Chapter 15 - His Miracle Luna

Everly didn't feel what they seemed to be feeling and it irritated her that she was asked to see them. She didn't have powers and she certainly wasn't a Princess.

But as she looked into the older man's eyes she noticed that the color of them were the same color as the ones she looked into every time she looked in the mirror.

"I told you I wouldn't feel it, Gabriel!" I whispered. I watched as the Queen got up from her seat and stood beside the King.

And the color of her eyes also matched the color that was mixed into the bottom of her right eye. I seen tears filling in her eyes and I sighed.

"This was a mistake!" I set Jorge down on his feet and walked out. I went down the hall and only stopped when I felt someone grab my arm.

As I turned I seen a worried Aaron standing before me.

He looked a little uncomfortable, but I couldn't stare at him very long...his gaze remimded me of Gabriel's and it really shouldn't have. They were polar oppisite.

Aaron was handsome but Gabriel... he was clearly made to look better than everybody else, I'm surprised he wasn't a cocky person knowing he looked that good.

"Last time we spoke, I rejected you. And unlike Aiden I never wanted to hurt you like that. That's why I chose Casey to be my mate, I knew the risks of a chosen mate, and knew if she found her fated mate she would most likely leave me." his tone was soft, almost like the person I knew before he and I parted as friends.

"I just wanted to say that, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for abandoning our friendship, and I'm sorry for not telling you about us being mates before Aiden banished you." I felt a tear slide down my cheek and I hated how different he and Aiden were.

If I had known I honestly wouldn't have been the right person to be with him. Or any of them for that matter.

I have a mate that wants me and isn't afraid to show me that. I should not be feeling this way for Aaron.

I gently pulled my arm from his grasp and took a few steps back. "It's going to take me some time to accept your apology, Aaron. But if I'm honest, I am glad Aiden did what he did, otherwise I wouldn't have met Gabriel!" I told him, but I couldn't look at him as I said it.

Aaron sighed and nodded his head. "I understand, I just needed to tell you that."

The Moon Goddess will see how kind and loving Aaron is despite the fact that he rejected me. I hope he gets a second chace at finding love.

I nodded my head and finally looked up at him "I appreciate the effort." I smiled softly "I'm going to go find something to eat, I can't deal with who's in the living room right now."

When I turned around I could feel him walking behind me. He knew why I didn't believe them, but if he seen what I did, I kind of looked like them, more the Queen but I had the same color hair and eyes of the King.

I loved my parents, and if it wasn't for them I probably would have died in the forest that night. I never blamed my father for his last moments with me, it wasn't his fault, if anything it was mine.

When I walked into the kitchen I seen Jocelyn and Kyle. They were cooking something and it honestly made me hungry and sick at the same time.

"You need to add salt to the pot, Kyle." Jocelyn said and turned around.

She smiled widely when she seen me, then rushed over nearly knocking me over with her body as she collided into mine.

"Oh my gosh Evie, I haven't seen you in forever." she's so dramatic, she seen me yesterday...or was it the day before that? I've lost track of my days while I was in the hospital.

I giggled at her and quietly sniffled praying she didnt hear it. With her and Aaron both here and now with the possibility of me being a Fairy and a Princess on top of it, everything just seemed like a dream.

"I won't replace my parents, Jocelyn!" I whispered to her and she nodded her head. "They don't want to replace them, they want to know who you are."

"But I don't feel that familial bond. How do I know they are telling the truth?" she pulled back and smiled at me.

"We can run a DNA test if that would help. And you not being able to feel the bond, it probably has something to do with whoever dropped you off at our borders." Jocelyn said softly and I groaned because I knew she was right.

"You look like her, Everly, and you can't say you didn't notice the features you share with him!" I looked down at my hands.

I hated it when she became the voice of reason.

"I still don't want them, I've been doing fine on my own for the past 4 years." I mumbled and she laughed at me.

"No you haven't. You may not notice it but you have serious PTSD after what happened with your father. You freak out any time a Vampire was brought into the pack to visit Alpha Jack or Aaron and Aiden."

Now that I thought about it, I did stay in my home while they were there, and didn't leave until someone told me they were gone. Usually it was Alpha Jack, he would come over to let me know who was coming over and for how long.

"You can't really blame me for that though, it was the Vampires who started it when they turned my dad and had him try and kill me." I mumbled yet again, but I'd totally forgetten that Aaron was there and I heard him gasp in shock.

"What? That's not what we were told, dad said that your dad offered himself to the Vampires to save you." I shook my head then turned around to face him.

"No, they turned him and when he woke up they told him to kill me. Being a new Vampire he couldn't control himself when he caught me.

"He tried to fight the urge but it was of no use. I tried to scream and convince him that I was his little girl, but he was too consumed on the bloodlust."

Aaron sighed and ran a hand down his face. "My dad should have atleast told us. I wouldn't have come to your house that day with Aiden and destroyed your mother's garden. Now I feel horrible."

"Damn right you should." Jocelyn said and pulled me back into her, she didn't want me anywhere near him.

And if I'm honest, I didn't really want to be near him after everything I'd learned.