Chapter 11 - His Miracle Luna

Azriaiel was pacing in the hallway, there was no way that this was possible. They said she died, that's not possible, he needs to speak to he needs to speak to them.

He went to open up a portal when he felt someone behind him. Turning he seen Olivia and he flinched at the sight.

She looked horrible.

"Hello, Olive!" he smiled, he glanced into the room he seen Gabriel stand up and walk over once he seen his mother.

The door opened and he glared at her "You aren't welcome here"

Olivia nodded her head avoiding his harsh gaze. "I just came to see how she was doing son."

"She died mother. Her heart stopped, were you told? Did you feel happy knowing she died? Or did you feel horrible knowing you were the reason behind it?" Gabriel sneered at her.

"I told you I was sorry, I meant it Gabriel!"

Keeping his eyes narrowed at her he moved to the side to reveal Everly who was attached to countless IVs they put her back to sleep because she wasn't breathing right and re-inserted her breathing tube.

"You're very lucky that Michael was able to get her heart going again or I would have you killed." Gabriel then slammed the door and went back over to his sleeping mate.

Azriaiel sighed and opened up his portal, "I must be going now. I have business to attend to"

"Okay, be safe Ri!" she smiled faintly at him masking her hurt.

As Azriaiel arrived back in his quarters he walked out and went right to the Royal quarters. It was mid day, he stayed at the hospital for a few hours after Everly had taken the potion he made just to make sure everything went smoothly.

He asked Gabriel what the birthmark was on her shoulder, playing dumb he already knew what it was, he just wanted to know if he knew.

He simply told him he didn't know but he has seen it somewhere but couldn't remember, he also said it lit up in different colors when he touches it.

That made him smile when he told him that...that only meant that he was her true soul mate and not the other 2 men that had been placed in her path.

Azriaiel knocked on the door to alert the guards that he was there and to open the door. When it opened he smiled when he seen this King and Queen.

"Oh Azriaiel good afternoon. How has your day been so far?" his Queen asked him in her cheerful voice her faint Scottish accent making him shake his head at how much it has toned down since she's been here.

"Very well my Queen.." he said, and she shook her head at him.

"I've asked you to address me as 'Amelia' and not my title, Azriaiel. We have known each other for years." Amelia scolded him, making her mate laugh at her.

Azriaiel smiled at her again and walked over. "I'm sorry, for intruding on your meal." he said noticing the late lunch they were eating "but I have something to ask you both"

"Please sit?" Leonardo said motioning to a chair across from him.


It was rare for their friend to be nervous, as a Faye he could sense his nervousness and unease when he came in the room.

He could use his magic to calm him but he was his friend and they didn't use magic on each other.

Azriaiel looked up into his best friends eyes his clear blue eyes that always settled him somehow.

He then glanced over at Amelia, her blonde wavy hair and hazel eyes that looked at him worriedly, as he studied her freatues he seen it and it made his heart ache.

"Your daughter? The one that died 21 years ago..." he seen them both tense at what he said. "Did she really die after her birth?"

Leonardo grabbed Amelia's hand, he sighed and looked down. "No she didn't, she was kidnapped. We never found out who took her."

"Leo, I found a young woman in The Mystic Shadow Pack that has the birthmark of your Royal Seal!"

Leonardo's heart rate picked up upon hearing that. "Are you positive?"

He nodded bis head "she had been rejected by the twin Alphas of The River Ash Pack but..." he paused and smiled "she found her true mate...the Alpha of The Mystic Shadow Pack!"

Amelia felt tears brimming her eyes "you've seen her?"

Azriaiel nodded his head again "she was sick, my friend had me poison her before I knew who she was. I'm sorry, but she is healing now..."

He sighed "also they believe she is human, the poison she was given it even affected her the way it would a human. If she is your daughter...her powers have been suppressed for 2 decades."

"What's her name?" Amelia asked, her and Leonardo never could decide on one and by the time their baby was taken it was too late to choose.

Azriaiel smiled looking up at his Queen "Everly!!" he then looked down at his hands.

"May I ask why you told everyone she died?" he glanced up to see sadness on both their faces.

Clearing the emotion from his throat Leonardo began "the people who took her left a note. They told us that if we didn't fake her death that they would kill her. We don't know who took her or why! We are good rulers... atleast I like to think that we are."

Nodding his head Azriaiel understood now. But why didn't they tell him? He was their friend, he could have helped.

"You would have gotten her killed had you tried to look deeper into it. We almost did. They sent us a photo of her when she was just a few months old with blood covering her arm. We had to stop searching after that..." Leonardo told him after reading his thoughts.

Sighing deeply he looked up "I can talk to Gabriel about setting up a meeting. Perhaps he wouldn't see a problem in the 4 of you meeting, after she is out of the hospital that is."

"Speaking of..." Amelia said with narrowed eyes.


Jorge was sitting on Gabriel's lap doing his homework while his dad helped him.

He offered Aaron the guest room Everly was in since she now knows about them being mates and all. He was reluctant at first but eventually gave in.

"And this one?" Gabriel asked quietly.

"Umm..." Jorge looked at the word with squinted eyes like it would make it easier for him to see it somehow. "Fright?"

Laughing softly he shook his head "close, it's 'flight' but you did good buddy"

Hearing soft choking noises Gabriel looked up, he watched her eyes flutter open, she looked around frantically then reached for the breathing tube.

He quickly got up and placed Jorge in the chair, he then grabbed her hands to stop her from yanking it out. "Hey it's're okay"

Michael told him she would be asleep for a few more hours how was she awake right now? He carefully removed the tube, hating hearing her choke on it as he did.

"Is that better?" he placed his hand on her cheek, loving the sparks that erupted when he touched her warm skin.

She nodded and he smiled leaning down and placing a soft kiss on her forehead.


Everly smiled up at Gabriel and when he moved her eyes fell on the miniature sized version of him. "H-Hi Jorgie..." she coughed, her throat feeling sore.

She watched him jump up from the chair and set his things down in it, he then walked over and touched her hand that she knew felt cold from lack of movement.

Everly turned her hand over and grabbed his in hers and he smiled. "Daddy said you are going to be okay."

Gabriel smiled as he watched his son fawn over her, he leaned down and whispered a request into her ear.

She shivered as he rose up locking her eyes with his.

She then broke eye contact with him and looked back at Jorge for a brief second then to him, she bit her bottom lip and Gabriel wanted to be the one who did that instead.

He shook those thoughts off when she nodded her head and smiled.

"Hey Jorge?" he called out making his son look up at him. "Everly and I want to tell you something."

Jorge looked between them, his dad was smiling so it couldn't be bad news could it?

"Okay?" he said nervously as he held Everly's hand now with both of his little hands.

"Remember how daddy told you your mom was my mate and that she died so you could live?" Gabriel asked him, he always told him how Lydia was the love of his life and would only ever be replaced if The Moon Goddess blessed him with another mate.

"Yes daddy.." Hearing his sad voice made Gabriel smile sadly at him. "No one will ever replace your mom Jorge, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind if daddy had help if the Gaoddess gave him a second chance mate"

Jorge's head shot up "You found your mate daddy? Really?" he squealed.

His excitement made Everly giggle lightly, but in doing so it irritated her throat making her cough.

Gabriel reached over and grabbed his cup of water and offered it to her "this will help" he raised the bed up and she took the cup from him with shaky hands, and took a sip.

She looked down to see Jorge's wide worried eyes "I'm fine Jorgie." Everly whispered softly. His grey eyes softened and she smiled, they looked so much like his father's, but just a few shades darker.

Gabriel turned back to Jorge and smiled at him "I have, I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet who it is."

He watched as he scrunched up his nose "it's not Brenda is it?" That comment made him laugh, only for his mate to hit his arm.

"No son it isn't Brenda." he looked at Everly who smiled at him before taking another sip of the water. "It's Everly son."

Jorge looked between hos dad and Everly for maybe 30 seconds efore a huge squeal erupted from him. He pulled himself up on the bed with the biggest smile and higged Everly.

"Does this make you my new mommy?" he asked quietly.

Everly looked at Gabriel who was grinning from ear-to-ear and she couldn't help but laugh softly. She patted Jorge's back and he moved so he was sitting next to her.

"I'm not going to ever replace your mom Jorge..." she told him her voice cracking as she spoke "but I will try to be the best step-mom I can be, but I will need your help...because I have never been a mom before."

She watched his eyes light up and glisten a bit "I will help you, but I know you will do a great job. Your sweet and kind, Evie!"

Now it was her turn to tear up, Jorge reached up and wiped away the tear that fell from her still tired eyes. "I'm confused, I thought that other Alpha was your mate? I heard uncle Kyle say his brother Aiden, I think...was also your mate." he looked at her so confused. "Do you have 3 mates?"

Unconsciously Everly rubbed her chest, his question made her remember how it felt when both Aiden and Aaron rejected her. She closed her eyes and sighed shaking her head.

Gabriel kissed her temple "Son it's late, why don't you get back to your homework while I call Michael and have him come check on, Everly?"

He watched him nod his head, he still wanted to know who that guy was he was a curious little boy. "We can tell him later..." he whispered softly so Jorge couldn't hear him. "Aaron, will be staying with us until he is ready to go home."

She turned her head to look at him, how was that going to work? She seen the room Jocelyn was in and it was tiny. Aaron wouldn't fit in it if she and Jocelyn shared the one she was in.

"Where are you putting him? The couch?" she teased.

He chuckled lightly "the room I gave you. Kyle has a room that Jocelyn can stay in until they decide to take things further. I figured you could stay in my room...if you want?" now he felt stupid for not asking first.

Everly felt her cheeks heat up at what he asked her, even her ears felt warm. She has never been in a bed with another guy. Except for Aaron but they were kids and that didn't exactly count.

She looked away from him embarrassed by what he would think some 20 year old with no romanic experience would be.

She was willing, but none of the wolves at her old pack wanted to touch her. There was even one night when she was 18 at a party with Jocelyn where she thought it would happen but when the warrior she was with finally realized who he was with he quickly sobered up and said he had to leave.

"Gabriel, I haven't..." she trailed off not knowing how to word it, she seen him stare at her confused then his eyes widened her face becoming even more red.

"I'm not asking for that, that can come whenever you are ready...all I'm asking you to do is sleep in the bed with me." he seen her red cheeks, it made him excited to know that he would be the one to be her first and that no other man has touched her in any sexual manner.

Gabriel waited patiently for her to answer him, and now he was getting nervous the longer it took her to speak. "Everly?" he chuckled nervously.

Locking her eyes with his mesmerizing grey ones, she still couldn't find her voice to respond to his question, it wasn't until he pulled her bottom lip out from between her teeth that she didn't realize she had bit on then she looked away.

"Sorry.." she cleared her sore throat "I don't mind sleeping with you, Gabriel. But don't you think this is moving a little fast? I have only known you for a little over a week."

She looked down playing with her fingers. "I mean, I've known Aaron my whole life and I still wouldn't do the things I'm willing to do with you." If she didn't stop her cheeks were going to stain themselves with that red hue.

"No, you're just lucky I'm not like most men. They would have mated and claimed you already." Gabriel chuckled seeing how red her cheeks were, and it was just to damn adorable.

"Lay back down, Michael will be here soon to check on you." he told her tucking a messy lock of hair behind her ear. "Okay" he heard her mumble, she turned and faced him then laid down.

Gabriel leaned down and kissed her cheek letting his lips linger a little longer so he could relish in the feel of those sparks flowing through him as he did.

When he moved back he noticed a faint smile lingering on her face with her eyes closed.

Seemed she was enjoying it too.