Chapter 27 - Finding Her True Alpha

Dragon Prince Derek

My squad and I have been in the area looking for rogues and rebels. We’ve had lots of complaints about attacks lately. I volunteered to come out here to make sure there were no dragons involved in the ongoing attacks. I never thought I’d find a beaten and bruised she-wolf. We are literally in the middle of nowhere. We have clans and packs all around us, but we are tracking on neutral territory.

Even with all her cuts, bruises, and bite marks, Ashlyn is gorgeous. She is a mess, covered in blood, but I couldn’t help but feel this pull towards her. It was like finding a diamond among the snow-covered trees. She’s easily the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

She collapsed, which didn’t surprise me. How did she last as long as she did? Her heart rate and breathing slowed down significantly. Her body is vibrating, which I assume is because she’s coming down from her adrenaline rush.

I instructed four of my men to find out where she came from. She didn’t come out of nowhere, and she was clearly being abused. And I also wanted to know if this was all connected to the band of rebels and rogues.

Three of my men and I headed back to our camp, which was more like a cabin in the woods. It’s amazing what you can drop in the middle of nowhere when you’re a massive flying dragon. We had a generator for power and we had running water, but it took some time to heat. We weren’t planning on staying out here much longer.

Our cabin was a couple of hours away from our current location. It was easy enough to carry Ashlyn back and I could tell that she hadn’t had a good sleep in a while.

“Silver Moon pack? Isn’t that where the Alpha King and his son rule from?” Jim asked, one of my warriors.

“It is, but what does that have to do with anything?” I asked him, and he shrugged.

“Didn’t the Alpha King put out an alert on a missing she-wolf? I remember the Dragon King asking us to keep an eye out,” Jim explained. And I almost forgot about that.

Apparently, the Alpha King called my father personally to ask for his help in searching for this kidnapped she-wolf. I’m wondering if we found her. I’ll have to call my father when we get back to ask him for more details.

After a couple of hours, we finally made it back to the cabin. We left four warriors behind to watch the cabin and we also had a couple of medics, just in case. I instructed the medics to follow me into my room while I was still carrying Ashlyn. Laying her down on the bed, I asked the medics to check on her. I knew her injuries were bad, her blood soaked through the hoodie and onto my sleeve that was under her back.

I headed to my closet to grab a clean shirt before I went to call my father. I noticed that when I was leaving, the medics had inserted an iv and were cutting off the hoodie to see what the damage was. I closed the door behind me to give her some privacy. I’m sure whatever she went through had to be traumatic enough.

I went into the living room to find the satellite phone that we have here. There is no cell reception out here, as there aren’t any towers. We don’t even have access to the internet; we are literally doing this mission old school. Thankfully, I could get a call out on the phone. It doesn’t always work when we need it too.

“Derek, is everything okay?” My father answered.

“Yes dad, we are all fine and we are still looking for the rebels. But we found something, or should I say someone, out here. She isn’t a rogue, and she mentioned the Silver Moon Pack. I would ask her more, but she is unconscious and in really terrible shape. Didn’t the Alpha King call you about a missing she-wolf?” I asked him, explaining the situation.

“He did actually. He said her name was Ashlyn Knight. She is his goddaughter and before she went missing, vampires attacked her. They found her car down in a ravine without a trace of where she went. He called and asked all the council members to keep an eye out and an ear to the ground about her whereabouts. I think it’s been about three weeks now since he contacted me. Do you think this she wolf is her?” He asked me.

“She told me her name was Ashlyn, and she mentioned the Silver Moon Pack. How many Ashlyns that went missing from that pack could there actually be? She is definitely in rough shape, so it may be a good idea to move her to a pack near us for treatment and to get her back home.” I told him. We were still unfinished in our mission.

“I understand, son, and it looks like Blue Moon Pack is the closest to your location. It’s about 3 hours northeast of you. I’ll give the Alpha King a call so he can set up a drop off at the pack. Call me tomorrow morning and I’ll give you the details.” My father explained. I thanked him and we hung up. It’s weird to think that we found her about 10 hours away from where she was last seen. The person or persons that took her did not want her to be found.

I went back upstairs to check on her. She was lying on her stomach, and the medics were stitching and applying ointment to her wounds. It looked like a chainsaw had attacked her. They ripped her back to shreds. No wonder I was covered in her blood.

One medic explained that not only was she bleeding, but at least three different vampires were feeding on her. How she survived that alone, they don’t know. And she isn’t healing like a wolf should, but I’m assuming it’s because her wolf was so focused on keeping her alive and now she is weak.

We are dragons, so we don’t fully understand how a wolf heals and such. We don’t crossbreed. Even though I’m sure there are couples out there, they just can’t reproduce. We know of wolves, but we don’t particularly study their anatomy.

All we can do is hope she wakes up, but if not, we will move her to the Blue Moon Pack and they can get her back to the Alpha King. When the medics were done, they covered her up with a blanket. I gave up my bed and could just sleep on the couch. This way I could watch over her. But I couldn’t help feeling like I should be in bed beside her, holding her. She felt so right in my arms, but that can’t be right. We don’t have fated mates from different mythical creatures.

My warriors arrived later in the evening with a report of what they had found. They tracked down where they thought she came from. It was now a burned down house. There wasn’t much left, everything charred, and the clearing was just black. Even the snow couldn’t protect the ground. They had taken pictures to show the rest of us the scene.

This is where they tracked her to, but it looks like something only a dragon’s breath could do. What could burn that hot, that fast, to burn that area into nothing in just a few hours? We didn’t even notice any smoke. I guess we’ll only learn the truth when Ashlyn finally wakes up.

I finally excused my men and went back up to my room. I grabbed a spare pillow and blanket for the couch. This is going to be hard for me because I am pretty tall. And I’ll be keeping an ear open to listen to Ashlyn, so I probably won’t be getting much sleep.

The medics were back in, checking on her and removing the iv. The bruises that I could see were fading to purple and a lighter blue instead of a deep navy. She looked less pale, but she was still in rough shape. I placed a bottle of water on the nightstand before I got ready for bed.

I put some sweatpants and a tee on and started a fire in the fireplace to help keep her warm during the night. We didn’t have a furnace in this house. Dragons run warm, but I’m not sure about wolves. After I was done, I laid down on the couch. Sleep didn’t come easily. I was feeling anxious about Ashlyn waking. I hoped she would wake up before we had to leave so we could actually get some answers. Sleep finally came as I listened to the crackling of the fire.