Chapter 13 - His Miracle Luna

She didn't move for a while, but when I deepened the kiss her arms wrapped around my neck as she kissed me back and pulled me closer to her.

She gasped and moaned at the same time when I cupped one of her perky breasts.

I slid my tounge into her mouth, and explored it. I could tell this was nsomewhat ew for her at how inexperienced she was, but it didn't matter to me. I didn't even care if this was her first kiss or not.

I trailed my hand down her side and slowly moved my lips along her jawline then down to her neck. A low growl escaped me when the smell of her arousal increased.

I knew I was teasing her and I was enjoying the sounds she was making because of it.

When my canines came out and grazed the skin of her neck her hands pushed against my chest, I knew why though and I had to force myself to pull back.

"We should stop" she said with closed eyes, her lips plump from the kiss and I couldn't help but smile at how that looked on her.

"You are right, I'm sorry." I said taking a step back "let's finish our shower, and I'll make you something to eat" she nodded but didn't move.

"I thought kissing my crush at my 12th birthday party was something, but that" Everly opened her eyes, only to see his turning golden.

Jealously looks really hot on him I must say.

"May I ask his name?" I shook my head no and looked down. If I told him it was Aaron then he would probably kill him in his sleep. The crush she had on him went away when he began ignoring her.

"Lets just finish the shower, then you can take care of...yourself, while I get dressed." I told him as my cheeks heated up, I swear it went down my chest that's how embarrassed I felt.

When they finally got oit of the shower it was late into the afternoon. And Aaron had woken up as they came out of the room. He lent her a shirt and a pair of his smallest shorts he had and they were still big on her.

He had her sit down at the island in the kitchen, when she did I noticed her lay her head on her arms that were on the counter.

I made her a grilled cheese with some tomato soup, it wasn't much but she was falling asleep by the time I was finished with her food.

Placing it down I leaned down kissing the side of her mouth and watched her beautiful sky blue eyes open. I'll never get tired of looking into them.

"Your food is ready mi amor." I told her tenderly and watched as she sat up slowly.

She rubbed her eyes to try and wake herself up, but it seemed pointless at this point. I pushed her food towards her and she smiled at me "thank you, Gabriel"

She ripped small pieces off her grilled cheese and dipped it into the soup, Everly closed her eyes again as she ate in small bites.

I shook my head at her and turned around to see Aaron standing in the doorway. He was watching her eat with a worried expression on his face.

"Hey" I said drawing his attention from her and to me.

He smiled at me when his eyes found mine. "Oh hey, Gabriel!" Aaron said as he moved into the ktchen.

"How did you sleep?" I asked him curtly. "Okay, I suppose" he answered honestly.

Before I could ask him somethijg else, the doorbell went off and I groaned not really in the mood for people today.

I glanced at Everly to see that she'd fallen asleep sitting up, I shook my head at that and took the food from her hands and placed them onto the plate.

The doorbell went off again and Aaron got up and went to go answer it for me so that I could get her some place to lay down.

I whispered into her ear "come on, let's go lay down" she opened her eyes, but she looked confused for a moment before nodding her head and allowing me to pick her up.

I heard a familiar voice as I walked out of the kitchen, along with 2 others I didn't recognize. Walking down the hall I seen Azriaiel talking to Aaron who was listening intently.

When I came into his view he smiled at me, then frowned when he noticed the sleeping beauty I was holding. He glanced to the couple beside him nervously then back at me.

I went and laid her on the couch in the livingroom then walked over to them. "What can I do for you, Azriaiel?"

Rubbing the back of his neck he gave me a small smile "we would like to talk, in private?" he said as he looked back at Aaron.

"He is an Alpha aswell, he can stay." I told him, then glanced at the couple. I recognized who they were now that I was standing closer.

"Your highness, what brings the Royal family to my little old pack?" I asked the 3 of them then glaced at Aaron who shrugged his shoulders.

"The young woman you were carrying actually" King Leonardo said his eyes not leaving mine. I frowned at this, what does the Faye King and Queen want with my beauty?

"She's human, so whatever you have been told about her I'm sure it's not true." Aaron said becoming just as nervous as I am.

The Queen laughed at him and gave him a smile "She's done nothing wrong. We're here about who she is and such..." Now I was really nervous, I think King Leonardo could tell because he placed a hand on my shoulder.

I know as a Faye he has abilities like all Faries do, but they usually have 1 power each. But him being King he has a few different ones.

"Is there anyone here that can tell us more about who she is, and where she came from." I nodded my head.

"Her best friend is here as a new pack member and is mated to my Beta. I can call her? But until then, Aaron here was one of her Alpha's from her old pack!"

Aaron nodded his head "I grew up with her, but like he said Jocelyn knows everything about her."

"Okay for now we'll start with you. How old is she?" Queen Amelia asked, her anxious nerves wanting to know more.

"20, her birthday is in February..." I looked at him, that was 6 months from now. I had to plan something.

Leonardo looked at his wife and shook his head. They have her birthday wrong and her age. "Do you happen to know how old she was when she was found?"

Aaron thought for a moment, he remembers his dad saying she wasn't a newborn the medical staff said she was atleast 6 maybe 7 months old. So everyone knew she was older than what they were told, because her parents declared her birthday as the day they found her.

"If I'm not mistaken I think 6 momths old if my memory is correct. When her father found her in the woods and brought her to the hospital, they fell in love with her and since they didn't know her birthday they decided to go with the day they found her. February 17th 2002!" he told them.

As the King and Queen thought they realized that, was around the time they got those pictures of her, they must have gotten rid of her shortly after.

"Was she injured?" The Queen asked.

"I would have to call my dad to ask My Queen!" Aaron said.

Gabriel turned around feeling a blow of air behind him, there weren't any windows open and the front door was closed so he couldn't explain what it was he felt.

When he went to turn back around a light coming from the living room caught his attention.

"She can feel it..." Leonardo whispered a bright smile appearing on his face.

They all walked into the room a soft wind was blowing causing her hair to move and fall into her face, but what caught Gabriel and Aaron's attention was her hands. There was a light coming from the palms of her hands.

"Air and light...I'm curious what others she got." Azriaiel said aloud.

"What are you talkimg about? What's happening?" Gabriel asked as he walked over and kneeled down moving the hair from her face.

The Queen smiled at the gesture. "She feels the familial bond! Even asleep."

I looked back at her with a confused expression on my face. "She has no family here."

"Her birthday, is July 24th 2001! And she was kidnapped from her crib when she was only a few hours old.." she whispered while grabbing her husbands hand in hers. "They left her brother bit took her."

I thought for a second, that date is very well known, that was the day the Faye Kingdom lost the only female heir to the throne. It is said that Queen Amelia suffered from horrible blood loss and had to have a hysterectomy after the birth. And loosing her only daughter was a tragedy for everyone.

"Who are you to her?" I whispered looking back at Everly.

Leonardo squeezed Amelia's hand lightly, they too felt the bond when they seen her in person. "Her parents..."