Chapter 12 - His Luna's Already A Luna

Lucinda POV

They both looked completely furious with her, though Alpha Corey nowhere near as much as Alpha Nicholas, her newly acquired Mate, looked as though he was about ready to murder her. Well he could try it, Ky’ra was certain she could have taken that other Alpha bastard down for good. Then the twins would have been safe for the rest of their lives here within Half Moon Pack.

This was the only time she had ever laid eyes upon him, who knew when it would happen again, when another chance like that would come along. When he had been alone, no pack members with him, to help him win a fight.

Lucinda yanked her arm free of Alpha Nicholas’s grip, twisted and pulled with all her force, in a hard jerk that had his thumb gave way, and she was out of his grip. She didn’t care that he was angry with her, she walked away from him and sat herself down in a chair in front of Alpha Corey. She only needed to explain herself to her Alpha. That big bastard had yet to claim her, or she him so she didn’t owe him anything.

“What the HELL, is wrong with you? How many times have I warned you about EXACTLY this.” Alpha Corey was yelling at her now, the full force of his Alpha anger falling on her. Not something she had ever incurred before, she now realised.

“That was him!” she yelled back.

“Yeah, I heard you the first time.” he snarled back at her, “You think Ky’ra, is a match for and Alpha wolf do you?” every word laced with anger and disbelief over their actions.

“Yes.” Ky’ra surged forward and snarled right back at him.

“What am I going to do with you?” he snapped at her blatant disrespect. “you Ky’ra” he addressed her wolf “Are out of control.” he was glaring at her wolf and she right back. “Lucinda you need to control her and remind her she is not all powerful.”

Ky’ra snarled at him, she hated people telling her what she was and wasn’t capable of doing. Forced Lucinda’s body up and out of the chair they were sitting in, to stare him down.

Alpha Corey shot to his feet instantly, his Alpha aura flowed out of him and hit her full force “Enough.” his voice was deathly quiet.

‘Ky’ra let go’ Lucinda sighed to her wolf, she’d never seen him this mad at them before and that aura was starting to hurt her, and Ky’ra alike, the more she fought against it the more it hurt, ‘please’ Lucinda begged her, Ky’ra huffed and receded.

‘I could have taken him’ she muttered and allowed Lucinda to control their body again.

Lucinda sat back down in the chair, in front of Alpha Corey, he dropped his aura after ten seconds or so.

“Do you think bringing that wolf here was a good idea? What were you trying to do?” his voice was a bit calmer now, but that edge of fury was still there.

“I’m not talking to you about this, with him here.” she jerked her thumb in the direction of Alpha Nicholas without looking at him.

The chair she was sitting in was abruptly spun around and she found herself face to face with him, his face mere inches off of hers “Oh you will talk. I want an explanation myself.” he grated out at her, his words were all laced with anger.

“Why the hell do you even care? I’m just a mutt to you!” she shot at him, her anger turning on him.

“That maybe. But you are my Mate and you will answer to me.” he practically snarled at her.

“No I will not.” she snarled right back in his face, not caring this minute who he was or what he was supposed to be to her.

She saw, just about every vein in his neck, bulge like they were going to pop, his eyes darkened as well turning almost black. His wolf was pissed too she guessed. “I will not tolerate disrespect little girl.” it was growled at her.

“But you give it so readily. If you can dish it out, you should be able to take it.” she and Ky’ra growled right back at him.

“Everybody just calm down.” It was Alpha Corey. Trying to defuse the situation at hand. He knew well, Ky’ra, was winding up for a fight, Mate or not she would shift and go him, if she wanted to.

Her eyes were locked onto his, if he wanted a staring competition he would get one, she thought ‘if he wants a fight, we’ll give him one.’ Lucinda thought, her blood was still boiling and she was itching to punch something. Wondered what he would do if she cracked him one, or two for that matter, he was straddling her legs, and a good swift kick would surprise him, which would allow her to get at least one punch, in to that face of his.

He suddenly arched an eyebrow at her as if he knew what she was thinking “do you really want to find out might not like the answer.” his voice held a challenging tone that made her think twice, if he knew it was coming would likely deflect it easily “Answer Alpha Corey’s questions or I will be the one asking the questions.”

She snapped her mouth shut, firmly pressing her lips together. He didn’t know anything about her, and she was not about to elaborate either, again that raised eyebrow at her, he clearly wasn't liking being ignored. Probably used to everyone just doing as he told them, well she held Luna Rank from her old pack, and technically if he didn’t reject her Luna Rank of his pack, a glint of angry amusement touched her lips. She was his equal and bossing her around, wouldn’t be as easy as he thought it might be. Perhaps he should know more about people, before he went throwing his authority around.

Alpha Corey sighed heavily from his chair, “Perhaps Alpha Nicholas, you could give myself and young Lucinda here a minute alone, to sort this out.”

She watched Alpha Nicholas’s eyes move to Alpha Corey “Why should I, I think I am entitled to an explanation.”

“Agreed, but there are some things you don’t yet understand and with time I’m certain Lucinda here will tell you, but please may I have a moment alone with her.”

“fat chance.” she muttered.

Alpha Nicholas’s eyes moved back to hers, he hadn’t liked her comment she could tell, his jaw was ticking like crazy. He stood up to his full height, making her face turn all the way up to look at him, he was freaking crazy tall she realised. “If you think, we are done. You are mistaken Lucinda.” he spoke to her.

“I don’t actually answer to you.” she shot back at him.

Again that arched eyebrow “Oh! I think you’ll find that you do, in fact answer to me...I am your Mate.” and with that he turned and walked out of the office.

“I am your mate.” she repeated sarcasm dripping off every word.

“Lucinda, don’t challenge him.” Alpha Corey sighed “now please explain to me, why after all the warnings I’ve given you. You went and did exactly what I feared the most?”

“He was alone, no pack, no alpha unit,’s the best time to kill him.” she said honestly.

“So you brought him here?” he shook his head.

“Well, in case, we couldn’t handle him, and did need back up.”

“Now! what do you think is going to happen?”

“I don’t know, I wasn’t...I didn’t think you would stop be honest.”

“And what happens, when your not here anymore?” he asked her, staring directly at her.

“Why wouldn’t I be here?” she was confused now.

“Are you forgetting, your Mate out there, Alpha Nicholas.” he gestured to the office door.

“He’ll leave, he doesn’t even like us.” she muttered “We’re just a mutt to him. No Alpha wants a mutt for a Mate.”

“You two will work this out. Alpha’s always claim what belongs to them.”

“I don’t belong to him.” she shook her head, “I belong to Matthew.” and suddenly there were tears welling in her eyes.

“Lucinda.” his voice was soft now “I know, you must be very confused right now, but please don’t do anything, else that stupid.” he sighed.

“Can I go now?” she whispered her anger was gone and she just felt sad, for all that she had lost.

“Promise me, your not going to run off.”

“Where would I go? My home was destroyed.” tears fell down her face “and my sisters are here.”

“I know, and seeing that Alpha has brought it all back to you, I understand.”

No he didn’t, he hadn’t had to live through it. Feel every bond she’d had snap and severe, to grieve not just his family, but his mate and his pack too. It wasn’t something may could understand.

Her tears were freely flowing and she couldn’t stop them now “I want to go now.” she whispered her pain was becoming to much to bare in front of him, in front of anyone for that matter.

“Go home.” he nodded “No where else, I mean it.”

She stood and left, tears were still spilling down her face, she stepped out of her Alpha’s office, saw him coming right towards her. Was small and quick enough to duck under and away from the hands that were trying to grab on to her, she was not going to deal with him, she owed him nothing.

The second she dodged him she ran out of the pack house and all the way to her house, slammed the door shut and locked it. Ran to her room and threw herself onto her bed, it didn’t take long for the sobs, to rack her body, to feel the emotional exhaustion of her day fall upon her and eventually take over her.

Sleep finally claimed her emotionally and physically exhausted body.