Chapter 24 - Finding Her True Alpha

Prince Mason

We were just pulling up to our meet-up location. There were about 30 warriors waiting on our orders for the search. We started getting people into groups and areas when we heard sirens driving fast, rushing past us. We were all ready to head out when Brandon received a call from the police chief.

“They found her car in a ravine.” He called to us and we all ran to his truck. Brandon was driving while he explained what the police chief had told him.

“They found the car after it deployed the airbags. I guess her car had a GPS thing, and it would notify the authorities about the car’s location. She wasn’t in the car. And someone ripped the roof off after the accident and they found some blood.” He explained.

My stomach was in knots with worry. What the hell happened? How did she end up in a ravine and where did she go? My mind was all over the place.

We pulled up to the scene, and the police had the bridge blocked off while they investigated. I noticed fresh skid marks on the bridge that led over the guardrail. I looked over the guardrail to see her car smashed to pieces. It was facing up, but someone indeed ripped the roof off. The front of the car was submerged in the stream that flowed through the ravine.

The slope down to the bottom was very steep and slippery with wet snow. All three of us made our way down to the scene. One of my father’s gamma, Liam’s father, was there to investigate.

“It looks like she went over the guard rail but we aren’t sure why. The car’s roof was ripped off and thrown over there.” He pointed.

“We also found an empty syringe in the snow beside the driver’s side door. We sent it to the lab for testing. It seems all her belongings are in the vehicle. We just can’t trace her. There is fresh blood on the driver’s side window, which we are assuming she hit her head on. We also found a couple of bloody shirts and hoodies in the car, along with a used first aid kit. Now do you boys, what to explain to me why she is so important?” Gamma William asked us.

“Dad, Ashlyn is the King’s goddaughter. We should have been protecting her. We found out yesterday that vampires attacked her in her former pack while she was visiting. Most of yesterday, we were looking for her.” Liam explained.

“Well, I can tell you that this all happened about 30 minutes ago. Whomever took her was in and out without a trace. We can’t even find footprints.” Gamma William informed us.

My stomach churned painfully as I looked at the car, worried about who had taken her. And how badly she was hurt and wounded from the earlier vampire attack was clear in the bloody clothes. She must have been in so much pain, but instead of resting, she drove 7 hours for me to turn her away.

Thor forced the shift and took off further into the ravine. He was trying to sniff out his mate. We would get small sniffs here and there, but nothing stronger than a whiff. It was incredibly frustrating, and Thor let out a sorrowful howl.

Thor ran until he searched the entire pack lands, but he never picked up her scent. She was gone, and we didn’t have any clues to where she could be. My father eventually mindlinked me back to his meeting room. I had to walk into the building in Thor's body, since I shredded my clothes. Thor walked over to the elevator and hit the up button. Thor made it up to the meeting room, and I shifted back. Liam threw me a pair of sweatpants.

Liam, Brandon, William and my father were all going over maps and photos of the scene. The only thing we had was the syringe.

“Did you find anything?” My father asked, and I shook my head.

“We have confirmed all the blood is from a female wolf. Also, the syringe tested positive with a sedative. And that’s all the evidence we have.” William informed me.

“I called Ashlyn’s family and the Alpha’s. They will be here tomorrow.” Brandon said.

“Okay, maybe we should get the council involved? If vampires attacked her the first time, they are most likely involved now. We need to speak to the Vampire King.” I told him. And my father said he would handle it.

As of right now, there wasn’t anything that we could do. Patrol had doubled around the border and the police had increased their patrolling in the city. We had also sent scouts and trackers out to see if they could find anything.

It’s a waiting game and, honestly, I’ve never felt so useless in my life. I didn’t even know where to look.

The next afternoon, Alpha Ian, Beta Alex, Grace and Brad arrived. We were all in my father’s office meeting room. Grace was beside herself and her mate was comforting her.

“Where was she supposed to be staying?” Alpha Ian asked.

“She was staying with us,” Liam answered.

“So then why wasn’t she?” He demanded.

“Ashlyn and I had an argument,” I confessed.

“Are you not Ashlyn’s mate, Prince Mason? Why would you let her leave?” Grace cried.

“Mate!” Alpha Ian and his beta yelled.

“Ashlyn is your mate, and you failed to protect her, to keep her safe?” Alpha Ian growled at me.

“If you kept your paws off of my mate, there wouldn’t have been an argument.” I growled back.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” He demanded.

“It means I felt you with my mate. And watch how you fucken speak to me!” I growled.

“If I had known she had a mate, I wouldn’t have kissed her.” Alpha Ian confessed. And I punched him in the face. Brandon and Liam grabbed me and Beta Alex helped his Alpha.

“If Ashlyn is your mate, then why haven’t you marked her?” Beta Alex asked me.

“Our wolves can’t,” I breathed out.

“Son, just because your wolf can’t claim her doesn’t mean you can’t mark her.” My father chimed in.

“Father, what are you saying?” I asked him.

“How much of the bond do you feel?” He asked me.

“I feel all of it. I felt the sparks even with the love potion to Alpha Ian. When she broke the spell, the bond became stronger.” I explained.

“Do you and Ashlyn both feel it?” Beta Alex asked.

“Yes,” I confirmed.

“Prince Mason, to be fair, I would never have kissed Ashlyn if I knew she had found her mate.” Alpha Ian said.

“Then what were you doing?” Brandon asked the Alpha.

“I was hoping to win her back. You’ve met her. Wouldn’t you try if you fucked up?” He answered, and I had to agree with him. I wouldn’t be able to let her go without a fight.

“I understand, Alpha Ian. But as long as you understand that from this point on, Ashlyn is mine,” I commanded.

“I understand, Prince Mason.” Alpha Ian answered. And I nodded to him.

“Great, now that the two of you have kissed and made up, what the fuck are you going to do to find my niece?” Grace yelled in frustration.

“I’ve contacted the council with the information that we have. The Vampire King will help. He was also a friend of the Knight family. I have everyone on the lookout for anything suspicious.” My father informed us.

“Great, so as of right now, we have nothing.” I confirmed angrily.

“Son, I’m not sure what else you’d like us to do. Investigations take time. I understand the emotions involved in this one. You’re forgetting that she is my goddaughter.” My father said, trying to provide me with some logic.

“Grace and Brad, I can set you up in an apartment if you’d like to stay here for the time being?” My father asked them.

“I think it’s best if we return home. I can’t just sit here doing nothing,” Grace answered.

“I’d like to stay,” Alpha Ian said, and his beta nodded.

“I’ll have an empty apartment ready for you both on our gamma floor. You’ll both have access to the dining room and if you need anything, please ask the front desk.” He told them. And they both thanked him.

“I understand emotions are high, but we need to work together for Ashlyn’s sake.” My father told us, ending the meeting.

We had to head to our training class, but I didn’t want to be there waiting around. I wanted to be out there looking for her, but where would I even start? She could have been taken anywhere by now.