Chapter 29 - Finding Her True Alpha

Prince Mason

My father mindlinked me later in the evening. It’s been almost 4 weeks since they took Ashlyn, and we weren’t any closer to finding her than when we started. I was angry and frustrated, becoming more and more unbearable to be around. My mate was gone, and I was the reason no one was there to protect her. I wasn’t there to protect her. It was hard to live with my mistake and I was taking it out on others.

“Yes, Father.” I answered the buzzing in my head. I could feel it was my father.

“Son, we have news. Get everyone to your office at the pack house.” He said and cut the link.

I flew off Ashlyn’s bed, running out of her bedroom. I was yelling out to Brandon and Liam while I made my way to the elevator. Both of them walked down the hallway coming from their rooms.

“What the hell is going on?” Liam asked.

“My father has news. Call Alpha Ian and Beta Alex and tell them to meet me in my office here now!” I exclaimed. Just then, the elevator dinged, and the doors opened. We all got in the elevator and I hit the “2”. I was eager to hear about the news my father might have. Brandon was on the phone with the Alpha by the time we made it to floor “2”.

We walked out of the elevator and straight to where my office was located. My father was already sitting behind my desk when I opened the door. He was in my seat, but I didn't care. I took a chair in front of my desk. A few moments later, the Alpha and his Beta walked in.

We were all waiting around my desk for my father to say something and my stomach was in knots, waiting for any information he might have. I was about to ask him when he spoke.

“I have just received word from the Dragon King that his son, Prince Derek, and his men found Ashlyn alive.” He started.

“Where is she?” I rushed out, jumping up from my chair. I needed to get to her now.

“Sit down, son, and let me explain.” He told me calmly, while I was dying inside from the anticipation, I needed him to speak faster. But I sat back down like he told me to.

“Prince Derek and his men were looking for rogues and rebels about 10 hours south of us. They found Ashlyn, but she is unconscious. I don’t know many of the details. They are in the middle of nowhere and it’s hard to communicate out there. I know that the Dragon King asked permission for his son to enter the Blue Moon pack. That’s the closest pack to them. The dragons were unequipped to handle a wolf. He told me that his son would call him in the morning for confirmation, as Ashlyn can’t give them permission to enter the pack.” My father explained, and for the first time in almost four weeks, I was hopeful.

“We’ll leave for Blue Moon pack right away and we can meet them there.” I told my father, standing from my chair to address the guys.

“Get packed and meet me in the garage. We are leaving as soon as possible.” I commanded. I needed to get to Ashlyn as quickly as possible. These last four weeks have been hell, and I just needed to touch her, to be with her. I didn’t realize how incomplete I was without her. Thor was howling in my head, happy we had found our mate.

“Mason, be nice to the Dragon Prince. I know you are eager to get to Ashlyn, but you need to be calm and patient.” My father called out before I left my office.

“I promise I’ll try, father.” I said back to him, closing my office door. The guys were waiting in the elevator and I ran to catch them. I could finally breathe. We had found her, and she was alive, unconscious, but alive. This is one of the happiest days of my life.

“I wonder how she wound up in the middle of nowhere, 10 hours away?” Liam asked. And I couldn’t wait to see her. We could deal with all the details later.

“I don’t know. She's alive, and that’s all that matters.” I answered him. Since we knew someone had kidnapped her, I have been an asshole. I couldn’t do training classes anymore and I was thankful it was over for the semester. I’d hit the gym or Thor was out searching the city and area for Ashlyn.

I can now see why mates fall apart after their mates are gone. It was hell not being with her, and her room smelled like me instead of her. I've been sleeping and spending most of my time there. Her scent calmed the beast in me. Alphas are very possessive of what is theirs and having someone take something of ours makes us go crazy, literally. I could feel my mind slipping and becoming more Thor than me.

It’s hard to admit, but I was losing hope that we’d find her. And with each passing day, the depression was getting worse. Life wouldn't have been worth living if I didn’t have Ashlyn beside me. I didn’t care about second chance mates or chosen mates. If I couldn’t have Ashlyn, I wouldn’t want to live. But now I have a chance to make things right and I won’t stop trying to win her heart.

When we were finally all packed and down in the garage, we took Brandon’s truck. Alpha Ian and Beta Alex were taking Alpha Ian’s truck. They have been here for the last four weeks, helping in any way they could. We’ve all become close friends, and it’s nice to hear stories of Ashlyn’s life before me. Even though it sucked that Ian was in all the stories. They were really close and I couldn't help being jealous of their relationship.

We all hopped into our assigned trucks and pulled out of the garage. We had a 7 hour drive to Blue Moon pack and, hopefully, we wouldn’t have too long of a wait until Ashlyn arrived. I pray to the moon goddess that she will be awake and feeling better.

I couldn’t focus on anything else while riding shotgun. If Brandon and Liam had been talking to me, I didn’t noticed. I was trying to find the words to tell Ashlyn how much she meant to me and that if Thor couldn’t claim her, then I would.

I was feeling anxious about seeing her; I knew she was probably still upset about how I acted. Hell, I was still upset with how I treated her. She is perfect, and she wanted me. She drove for 7 hours bleeding and in pain, just to watch me walk away from her over a fucken kiss. A kiss that she walked away from.

I probably made her feel so worthless. Ashlyn didn’t run back to Alpha Ian. She went to a hotel. She didn’t want to be with Ian and she proved that. And now I needed to prove to her she was my one and only. She is my everything and I’ll do whatever I need to do to win her back.

We arrived at the Blue Moon pack in the early hours of the morning. We weren’t sure when Ashlyn and the dragons would arrive, so we filled in Alpha Jason and then headed to our rooms. Sleep did not come easily for me. I tossed and turned until I must have fallen asleep.