Chapter 19 - His Miracle Luna

My breathing hitched and I felt my heart rate pick up, it was already running fast but now it was going even faster.

That explains why I felt every curve of him and his piercing so well. I thought it was just the position we were in, no it was due to the condom breaking.

I also forgot my birth control when I left River Ash so I haven't been on any of that since I've been here. This is bad, I can handle being a step-mother but not a mother myself.

"It's okay, nothing will probably happen anyways..." Gabriel whispered and leaned down kissing my lips softly, I nodded and slowed my breathing.

"I'm really sorry, Everly. About my wolf markimg you and the condom.." he said with a pained look on his face.

I leaned up on my hands then cupped his cheek with one, the sparks felt stronger now that he had marked me and I couldn't help but smile at him. "I'll get over it. You are just gonna have to help me adjust to this new life that your wolf forced me into" I teased.

He blinked a few times then smiled at me, his body then crashed into mine as we fell back onto the bed again. "You really aren't mad at me?" Gabriel asked.

I nodded my head and he looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "I'm upset yes, because you agreed to just sleep with me and not mark me. Your wolf took advantage of what I was feeling and marked me durring my highest peak of pleasure."

He smirked and ran one of his hands over my exposed nipple. "So you did enjoy it!" How could he ask me that, I know he felt how many times I came.

I blushed and nodded my head, he chuckled at my reaction and leaned down laying his head on my chest. "Let's go get a shower, I promise I'll try to keep my hands to myself."

I giggled at him, and patted his head before he got up and pulled me along with him.


As we walked into the kitchen I went to turn around immediately when I seen all the people in the room. Gabriel grabbed my hips and turned me back around.

"You said it was just, Aaron that was here!" I whispered softly and he tightened his hold on me while placing his head on top of mine.

In the room were Lena, Alexander her mate, Kyle and Jocelyn, Aaron and even Aiden was back. When did he show back up?

I looked down at my feet when Aiden looked over at me, I don't know why it still hurt whenever the 2 of them looked at me the way they did.

I heard a familiar male voice and it made me scramble from Gabriel's hold.

In the doorway stood both Alpha Jack and Luna Miriam. A huge smile spread on my face as I ran towards them.

Uncle Jack wrapped his arms around me when I jumped into his and he chuckled. "I've missed you kid!" he told me and I felt tears filling in my eyes.

"Why are you here? When did you get here?" I questioned him as he set me back down on my feet. It was then I noticed that the King and Queen were behind him.

Aunt Miriam stroked my hair, then pushed it aside a smile forming on her face.

When she looked up at me her smile faltered. "Aiden told us what happened, he told us everything."

I opened my mouth to say something but Jocelyn beat me to it. "Did he tell you he hit her when she tried to question why he was doing it?"

I looked down at my hands, my heart clenching at the memory and tears pricked my eyes again. She sighed and said "yes he did...but we didn't come here for that, Jocelyn."

I looked up at the duo in question. "When Jocelyn called and said that you were sick, really sick and needed your blood from the hospital that you donated we sprang into action. And when Aiden called and confirmed it, we met him halfway here."

How lomg has Aiden been here without me knowing. Did Gabriel and Aaron know?

Looking around the room, I looked at everyone "How long have you all been here exactly?"

Lena perked up at my question and giggled "long enough to know what was going on in that room." I watched as her mate hit her arm and I blushed furiously.

Jocelyn got up from her seat with a huge grin on her face as she came over and hugged me tightly. "Bury me in the garden please?" I whispered to her and she laughed.

"No can do, you are the Luna now. Also that would be considered first degree murder." Sighing I pulled away just as a hand touched my arm.

I looked down at it. It was a female hand but not Aunt Miriam's, this one had freckles on it. I turned my head to see Queen Amelia standing behind me.

As I gazed into her eyes I felt a sense of belonging while looking into them, I gasped and looked away when I felt warmth spread over me.

My hands felt tingly and I looked down at them only to see a light coming from my palms. "What's gaing on? What did you do to me?" I glanced over at the warlock who stood by King Leonardo.

I felt Gabriel clasp my arms in his and whisper "this isn't him, this is felt it didn't you?"

"Felt what?" I tried to make the light disappear but it was of no use. "The familial bond, Everly! My mark unlocked what was holding you back from feeling it, and your powers."

I felt tears in my eyes and shook my head, not believing what he just said. "My parents' names are William and Diana Reynolds. I am human, I'm not a Fairy Princess!"

I tried to escape his hold but it felt like he was glued to me, then out of nowhere I was on the floor my head was pounding and my wrist hurt where that central line was at.

I looked down at it and seen that it had been ripped out and I was bleeding, not a whole lot thank God. "Damn it!" I mumbled and put pressure on it.

Gabriel shook his head, she pushed him away with so much power that he bumped into Aiden. Thankfully he steadied him on his feet or he would have fallen.

I looked down at my hand and seen what was in it and I panicked. It was the damn central line she had in her wrist that was in her artery. "Everly?" I sniffed the air, I smelt blood so I followed it.

Walking out into the hallway I seen my love on the ground, the sleeve to her sweatshirt had blood on it and she tried to raise herself from the floor but failed.

She looked over at me and smiled sheepishly "I'm fine!" she said and laid on the floor closing her eyes. She had her hand on her wrist to stem the bleeding.

I walked over and sat down next to her, I moved some of her hair behind her ear and she opened her eyes to look up at me. "I promise I'm fine, it's only bleeding because it wasn't removed properly."

I nodded but I wasn't happy about the fact that she was hurt because of me. "I want Mike to come and look at it though!"

She frowned at me "so you'll take the word of your friend whose a doctor, but not your mate who has been trained as a nurse?" Well when she puts it like that I sound like a sexist ass.

I leaned down and pecked her lips softly. "No, I just have to know. And Michael is a friend." I told her, I seen the faintest of smiles on her face. Her dimples appearing briefly before she cleared her throat.

"The bleeding will stop in a little while. I just need something to cover it. My shirt isn't thick enough now that it's coated in blood." she said softly.

"I would listen to her!" Jocelyn interjected "she is smarter than most of the doctors at River Ash, and they hate it when they had to give her praise for it."

"Perks of a photographic memory" Everly mumbled as she sat up "not my fault I know more about human and wolf biology than the doctors there." she glared at her friend for making everyone glance at her.

I looked at Gabriel with pleading eyes "so please mind-link your friend and tell him I am alright and not to come?"

He smirked at me then looked down at my neck then back up to my eyes "Why don't you do it?"

I racked my brain on how he wanted me to do it, I don't have the ability to do so. "I can't mind-link, Gabriel! Human here remember?"

"From the display earlier, I think you better start calling yourself a Fairy mi amor!" I thought back to a few moments ago and my face paled, I have powers!

Not just 1 but 2. The wind carried so fast away from him that it made me forget about that.

I looked past him where both King Leonardo and Queen Amelia were standing off to the side, when they seen me looking at them they smiled at me and I averted my gaze quickly.

A knock was heard on the door and Alexander moved to go answer it.

When he opened the door I expected to see Michael.

Not someone who looked exactly like the King.