Chapter 38 - Finding Her True Alpha


The next week went normally for us. The boys would go to their meetings and classes, while I started online classes. I would only stay inside or around the pack house, and I always had a warrior with me.

The Alpha King was called away right after we arrived back, so I couldn’t speak to him about my mark or anything else that had happened. While I waited for his return, I’ve been getting into a routine of a morning swim, classes, then training. When Mason came home, we’d spend time together.

It was nice, but I was still hoping for more freedom. And maybe to move into a bigger place. I don’t mind having roomies, but I would love a yard and some open space. Tundra was going stir crazy about not being able to run as often as she’d wanted.

Tundra got to meet Mason as well. I noticed she was more gold than white now. And I wonder why? I had so many questions and no one to ask. It was frustrating not having someone to talk to. I do text Ian daily, but it’s not like he was much help in that department. I also tried Derek, but he hasn’t responded to any of my texts or calls.

I’m not one to wait around to see what happens. I like to have a plan and I can’t have a plan if I don’t have all the information. Now that I need answers, I wish I could speak to my mother again.

I was sitting at the kitchen table, trying to get some work done, but I couldn’t focus. Something just felt off, and I couldn’t tell if it was me or Mason. Our emotions could bleed into one another.

After closing my laptop, I rested my face in my hands. I was thinking about how I could get answers to my life. I really didn’t want to have to die again to speak to my mother.

The elevator dinged, and the guys walked into the apartment with a blonde she wolf. She was beautiful, with white blonde hair and brown eyes. She was probably a little taller than me, but she had long legs and bigger boobs. Her hair and makeup were done to perfection, and she was dressed to impress. She wore a pair of tight black slacks, a tight red blouse with a few buttons undone to show off her cleavage, and red pumps.

They were all laughing and having a great oldtime while I sat awkwardly at the table wearing one of Mason’s hoodies and some fleece pajama pants. I had my hair pulled back in a braid and I wasn’t wearing any makeup and I was feeling very self-conscious right now.

I cleared my throat, and they all turned in my direction, finally noticing that I was in the room.

“Ashlyn, how was your day?” Mason walked over and kissed my cheek, not my lips, but my cheek.

“It was okay.” I shrugged.

“How was yours?” I asked him but he didn’t answer me because the blonde talked to him.

“We should hit up the club tonight. I’ve heard it’s amazing, but I haven’t been able to get through to book a VIP room. Hopefully, you can get us in, Mason.” She said sweetly while grabbing his forearm.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think we have met.” I said, standing up, looking at her.

“Ashlyn, this is Amber, Amber, this is Ashlyn.” Mason introduced us. I reached out my hand to shake hers and when our skin touched, I got the worst feeling. My gut was telling me something was wrong, and she had a forced smile on her face, like she knew what I was feeling.

“It’s nice to meet you, Ashlyn. How do you know Mason?” She asked me, and it shocked me that Mason didn’t tell her that he was mated.

“I’m Mason’s mate,” I told her firmly.

“Oh, Mason, you didn’t tell me you found your mate.” She cooed to him. I was quickly losing my patience.

“Anyway, about the club. Are we on?” She changed the subject.

“Hell yeah! And Ashlyn is the owner, so we’ll get VIP for sure.” Liam exclaimed.

“The Knight’s own the club Liam.” Amber tried to correct him.

“That’s Ashlyn Knight.” Brandon corrected her, pointing to me, and she looked at me like a bubbling fish.

“Ashlyn, come with us.” Liam demanded.

“I have a lot of work to get done for tomorrow.” I lied. Everything was done, but I didn’t want to go out again.

“Awe, that’s a shame. Could you still call the club and book us a VIP room?” Amber asked. And Liam was looking at me with puppy eyes and pouty lips.

“Sure.” I sighed.

“Yay! You’re the best, Ashlyn!” Liam danced over to me and gave me a bear hug.

“Let’s get ready,” Mason announced, walking to his room.

“I’ll just wait in the living room for you, Mase.” Amber called to Mason. It was taking everything I had to hold not only Tundra back, but my powers. The pressure in my chest was getting harder to contain.

I followed Mason into his room, the one we were now sharing, and he walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. What the hell was that? I sat cross-legged on our bed, waiting for him to come out. My stomach was in knots and I couldn’t get over the bad feeling that Amber gave me.

Mason finally came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped dangerously low on his hips. My heart started pounding in my chest and the worry I was feeling was overwhelming.

“So you know Amber from school?” I asked him. He walked into his closet to get dressed.

“Yeah, we were all friends in high school,” he called out.

“I guess you’re going out tonight?” I asked him, disappointed.

“Liam asked you to come with us,” he answered.

“Asking me to go so he could get a VIP room isn’t what I’d call an invitation.” I mumbled.

Mason walked out of the closet dressed in black slacks and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows.

Mason walked over to the bed. Leaning down, he pecked my lips. And as soon as he pulled away, I already missed them. I was sad that he wasn’t spending the evening with me. Especially since I couldn’t go anywhere without a warrior and he had to know where I was going.

“Babe, she’s only here for a few days. Okay?” He said, looking down at me.

“Okay.” I whispered, playing with my hands in my lap.

“I’ll be back later.” He told me before he kissed my forehead.

“Yep.” I breathed out. He turned to walk out of the room, but before he left, he turned back to me.

“Can you also call the club and book a VIP room?” He asked me.

“Sure.” I told him and then he was gone. He left me sitting on our bed, in our room, all alone. I waited a few minutes before I left the room to find my phone. I didn’t want to run into them.

I found my phone on the kitchen table and called the club to put Mason on the VIP list. I’m not even sure why I even agreed to do that. It’s my money that’s being used and I’m not even there. I cleaned up the table and went for a walk.

Finding my boots, I pulled up my hood, so that I was hiding my face. I grabbed my phone and put in my earbuds. Needing to clear my head, wishing I had someone to talk to about this. Too bad my best friend just left to go out with someone else.

I made it outside without being noticed and started my walk to the nearest park. Right now, I need to be close to nature. I didn’t even bother to call for a warrior. Honestly, with the way I was feeling, no one would dare attack me.

After I circled the frozen pond in the middle of the park a few times, I found an empty bench. I could feel Mason’s excitement and happiness through the bond, and it upset me he was having fun without me. That he didn’t even offer to stay with me. He didn’t even acknowledge me in front of her. He didn’t even ask me to go with them.

I was watching the sky and looking at the stars when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out, hoping it was Mason, but it was a text from Ian.

Ian: what you up to?

Me: out for a walk. You?

Ian: just lying in bed.

Me: busy day?

Ian: yeah. My father is planning the Alpha Passover ceremony. I wanted to know if you’d come? It’s next Saturday, the full moon.

Me: you know I wouldn’t miss it :)

Me: Ian?

Ian: yeah?

Me: nevermind. Good night Ian :)

I was going to ask Ian what was so wrong with me, but I decided against it. I put my phone away and stared back up at the stars.

I was glad that Ian was finally going to be made Alpha. From what I’ve seen, he’s taking his responsibilities more seriously. I’m proud of him, even if it’s hard sometimes to think about our relationship.

It was early morning by the time I walked back. I still had heard nothing from Mason, and it hurt. Last week I was his life. I don’t even know what happened. I wasn’t paying attention and walked right into Liam’s back. They were just about to walk into the pack house. I guess they are just coming back now.

“Ashlyn?” Mason asked, confused. And I lowered my hood.

“What are you doing outside? Where is your warrior?” He demanded.

“Mason, I went for a walk. It’s no big deal, seriously.” I told him while I pushed past them to get inside.

I walked over to the elevator, and the three of them followed me. I could feel Mason’s anger through the bond, but I didn’t care. He was allowed to go out with someone I didn’t even know, but I couldn’t go for a walk.

We finally made it upstairs, and Mason followed me into my old room. I really didn’t want to talk to him. I was pissed, and I didn’t even want to be around him. He slammed the door behind him, making me jump.

“Ashlyn, why the hell were you out by yourself?” He growled.

“Mason, I’m an adult and can do what I want.” I declared, and he growled.

“And what would have happened if someone kidnapped you again?” He shouted.

“And now, suddenly, you care? You haven’t texted me all night, so clearly you weren’t worried about my well-being.” I yelled. I was so mad and the pressure in my chest was extreme.

“So I’m not allowed to have a friend that’s a girl?” He yelled.

“I didn’t say that! I just didn’t expect you to choose to go out with her instead of being with me. You think I enjoy being stuck here and only being allowed to leave with a warrior, or you guys?”

“I’m not apologizing for keeping my mate safe.” He growled.

“You didn’t even mention to her I was your mate,” I cried. I couldn’t hold it back anymore. His face softened.

“Ashlyn, I’m sorry. It didn’t come up.” He told me.

“Just get out Mason.” I shouted. I walked into the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind me. I slid my back down the door and cried into my knees. I jumped without looking and I think I may have just hit the rocks at the bottom.