Chapter 11 - His Luna's Already A Luna

Lucinda POV

Showered after patrol and changed into jeans and a tee-shirt, Lucinda headed for the Alpha’s office. She was expecting a full reprimand and punishment. Alpha Nicholas was probably also going to be in the office as well and she could full well imagine, he was going to be wanting a piece of her and Ky’ra. Demanding it she imagined.

Ky’ra was already curled up in the back of her mind, feigning sleep, but Lucinda could feel she was faking it, amused still over her antics from yesterday which had landed them in hot water. This was her mess, she had been the one to mark up the big bastards car, all of her own accord. Lucinda fully expected her to take the punishment and apologise. Lucinda wasn’t going to, technically she had done no wrong here.

She and Ky’ra giggled together, they really wished they had seem his reaction to the damage. Could only imagine he’d gone all Alpha wolf into a crazed rage. He he he. Ky’ra you have no fear girl, Lucinda chuckled. It was why they were always getting into trouble. Heck Lucinda had never gotten into any trouble at all while here, until Ky’ra had appeared. Now they found themselves in the Alpha’s office, one or twice a month.

Stepping up to the Alpha’s door she reined in her smile and amusement. Knocked on the door and waited. Opened it and walked in when she heard Alpha Corey call out for her to do so, though even those two words to her ears, sounded as though he was amused by something. He was generally a happy man, she did like him.

Lucinda had only taken three steps into the room, when she stopped and Ky’ra stood in her mind all attention, a scent filled her Mint mixed with aniseed and pine needles. Her eyes moved about the room Delta, Gamma, Beta, Alpha, all she knew. Her eyes moved further around the room, and there was that big bastard, standing on the other side of the room.

He was dressed to the nines, in a formal black suit, black shirt, black tie with blue stripes on it, his black hair was gelled and swooped back off to the right, his dark blue eyes were locked on hers. There was a smile in them, Lucinda and Ky’ra watched as his mouth moved to form a smile, sweet goddess he was handsome when he smiled like that. It was the first time they had actually seen him smile, really smile. The man actually looked happy to see her.

‘Mate’ Ky’ra huffed inside her mind, seemingly more annoyed than happy, about the goddess’s so called mate for them. Lucinda didn’t much like it either. This big bastard had been calling her and Ky’ra a mutt, the whole time he’d been here. Labelled her that from the first time he’d laid eyes on them, months ago, and why, because they had bested him.

Watching his reaction to her Alpha say her name, the smile on his face had disappeared instantly. He had turned and looked at her Alpha, then back to her, disbelief on his face.

“Hell’s No.” she had yelled, agreeing with his look at her. She could see he was unhappy about the pairing, well she was too, and let him know it. Then she had simply turned and stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind her. Made her way back to her house. How could this be, he didn’t like her and she didn’t like him. Bloody Goddess surely got it wrong.

‘Ky’ra?’ she asked her wolf for an opinion.

‘He called us a mutt.’ she snarled seemingly in agreement with Lucinda ‘We’re a Luna, we deserve respect.’

Lucinda sighed, crawled into her bed and stayed there, she was not expecting him to come hunting her down right this minute. Probably need a minute to think out the words of a rejection, she and Ky’ra were tired anyway, had, had a long night. But her mind couldn’t really shut off.

‘He knew.’ the way he was dressed up, the way he had looked right at her, he had known before she had walked into that office. Happy about it, the smile he’d shot at her said it all, he was mated to Ky’ra an impressive wolf. No Alpha wouldn’t like her wolf, strong and fearless, it had always been a concern in the back of her mind, that Ky’ra would attract an Alpha.

Lucinda had always hoped not. Alpha’s could be horrid, she had seen that first hand herself. And this one, already had a reputation.

His smile had been wiped off of his face, the minute Alpha Corey had said her name, which implied he knew the name of the girl under all that black kit of hers. Just had no idea of what she looked like. Well she guessed it was as good as over now, there was no way he would chose her to be his Luna.

We’ll just wait it out, he’d leave soon.

Ky’ra huffed, she herself was feeling unhappy at this moment, her own mate thought she was a mutt. It was not sitting well with her. The rejection would come soon enough, it was just a matter of time.

Sleep took a long time to claim them, and when it did it was restless and fitful at best. Lucinda flung herself out of her very messy bed, from all the tossing and turning she had done, glanced at the clock only 2pm. She needed to get away shifted and stalked towards the eastern border, didn’t even stop to acknowledge the patrol staring at her. He did ask what was going on, they ignored him. The minute she hit rogue territory they sprinted with all of Ky’ra strength and speed off into no mans land to get away to think about the events of this morning.

Alpha Corey was going to be mad at her again, but this time he had to understand right? A new Mate, and one that already disliked her.

‘Got a tail.’ Ky’ra let her know.

They had run non-stop all the way into White Lotus Pack territory and were now just walking about aimlessly. She made her way to where the old pack house was and pawed at the ground a few times, then moved off again. Made their way to where Lucinda’s old house had been, the place she’d grown up in a happy home with to lovingly Mated parents, and Ky’ra just flopped down on the ground and lay there.

‘Our tail is the Beta.’ Ky’ra’s eyes landed on his wolf, big and light brown with light caramel paws and underbelly, a couple of white markings on his face. They recognised him from last nights patrolling. Ah, that was why he was suddenly there and constantly getting in her face, she was his Alpha’s Mate and his Alpha had sent him to watch over her.

They were well away from her pack now, surprisingly her so called mate wasn’t out here hunting her down to retrieve her. Or maybe he didn’t care that she had run off. Or had he not yet decided what to do about her at this point, considering his reaction to her and she to him. But then what was his Beta doing tailing her every where? Who knew what went through that big bastards brain, if he even had one.

His wolf just seemed to sit and watch hers, probably worried she would bite him again. She chuckled, we bit his Beta, wondered what he made of that, seeing as he must have known what she was by then. A Luna biting the pack Beta, hmm not even she knew the consequences of that one.

His wolf had trailed her at a safe distance and just watched curiously at her behaviour. As she nosed around and tried desperately once more to pick up anything of her old pack. Even though she knew it was a fruitless task, couldn’t help herself, it was her home and she was desperate for any scent of home. Especially right this minute.

Movement on the far east side of the abandoned pack caught her attention, there was a wolf strolling this way, large and black. Ky’ra stood all ears up, tail low, nose in the air trying to pick up who or what rank it was, it did not look like a rogue at all, clean and pristine. The Beta’s wolf was instantly next to hers his wolf pushing at her, trying to make her move and leave.

Their movement caught the others wolfs attention, it cocked its head slightly, appeared surprised to see other wolves here, then it stood straight. To its full height and snarled loud and aggressive. Alpha power pouring out of it. A warning to them and a display of his power, to show he was not to be messed with she guessed. But this was her pack, not his. Ky’ra snarled right back at him. Was suddenly nipped by the Beta’s wolf, and shoved by him quite firmly, enough to make her take a few steps.

They understood his meaning, it was time to go, she turned a little reluctantly and ran off towards the west, the Beta wolf hot on her heels. She heard the mighty Alpha howl a minute later and just knew he was coming for them, she pushed herself harder, the Beta managed to just keep up with her. She could hear the Alpha chasing, though she didn’t think he was out for blood more like chasing her off the packs territory. Her damned pack territory at that.

It stopped chasing her at the border to White Lotus Pack. Ky’ra turned and looked at him, she was a good 200 meters into no mans land. He had stopped and was just watching her, as she watched him now. She watched as he shifted into his human form, he’d obviously gotten what he wanted, her them off the packs turf. She was getting a real good look at him now.

It had been a long time since Lucinda had laid eyes on this man, but she recognised him. The Alpha, that had turned her life upside down and taken everything from her, that was him. The very Alpha, who had taken her Mate Matthew from them.

Ky’ra could feel Lucinda’s anger and rage at seeing this man. Recalling all the pain and suffering he had cause to her pack’s women and children. The slaughtering, just to claim what wasn’t even rightfully his. Fury built up in them both. The Growl that erupted from Ky’ra was so loud and aggressive, her meaning was not misunderstood by him at all. The deliberate step she took towards him noted as well. ‘Careful Ky’ra, he is an Alpha wolf.’ Lucinda suddenly worried they weren’t going to be able to take him on.

‘I know that’ she shot back not caring for Lucinda’s concerns at all. Clearly felt she could take him on.

‘Lets take him close to the pack, where back up can be gotten if you insist on fighting him.’

‘Lets.’ she agreed, she was spoiling for a fight it seemed, Lucinda’s emotions having an effect on her wolfs.

The man was standing watching her wolf, his interest in her sudden behaviour had been piqued. Not many wolves would dare challenge and Alpha wolf, and she wouldn’t smell of any rank to him just a warrior she imagined. Ky’ra snarled at him again and took a step back, her tail flicking back and forth her ears were flat back on her head. She was all aggression and he knew it, he would not know her, the last time he had laid eyes on her, she had been wolf-less.

Ky’ra’s challenge to him was clear for all to see, 'come and get me'. She turned and ran off towards their pack, she knew the Beta was with her hot on her heels. She heard the Alpha wolf howl and knew he was accepting her challenge, he would be fast and strong but he was old and she was young, her speed unmatched by any one. Even the Beta was now falling behind now that Ky’ra was full of adrenaline and pushing herself to her full potential. It was a long way to the pack and she wanted him closer, only needed to be with in linking range really. But the closer the better.

Ky’ra burst out of the wooded area on rogue territory about 200 meters from Half Moon Pack’s eastern border and skidded to a stop, the Beta shot past her, he hadn’t realised she was going to stop. Her eyes fell on the wolf of Alpha Darwin, it had come to a halt just on the edge of the forest realising she now had back up. He would be able to see the patrolling wolves pulling into formation behind her, to protect their border from an invading force.

She had taunted him all the way to her home, and she had warriors behind her, not that they would interfere in the challenge she was about to issue. It was time to kill this bastard once and for all. Ky’ra let out a howl so loud it hurt Lucinda’s own ears. It was her Luna howl and then was growling at him so fiercely, that she knew he could not mistake her challenge, for anything else.

The wolf launched itself at her and she at it, her wolf was suddenly slammed on to the ground, by one from behind her, and when Ky’ra got up there was a massive black wolf standing in front of her. She knew it was Alpha Nicholas’s wolf blocking her, could smell him. It was not facing her was standing staring down the other Alpha wolf, growling and snarling as aggressive as she had been a moment ago. Another wolf landed right next to his, she recognised Alpha Corey’s wolf Sage, and the two of them were blocking her, from getting to her intended target.

Ky’ra was not having it that bastard was ours. She shot off the mark to her left to go round the Alpha’s blocking her path to him, completely pissed off, that his wolf had taken her down and stopped her from getting what she wanted. Found both Beta’s Adam’s wolf Dom and his Beta’s wolf barring her way, she snapped aggressively at them and turned to bolt the other way, off to her right to try and go get him, only to find the rest of the Alpha Unit blocking her way. She snarled at them and launched herself at them but both wolfs pushed her back.

“Enough.” was roared down from Alpha Corey through the mind-link.

Ky’ra snarled back at him, trying to shake off the order, and tried again to take off towards Alpha Darwin’s wolf, who was standing watching her wolfs actions trying to get to him.

Ky’ra was crazed with her need to kill him. Running back and forth now, trying to push past the line of wolves, surrounding her and keeping her behind them, they were being as aggressive as she was in their attempt to contain her. All thoughts were gone now, just the need to kill Alpha Darwin.

She was growling and snarling so aggressively, that her intent would be clear to every one here watching her. She could not clear the line, no matter how she tried. It didn’t help that Thomas and her retrieval team, had arrived as well and were all backing up the Alpha’s unit. To many trying to stop her, she was never clearing them to get to him.

She was being surrounded by them all, closing the distance around her so not even Ky’ra could go back and forth. She was being forced back on to pack territory, “My office NOW.” Alpha Cory shot down the mink-link a direct order she could not ignore.

‘That’s him.’ she yelled back angrily.

‘I don’t care. GO NOW.’ he roared the order at her.

Ky’ra turned and left, unable to ignore the force he had used on her. She was marched back to the pack-house by the Alpha Unit and her own retrieval team. Completely surrounded all the way there like a bloody prisoner, would be.

She shifted the minute she arrived, Luna Lindy and Gabby were both standing looking at her with worried expression. She took the offered dress and slipped it over her head.

The minute the dress was on, there was a very large hand clamped around her elbow and she was dragged away into the pack-house. Alpha Nicholas, she could tell without even looking, just by his scent. She could feel waves of anger coming off of him. She practically had to run to keep up with his long strides. He was giving her no option, but to fall in line right this minute. She was pulled into the Alpha’s office and Corey was right their with him, banged the office door shut with so much force it actually rattled the hinges.