my lap. I sat down with my body turned towards him with my elbow on the top of the couch. I rested my head in my hand.

“I’m fine, Donny. And there’s a lot to explain. But can I ask you a question?” I asked him.

“Buttercup, I hope you know you can tell me anything. You’ll receive no judgement from me. Ask away.” he said.

“Is there a rumor going around the pack about me sleeping with the Alpha?” I asked him, my stomach in knots. He looked at me, shocked. I know he wasn’t expecting that question.

“You mean Alpha Ian?” He asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

“No, the current Alpha.” I corrected him and he shifted uncomfortably on the couch. He sighed.

“Yeah, I heard the rumors. But I never thought they were true.” He quickly added. “What made you ask about rumors?” He asked. I pinched the bridge of my nose, hoping to stop the tears.

“Awe, buttercup. Don’t cry. What happened?” He asked, rubbing my leg to comfort me.

“My aunt came to the hospital before they released me. She confronted me, saying I was sleeping my way to the top, and I needed to be more responsible. She didn’t even let me explain what happened. She just assumed sex, drugs and alcohol.” I explained through deep breaths, as I was trying really hard not to cry.

“That doesn’t sound like Grace.” He said, confused.

“We were all there.” Liam told him.

Donny took my face in his hands so I was looking at him.

“Buttercup, everyone who knows you doesn’t believe any of those rumors. I know you were just trying to better an awful situation when the Luna was killed. You wanted to be there for the people you care about. People twist things because they are jealous. I’m not sure what Grace was going on about, but me and the guys know you would never do that. You wouldn’t even use cheat codes in our games and that was a victimless crime.” He chuckled. “You have always been like a little sister to us. And when you are ready to talk about what happened, I’m always here for you, buttercup.” He said and I was full on sobbing now. He wrapped me in his arms and let me cry into his chest.

“I’ll talk to Grace and Brad, okay?” He told me and I nodded into his chest. When I finally could calm down my sobs, I pulled away from him.

“Are you okay now, buttercup?” He asked, and I nodded.

“Okay, but I want you to call me tomorrow.” I nodded and hugged him again.

“Thank you.” I whispered to him. I don’t think he’ll ever understand the power of his words. My aunt’s words hurt because I thought she would never believe those lies about me. And I thought if she believed them, then everyone would.

He had to run, so we said goodbye, and he left. I promised to call him tomorrow. And then it was just me and the guys. I was resting my head on my arm on the back of the couch. I had my eyes closed, focusing on my breathing.

“Ashlyn, are you hungry?” Brandon asked. I kind of spaced out there. I forgot where I was for a moment.

“Yes, what are you guys thinking?” I asked him, not moving.

“What do you want, beautiful?” Liam asked me.

“Something unhealthy and delicious,” I mumbled. And they all chuckled. I could hear them moving around and the elevator dinged, but I was too lost in my head. I felt so overwhelmed that the best thing for me to do was to think of nothing.

I didn’t realize I was alone with Mason until he touched my arm, causing me to jump. He had moved from the chair to beside me on the couch. He leaned back on the couch and rested his head so that we were eye level when he turned his head to look at me.

“Are you okay?” He asked me, concerned. I nodded. “Could I ask you some questions about what happened earlier?” He asked me and I nodded to him again. I was finding it hard to find my voice. He let out a breath and I could hear his heart rate increase.

“What happened with you and Alpha Ian?” He finally asked, unsure.

“Ian and I are friends,” I told him.

“Friends?” He questioned.

“Mason?” I smiled when he looked at me.

“Yeah?” He furrowed his eyebrows. I lifted my hand to his cheek, and goosebumps erupted all over my body.

“I know you’re my mate.”



My uncle called a few days after the hospital incident. He asked me to come visit. He told me my aunt wasn’t doing very well with what happened. I decided to go hear her out. She is my aunt and I love her. I texted Ian to ask if I could stay at the pack house just in case, though. I already had a room there, as I spent a lot of time there even before Ian and I became an item. Ian’s mom, the Luna, was like a second mom to me. And I’d spend weekends there with them when my aunt and uncle needed time away.

Mason, Brandon and Liam had to stay behind for training and end of semester stuff. Mason wasn’t happy about me going alone, but he really didn’t have a choice. He had crap to do, and I had to work things out with my aunt. I think he was worried about me being around Ian. I understand, but then again, he should trust me. We are mates but we can’t claim each other. It’s a weird relationship. We shared one kiss but we really haven’t had anytime to talk about anything. The day after I came home, they were stuck in meetings and dealing with students.

I think this trip will be good for me though, just my music and the open road. It’s nice to just get away for a bit. I left early this morning and I should be there in about an hour now. It’s hard to believe that I’ve only been away for a week. I can’t decide if this week has gone really fast or really slow.

Finally, I pulled up to the gates of the pack and a warrior waved me in. I’m sure Ian let them know of my arrival. I was going to go to the pack house first and then surprise my aunt at dinner. Hopefully, she’s in a better mood.

Pulling up to the pack house, Ian and Alex were waiting on the steps for me. I noticed a lot of the people around the pack house were staring as I pulled up. Hopefully, they were staring at the car and not me. I sent a quick text to Mason to let him know I had arrived and then went out to greet Ian and Alex.

Alex pulled my small suitcase out of the boot and we headed inside. I had my old room on the alpha floor close to his. I had a couple of hours until I was due at my aunt’s, so I took a shower and then I got ready. Ian and Alex had a couple of patrol meetings, so they left me to myself.

My room had a kingsize bed, and was done in white and light purple. It had a flat screen TV on the wall, a dresser and a closet. It also had an ensuite. There was a shower with glass panels and everything in darker marble. The room was warm and inviting and I’ve stayed in this room often. It still had a lot of my things in it.

I was ready just in time to walk over to my aunts. I was really dragging my feet, and I was playing on my phone. Mason hadn’t texted back, so I’m sure he was busy. I started the 10-minute walk with my earbuds in, listening to some music. I was feeling nervous about seeing my aunt again after how we left things.

Taking a deep breath, I walked up to the door and knocked. I could hear them shuffling inside, and then my uncle opened the door. He gave me a big hug and kissed my cheek. He led me into the living room and my aunt called from the kitchen.

“Brad, who was that?” she asked him while she walked into the living room. She looked surprised when she saw me.

“Ashlyn?” She gasped. She ran over to me, wrapping me in a hug.

“I’m so sorry, Ashlyn. I was out of line and under so much stress. And then I was worried about you. You were gone only a few days, and that call from Donny scared me to death. And it always seems to be the men in your life causing you so many problems.” She rushed out in all one breath. “And we have something to tell you!” She squealed. “I’m pregnant.” I looked at her, stunned. No wonder she was being such a bitch. She was hormonal.

“Oh, my goddess! That’s wonderful news,” I exclaimed. We were both hugging and crying and then my uncle joined in the hug. When we finally pulled apart, she took my cheeks in her hands.

“I am so sorry, Ashlyn.” She cried.

“Me too. And I’ll explain everything over dinner.” I told her. Dinner was amazing, and I was able to explain everything to her. The fake bond and how Mason is my mate, but we can’t claim each other. And all the crap in between. To say they were both shocked would have been an understatement. I guess she’s right about the men in my life, though.

My Aunt didn’t know about my mother’s powers or my grandmother’s power. She knew my parents were good friends with the king, but she never thought that Prince Mason was that king’s son. I’m assuming she has baby brain already.

It was such a great visit, and I was so happy that they were finally having a pup. I felt so much better after speaking to them both about what happened. I trusted these two people the most, and it felt good to tell them the entire story, not just bits and pieces.

We eventually said goodnight, and I walked back to the pack house. I didn’t see Alex or Ian anywhere, so I decided to just go to bed. Pulling out my phone, Mason still hadn’t texted me. I just put it away. He asked me to text him and then he didn’t even bother to respond. I didn’t even know our relationship status. Sure, we are mates, but our wolves can’t claim each other, so does that mean our human side should?

It’s hard to understand our relationship when we haven’t had time to talk about it. It’s weird. I feel detached from him. Like we’ve been together for years, but now we kind of lost each other. I’m probably over thinking things, but it’s hard when you can’t talk about it to the one person who has the answers.

After getting ready, I climbed into bed. Exhausted from my drive and all the excitement at my aunt’s. I’m so glad they're having a pup. I can’t wait to meet them. Closing my eyes, I wondered what it would be like to have a pup of my own.

The next morning, I met Ian and Alex in the kitchen for breakfast. They were coming back from morning training. We all ate breakfast, and I followed Ian up to his room. It wasn’t unusual for us. He’d get ready, and I’d lay on his bed, watching TV until he was done. I was enjoying having my friend back. We were joking and laughing and everything seemed natural with him again.

He went to have a shower, and I jumped on his bed to watch TV. I looked everywhere for the remote but couldn’t find it. I opened his bedside table to see if he had stuck it in there. Honestly, I think he has a problem with putting the remote back in the same spot.

“Finally!” I exclaimed to myself. It was in the side table drawer, but there was a blue velvet box beside the remote. I pulled it out to look at it. It was a ring box. I opened it to find a beautiful rose gold diamond ring. What was Ian doing with a diamond ring? I was confused, and I didn’t have to wait long for an answer because just then he came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He was staring at me holding the ring box and I was staring at him, confused.

He came over, snatching the box away from me. “What the hell are you doing?” He growled.

“I was just looking for the TV remote,” I said innocently. He threw it back into the side table drawer before turning back, glaring at me. I crossed my arms across my chest.

“Ian, I wasn’t snooping. I was just looking for the remote, I swear.” I tried to reassure him. But without saying a word, he walked into his closet to get dressed and I sat on the edge of his bed.

“Ian?” I called to him. I was nervous about asking him about the ring.

“What, Ashlyn?” He answered, annoyed. He walked back into his room fully dressed in jeans and a white tee. I stood up from his bed, feeling awkward.

“Who’s the ring for?” I whispered. He ran his hand through his still damp hair while taking a deep breath.

“I bought it for you.” He said bitterly.

“Why?” I whispered. I walked closer to him and was now standing right in front of him.

“Because I love you, Ashlyn,” he said. Grabbing my waist, he pushed me up against the wall, his body flush with mine. Before I could react, he crushed his lips to mine. When my brain finally caught up with my body, I turned my head. Ian let out a sigh, resting his forehead against mine.

“Please, don’t,” I whispered. Guilt turned my stomach into knots.

“Ashlyn, please give me another chance,” he pleaded. Placing my hands on his chest, I pushed him just enough that I was no longer pinned to the wall by his body.

“I should go.” I told him, rushing out of his room.

“Ashlyn, I’m sorry.”