Chapter 16 - His Miracle Luna

A few hours later I was sitting on the back porch enjoying the quiet scenery, the tall trees over looking the backyard along with the smell of the garden relaxed me.

I heard the back door open but I didn't look in the direction of it to see who it was.

A hand moved some of my hair from my face and pulled it back over my shoulder.

I didn't have to guess who it was. He then leaned down and placed a delicate kiss on my cheek and I smiled softly as I turned to look up at him.

"Come eat, I made enchiladas!" The smile he gave me made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

But honestly I wasn't hungry, I was tired and wanted to go back to sleep. It was 8 at night now and I've been fighting the urge to fall asleep while sitting out here.

"I'm not hungry." I told him softly then glanced back at the garden near the end of the backyard.

He sighed and went around then sat in the chair next to me. "You can't avoid them forever."

At first I was confused, but then I remembered. I could careless if they were here, I just don't believe they are my parents like everyone else does.

"I don't want to talk about this right now. I'm too tired to even consider what you all think is true." I told him then stood up, but a rush of dizzyness hit me from getting up quickly and I fell back into the chair again.

I'll be glad when I can go around without feeling tired or dizzy. Aside from the nausea, I feel like I never even took that cure.

"You need to eat, Everly." Gabriel told her while gazing at her pale face.

"I'm tired, and I'm afraid if I eat I'll just throw it back up. So please stop." he sighed again then looked away.

"Please try? For me? I'll feel better knowing you ate something." I asked her, when she turned to me I looked at her with a pleading look.

She broke eye contact then nodded slowly, and a huge smile spread on my face. I stood up and held my hand out for her. "I'll catch you if you decide to hug the floor."

She giggled at that and placed her hand in mine, I gripped it a little tighter when she pulled herself up. I then wrapped an arm over her shoulder as we walked back into the house.

As we walked into the dinning room everyone stopped talking and glanced our way. Everly shifted and looked down at her feet because all the attention was suddenly on her.

Hearing a knock on the door, I turned to her and whispered "go sit by Lena and Jocelyn, that's Gabby at the door." she kept her head down and quietly left my side.

As she sat down she could feel everyone still staring at her, so she just asked "do I jave something on my face?"

Laughs were heard all around the table so Everly looked up.

"No but..." Jocelyn kicked Kyle under the table and gave him a stern look. "we wanted to know how you feel?" he questioned.

"I'm getting tired of that question." I pointed out and Kyle's face turned a little red. "I'm tired Beta Kyle.. and your Alpha won't let me lay back down." I purposely emphasized 'your' to make my point.

Kyle laughed at how I said it and shook his head "Last I checked he is your Alpha too, and mate on top of it. Unless you've changed your mind?" Now he was teasing her.

I felt my cheeks heat up and looked back down at my hands that sat in my lap. "Even if I was, I don't think I can handle another rejection." I glanced over at Aaron who now looked guilty.

He didn't have a reason to, I told him he could mark another while still being mated to me but he refused. I've also explained why he and I can't be as close as we used to be, and he was a little hurt by that.

Hearing Gabriel coming down the hall I looked back up, only to see Aaron's eyes turn golden "Do you smell that?" he questioned.

"What?" Jocelyn asked him a little worried about why his wolf was surfacing.

"Chocolate!" he growled standing up just as the 2 siblings came in.

He thought he was imagining it but the moment he seen her come in he knew instantly. He went to say something when another person came in "Hey Gabriella baby, I can't find my chain. The one you got me for my birthday."

Aaron growled again as he and who he now knew as Gabriella looked at each other.

Feeling a hand on his back made him turn around sharply, he frowned when his once best friend jumped because he did it so suddenly.

"Calm down, Aaron. I understand why you are doing this, but you need to be calm first....tell your wolf to back down!" Everly asked him while not breaking eye contact.

Aaron felt himself relax, his jealousy fading away slowly. She always was able to calm him down when he was angry, even before he knew they were mates.

He took in a deep breath and released it slowly before giving Everly a smile.

"I see she still has a way of calming you down, even after you both broke the mate bond." Jocelyn said with a smug smile on her face.

"What?" Gabriella said quietly while looking between the 2 of them. She felt her brother push her into the room more but she stopped by shaking her head.

"I think I should head home!" she whispered and went to turn around.

"Please don't go?" Aaron asked looking back over at her. "I don't know what you heard about me, but I'm not Aiden."

"No, but like most twins they share the same mate. So if I'm your mate then I'm probably his too." she told him and then grabbed Tony's hand and pulling him with her.

Standing up Lena rushed out after her.

"It's okay, she'll come around Aaron!" Everly told him with a smile, he just nodded his head and returned to his seat.

Gabriel sat at his seat and pulled Everly over to sit by him. When she sat he looked at her "How did you do that?"

Looking at him with a confused look she tried remembering what exactly she did. "I didn't do anything."

"Yes you did. You managed to get Aaron to calm down. Nobody can do that when it comes to a jealous mate seeing their other half with another."

"Oh that.." she blushed and looked at Aaron then back to Gabriel. "I've always been able to get people to calm down. That was most of the reason I wanted to become a doctor, but being a nurse was so much easier. I was the one people called when they couldn't get kids or agitated parents to calm down. So I did."

Gabriel looked at her in awe. Hearing a giggle come from her made him break his gaze.

King Leonardo leaned his head down to his wife and said "The gift of the mind. That's the only power my family never had."

Amelia nodded. Out of all 6 powers a Fairy could get that one was the rarest one.

"And her gifts are supposed to be surpressed?" she looked over at Azriaiel in question, who nodded his head.

He gave Gabriel something that would help her gifts unlock and make it to where she would beable to feel the familial bond.

But he wants to ask her before he gave it to her, that and she probably don't trust anything that comes from the person who poisoned her.

But also his mark should do it too, but he told him that she wasn't ready for that yet.