Chapter 16 - Her Triplet Alphas

I extricated myself from Calix’s arms just as I realised we were still in a relatively deep area. I went under immediately but only for a split-second. Calix’s strong arms grabbed me and pulled me back up and against his chest. He cradled me to his chest while I spluttered, coughing up water. I immediately began to wriggle in his arms, annoyed.

“Take me back to the pool’s edge please now! I want to get out!” I squealed, feeling panicked.

Calix seemed dumbfounded. He hesitated.

“Take me back!” I shrieked. “Calix!”

He held onto me tightly. “I just want to talk to you, ok. Let’s talk about this!”

“Let me go!!!” I screamed.

A memory flashed before me.

I was under the ice in freezing cold water. I opened my mouth to scream and just gulped down cold water that burned my throat. The water was so cold it burned! Everywhere burned! Like I was on fire! I remembered being so shocked that the cold could burn you. I fought and struggled with all my might but I couldn’t get out of the water. I couldn’t push my way back out of the ice fishing hole for air because hands were holding me down in the water. I was terrified. Was this the last day of my life?

I let out a blood-curdling scream. Calix actually jumped away from me, startled. He had relinquished me finally but, of course, I fell under the water again. I had never really learnt to swim. Firstly because I never got lessons and secondly because once I realised I needed them, I was a burden to a new family and terrified of drowning after my experience being held under the water by my bullies, the triplets.

I did not stay under for long this time either. Strong arms grasped me again. I looked up expecting to see Calix but Felix was holding me, pulling me from the water. He scooped me up, carrying me bridal style, immediately out of the pool. My eyes searched for Calix who was still in the middle of the pool, looking shocked and mortified.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Bellowed Felix, glaring at Calix. “Didn’t you see her struggling in the water? She was screaming almost a minute now. I ran here as fast as I could. I thought she was alone in the pool or something. Now I see you’re here! What the fuck happened?”

The below-deck indoor pool was on the opposite end of the large yacht from the covered on-deck bar and kitchen area. I was panting, relieved to not be in the water anymore and too tired to protest being held anymore even though I wanted to be alone right now. My wolf was whimpering at how sad Calix looked as he trudged out of the pool.

“I was trying to grab her. She didn’t want to be held by me,” said Calix softly, practically wincing at the thought. He rubbed the back of his neck. His dark wavy hair was drenched and sticking to his forehead. He looked really cute but I was so mad at him. Why did he not help me back out of the water as soon as I asked? He was holding me and keeping me in the water to talk. I was livid.

“Felix, put me down,” I said, close to tears.

They could hear it in my voice from the way they acted. Felix quickly but reluctantly placed me on my feet. Alex came dashing in a second later.

“Chasity!!!” Alex said, rushing over to me. “Calix and Felix both mind-linked me! I didn’t hear you, honey! I was near the front of the ship where the wind is powerful. What happened?”

“It doesn’t matter,” I said, sniffling. I held back my tears as best as I could but I was shaking. Alex reached for me to embrace me.

“No! Please! Don’t!” I pleaded. I did not want to be touched right now.

“Alex, please, may I have a separate room from the three of you for the rest of the trip?”

“Baby,” said Felix softly, his voice sounding heartbroken. My wolf was upset. She wanted me to forget about the past and just be with the triplets. She couldn’t stand the idea of sleeping separately from them.

Alex took a deep, slow breath. “Chasity,” he breathed, “you can have whatever you like, whatever makes you feel comfortable, but please, I’m begging you, let’s talk about this first!”

I got even more upset. A little anger intermingled with my sadness.

“You knew all along!” I said to Alex, my voice shaking. “You knew my father was your mother’s stepbrother! That means she probably even knows where my parents are!”

“Wait! What?!” Growled Felix, turning to Alex angrily.

“I shouldn’t have kept that from you! I’m sorry! I meant to tell you when the time was right! I’ve only known since we became Alphas and realized you were our mate, Princess. I wanted you to enjoy life a little bit! Not worry for once! That’s all!” Insisted Alex.

I was crying quietly now. Felix was moving towards me really slowly. He hesitantly drew me to him. My wolf purred at the warmth of his body. Calix came up behind me suddenly and hugged me tightly.

“I’m so so so sorry! I shouldn’t have kept that from you but I also shouldn’t have blurted it out like that! I love you, Chasity! Do you remember New Year’s a few years ago when I kissed you. I’d wanted to do that since I saw you on the doorstep of our house!” Murmured Calix.

Calix was hugging me from behind and I could feel so much of his skin against mine because we were both in our bathing suits. Felix was in front of me holding me to him also. They sandwiched me between them, overwhelming me with their body heat Alex was actually crying really quietly. He played with my damp curls and put his lips against my forehead breathing on my face. I was crying too. Alex licked my tears off of my cheeks, grooming me. I was so furious and upset with them but the skin to skin contact with my mates was making me wet between my legs. I was shivering but certainly not from the cold. Not with all their body heat enveloping me. I knew if they tried to convince me to go back to the bedroom and talk I would end sleeping with all of them. My body ached for that. I halfheartedly pushed at Felix’s bare chest and he pushed back forcefully making me gasp. He moved my hands away and kissed me passionately, lifting me off my feet. My bare legs instinctively wrapped around his waist and he held me up with his hands under my thighs.

I returned the kiss until I came to my senses. I pushed gently against Felix’s chest and broke the kiss. I extricated myself from the triplets and stood apart from them. I put my hands up, palms facing forwards. I sighed at their heartbroken expressions.

“I won’t change rooms if we talk about this. And if you promise no more secrets?!” I said, looking each of them in the eyes.

Felix folded his arms, narrowing his eyes.

“I promise but I never kept any secrets to begin with!” He said, annoyed, glaring at his brothers and then turning back to me. “I don’t want to be treated as if we’re one person. We’re three individual people. And I didn’t know about this! So why should I be punished by you too? Is that fair?”

He had a point. I felt a pang of guilt. He was right. They were different.

“When you were mad at Alex and I, you were nice to Calix still at Christmas! So why now that you’re mad at Alex and Calix, you don’t want me in your bed?” Continued Felix.

Ugh! He was right.

“Sorry, Felix,” I mumbled. “You didn’t know either.”

I walked over and hugged him. He embraced me warmly and tried to pick me up again but I would not let him though I giggled this time and his eyes darkened.

“We’re so sorry, Chasity!” Said Calix. “I promise! No more secrets!”

“I did what I thought was best!” Said Alex. “I’m sorry too. No more secrets. I promise.”

I gave Alex and Calix a kiss on the cheek each.

“I didn’t get a kiss on the cheek!” Complained Felix.

“You got a real kiss just a second ago!” Whined Calix.

Alex rolled his eyes at his younger brothers. He held out his hand to me. I took it.

“I’ll tell you whatever you want to know, Chasity, my Luna,” Alex murmured in my ear, his lips brushing against my skin. “Let’s talk!”

Chapter 23: Ferocious Felix

The triplets and I went back to our room. We all sat on the bed. Alex looked determined. Calix had puppy-dog eyes. Felix looked grumpy, clearly annoyed that he had been dragged into this.

“I’m angry too, you know,” said Felix, to the room in general. He turned to his brothers. “Since when do we keep secrets from each other.”

Alex and Calix stared at him and then at each other.

“I’m sorry, Felix,” said Alex, in a diplomatic fashion.

“Sorry, Felix,” mumbled Calix.

Felix was still seething.

“We thought you’d blab to Chasity!” Calix said.

“Yeah, except you blabbed to Chasity,” Alex said.

“I deserve to know,” I said softly.

“Of course, you do,” Alex said just as softly. He pulled me onto his lap. I let him draw me to him this time. “I wasn’t lying when I said I’ve always thought you were beautiful. I wanted a chance with you. I didn’t want to complicate an already horrible situation. That was selfish of me and I’m sorry. Felix, I almost forgot I was keeping it from you and Chasity. I kinda pushed it aside. I just wanted to be happy.”

My wolf was completely satisfied with that apology, but she would be satisfied with any apology. She was team triplets all the way.

“It’s ok, bro,” grumbled Felix. He smiled half-heartedly.

“Chasity,” whispered Calix, pouting, with his big blue eyes on me, “do you hated me?”

“No! Calix, I love you. And I love Alex. And Felix didn’t do anything this time but I love Felix. I love all of you,” I said, looking at each of their faces.

They all lit up.

“That’s why it hurts so much,” I said, closing my eyes for a bit.

I could feel their smiles falter.

I looked at them. “I want to know where my parents are,” I said resolutely.

“I don’t know,” said Alex, looking me straight in the eyes. I could tell he was being honest.

“We really don’t,” added Calix.

Felix shrugged.

“Do your parents know?” I asked.

“They might,” Alex said. Calix nodded.

“So your Mom really cared about my Dad even thought he was just her stepbrother?” I asked, raising my eyebrows incredulously.

“Yeah, she was devastated when he drove away and left you,” said Calix. “She had thought he was coming back into her life after being estranged because of her dislike for your Mom only for him to leave again, skip town and leave you behind on her porch.”

I winced. I sighed.

“Do you think your Mom hates me?” I asked.

“She doesn’t,” said Calix. “She’s afraid you’ll hurt us.”

I wanted to roll my eyes. They had hurt me.

“She felt as though your Dad, her little stepbrother, was taken away from her and ruined by your Mom,” explained Alex, his tone gentle and apologetic. “She was upset when she realised we belonged to you like your Dad had belonged to your Mom. She felt she had let trouble in her house again.”

The Luna was not just a snob who was indifferent to her servant. She had cold calculated reasons behind her dislike of me. Reasons she had hid from me my entire life. That made her unforgivable in my eyes.

“What does the Luna think my father would think of how I was treated by her and you all growing up? I asked.

They all squirmed guiltily, Felix included this time.

“Any good father would be outraged but your father isn’t exactly a good father, Baby,” said Felix.

“What?” I asked, narrowing my eyes.

“Baby, he left you,” Felix said softly.

“He was protecting me from something!” I insisted, fighting back the tears and springing up off of the bed to storm away.

“ENOUGH!” Bellowed Felix so powerfully I almost fell over.

Alex stiffened. Calix regarded him with wide shocked eyes.

“You’re going to be the Luna of our pack and you have to grow up, Baby!” Demanded Felix. “Your father and mother were irresponsible. They had substance-abuse problems. None of this would have befallen you or them if they had made different choices. If you’re gonna hold us accountable, you’re gonna hold them accountable too. Your parents were not a fairytale, Baby!”

His yell had made me sit back down. The tears streamed slowly down my face. Alex was rubbling my back gently. Calix squeezed my hand.

“I can always count on Felix to make sure I never stay the least favourite for long,” Calix said brightly, trying to lighten the mood.

Felix rolled his eyes and folded his arms, still standing. Alex was silent.

“I know they were addicts, ok,” I said even softer than a whisper. I knew they heard me, being alphas and based on their worried expressions. I crawled to the middle of the bed and got under the covers. They all moved to come cuddle with me.

“Please, I just wanna take a nap, by myself,” I mumbled into the pillow. “I won’t change rooms but I want to be alone right now.”

Alex sighed deeply. He rubbed my lower back and kissed my cheek gently. “Sleep tight, Luna,” he murmured in my ear. He left the room. I listened to his slow footsteps.

Calix gave me a bear hug and kissed both cheeks and my forehead. “I’ll be back, Goddess!” He hopped off the bed and followed Alex.

It was just me and Felix now. I could sense him. I could smell him. I could feel how tense he was.

“I shouldn’t have yelled like that. Baby…I know you want your parents. I want you to have that chance but don’t go running off to do it. I’ll help you,” Felix said.

I shot up into a sitting position and stared at him. “You mean that?”

Felix nodded. I launched myself at him wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He caught me and held me tightly in his strong arms. He sighed into my curls and buried his nose in them, inhaling my scent. He rocked me a little.

“There’s one condition,” Felix said. I stiffened.

“You’re not leaving with them, once we find them,” Felix said. I relaxed a little, realising I was grown up now. I couldn’t exactly just redo my childhood. I could get to know my parents as an adult if I could find them.

“What if they’re not…” I couldn’t bear to finish that question. They just had to be. I needed them to be alive.

Felix sighed. “Well, by find them, I mean find out the story, what happened? Even…who did it if they’re…you know. And it’s no big deal to kill the people responsible.”

“What?” I yelped.

Felix chuckled. “Baby, you’re mated to three alphas. We have a huge pack to protect from rogues, vampires, wizards, witches, human werewolf hunters. You think we’ve never killed before. Even baby-boy Calix?”


I stared at Felix, remembering him saying he had went easy on me my whole life. Is that because he killed people who crossed him and the pack? In actuality? My wolf was grumbling like I was an idiot. Of course, alphas had to kill sometimes. That was why they were given such strength and speed to protect the pack from rival predators. I felt like I understood the triplets a lot better. They were cuddly teddy bears with me compared to how they acted when on pack business. I had just never seen any of that.

“I don’t want you killing anyone to avenge my parents if it puts you and my other two alphas in danger,” I said. I could not lose my mates. What if my parents were already lost to me? I had contemplated walking away from them many times but now that Felix was offering this vengeance, I was terrified for his wellbeing and that of Alex and Calix.

“And,” said Felix sternly, “Your pretty little ass stays home while my brothers and I do the digging and the dirty work to get to the bottom of everything!”

“Why…” I began.

“That part is not up for discussion,” Felix said eyes turning black. Rather than feeling afraid or offended, my core got wet and Felix smirked, enjoying the effect his display of dominance had on me.

He tossed me onto the bed. I squealed but it didn’t hurt. I giggled waiting for Felix to pounce on me.

“I’ll leave you to your solo nap, Baby,” Felix grumbled.

I pouted.

“It’s what you asked for!” He exclaimed.

I curled up in the bed.

“My brothers and I suddenly have a lot of work to do, Baby,” said Felix turning to leave. “See you tonight, Princess.”

“The things I do for love!” I heard Felix exclaim dramatically as he walked out into the hallway to go convince his brothers. Would the triplets really track down my parents? Or my parents’ enemies? The people who made them leave town. My wedding present might be a hit on some fiend or something. I sighed lying in the empty bed. What had I just asked Felix to do?