Chapter 20 - His Miracle Luna

He moved into the house with a woman by his side who was clearly about to burst as she waddled behind him slowly.

"Oh wow, what did I miss mother?" As he smiled I noticed the same dimples in his cheeks, his were deeper than mine were though, but his eyes, they were just as blue, without the hazel in them though.

"Power issues..." she whispered while rubbing the woman's belly then whispered something to her that I couldn't hear.

Gabriel grabbed my hand and I looked at him, he smiled at me his eyes shining brightly under the light we were under.

I rested my other hand against my chest as he pulled me up to my feet, surprisingly Aiden had a cloth in his hand when I was up and steady.

"Thank you, Aiden!" I told him as I looked away from him.

I pulled my sweatshirt off and over my head leaving me in just my tank top and Gabriel took it from me.

Before I even could turn around I felt someone touch my birthmark on my shoulder as I placed the cloth on my wrist. It felt warm and tingly as their fingers traced over it.

Glancing over my shoulder I seen it as the young man that looked like the King, but now that he stood closer he looked more like the Queen with just the Kings eye and hair color.

When he looked up and into my eyes I felt that odd feeling again, that same one I got when Queen Amelia gazed into my eyes.

"Dad you told me there was a possibility but I didn't believe you." he sniffled.

I turned around to face him fully and when I did his body collided with mine in a hug. I honestly didn't know what to do, I was too stunned to react.

"I'm sorry," he said quickly and pulled away then wiped his face.

From all the stories I've been told about the Faye Kingdom, I haven't heard of them having a son.

"Who are you?" I finally asked him while reaching up and wiping away a tear that he missed.

"Ronald, but my friends and family call me 'Ronnie'." I quickly looked over at Aaron who I'd given that exact same nickname to.

Aaron looked just as puzzled as I was, but he nodded his head at me and I looked back at the guy in front of me who now seemed worried.

"What is it?" he asked me softly, concern was etched in his voice.

I nodded my head towards Aaron "I've been calling Aaron, Ronnie for years. Ever since I was 6 I think!"

"Is he the one that rejected you?" Now he seemed to be getting angry as he turned and looked at Aaron. I quickly stepped into his line of sight while shaking my head. "We rejected each other."

He then looked at Aiden, his features turning harsh again.

And before anyone could react or stop him he took two large strides towards him and punched him as hard as he could in the face, I heard his nose crunch under the force of his hit.

He then striaghtened his jacket and turned back around like nothing happened.

"What happened to the mean twin, Evie?" Little Jorge's voice said, I turned to see him in the doorway with Gabriella, Katya, and Natalia.

He then ran over and hugged my legs. I smiled down at him and ran a hand through his hair. I wasn't going to answer him, but then Aiden did surprising me.

"Nothing I didn't deserve little one!" I threw the cloth he gave me at him after I made sure I wasn't bleeding anymore for his bloody nose.

"Evie?" Ronnie questioned "what is that short for?"

"Everly!" I answered when I looked up at him with a smile. He poked my cheek with a huge grin on his face.

"Whoever picked it did a great job. I would love to meet them." he said and my smile slipped from my face as I looked away from him and down at Jorge.

"My mother did, but unfortunately she and my dad are both dead." I said quietly but didn't break eye contact with the little man in front of me.

He reached his arms up and I questioned myself if I could pick him up without making the opening on my wrist bleed again.

I shook it off and leaned down, and just as I thought when I leaned back up I felt blood going down my arm again. Gabriel used my sweater to wrap my wrist up and held it tightly in his hand.

I looked at him with a smile on my face, to apologize and he smiply shook his head at me. I then looked back at Ronnie who was wearing a sad smile.

"Can I ask how?" he asked me, unsure if he should be asking me.

I sighed "Vampire rouges attacked our pack 4 years ago. My parents died protecting me" I told him, I don't think I could tell them all what really happened. I told Jocelyn small pieces but I didn't tell her everything.

He looked like he was thinking for a moment then he looked back at his parents, our parents? I wasn't sure what to call them.

"We were there." he turned back to me "The River Ash Pack right?" I nodded my head, I was in a coma for about a week so how was I supposed to know that the King and Queen of the Faye Kingdom was there.

"I didn't know that. I was in a coma after." I mumbled and his eyes nearly budged out of his head. He took a step closer to me and turned my head to the side, I seen a smile on his face when he noticed the mark.

But when he turned my head to the other side he moved my hair to the side and a scowl formed on his face. His fingers traced over the scars of the bite that got left behind.

"They knew what you were. That's why they tried to kill you." he muttered then stepped back, I felt Jorge's fingers rub the scar now that he noticed it, it was like he was trying to make it disappear if he rubbed it hard enough.

"You don't know that! I had no abilities then, and the ones I just realized I do have...I can't control."

He looked up at uncle Jack now with a stern look on his face. "You said that no kids were hurt when we asked you. I go around as 1 of my parents head warrior and you lied to me?"

"Because none were, Everly didn't die, and she wasn't hurt that bad!" Clearly he's lying to save his own ass now.

"I can see every tooth mark on her neck from the ones that bit her." he paused and looked back at me, great now everyone knew.

The first one that bit me said I tasted heavenly and began passing me around to his friends before my father even woke up.

"Had it not been for her being a Royal Fairy they would have killed her, her fight or flight probably kicked in and a power she didn't know she had saved her life. Tell me, who was the one you caught drinking from her?"

He shifted uncomfortably on his feet then looked at me to see if I was okay with him telling them.

I shook my head and he sighed.

"They turned her father!" Aunt Miriam said and I instanly averted my gaze to settle my uneven breathing. "He attacked her...had we not heard her mind-link we wouldn't have gotten there in time."

I snapped my eyes to hers and she immediately looked away from me. "I cannot mind-link!" I told everybody out of frustration.

"You did that day, you said and I quote 'Please help me daddy. Don't kill me, I'm your baby girl don't you remember your little girl?' It's like you were talking to your father and not us, we couldn't talk back to you because the moment you finished what you said your link went dead."

Now I was confused, how did they know what I said to my dad before he began chasing me?

However with his new Vampire speed and how tired I was already from the previous Vampires attacks he caught me quickly and sank his teeth into my neck faster than I could blink.

The last thing I remember was the front door crashing open and everything went dark soon after.

I didn't know I was crying until I felt little fingers brush the fallen tears away. I leaned my head against Jorge's and sniffled quietly.

I then began walking out of the hall, uncle Jack tried grabbing my arm but I moved away from him. I didn't want to be touched, they should have told me this sooner.

I opened the bedroom door, I walked over and placed Jorge on the bed while I removed the sweatshirt from my wrist. As I examined it, I noticed I needed to wrap it with some gauze.

I walked into the bathroom a cleaned all the dried blood from the area along with my arm and hand.

When I walked back out I seen Gabriel standing there with a first aid kit in his hand. He motioned for me to sit down on the bed and I did.

We were both quiet as he gently wrapped it up, he even put an ace bandage over the gauze because there wasn't any tape in the kit. "Thank you!" I smiled when he brought my wrist up to his mouth and kissed it.

"Your brother wants to stay for dinner, I hope it's okay that I said yes." he knew I didn't want to talk about what just happened, I nodded my head and Jorge laid his head down on my lap.

He looked up at me while laying on his back, his feet were crossed over one another. "Will you be afraid if you find out we have Vampires here?" he asked me with concern on his little face, and it matched his father's so damn much I hated it.

I shook my head at him, I wasn't gonna break his heart by telling him the truth. If they only knew how much anxiety I got just by knowing there was one around me they would be ashamed.

"Good, because my best friend is a Vampire and he is really cool. I think you should meet him. His name is Jason." Jorge said with a smile and I couldn't help but laugh at his enthusiasm over me meeting one of his friends.

"Jason is only part Vampire. His mother is full blooded, but his father is human." I looked up at Gabriel who was looking at me with a tender gaze. "They are really a sweet family."

"I think my fear is etched in with the evil I have seen, I've never seen a good Vampire before. When 1 would visit River Ash I locked myself up in my home and wouldn't leave until they left the pack." I told him and he nodded his head.

"How..." I took a deep breath "how many reside here?" Gabriel took my hands in his and rubbed them softly. "29...most are Omegas and the others are Warriors. They joined with their mates or they lost them due to war, that's why we took them in!"

I nodded him head, now I don't understand why Alpha Jack never took in any other supernatural beings other than Wolves or Witches. There weren't any Vampires in the pack at all.

"I remember Jocelyn telling me about the story with your father, but I don't recall her telling me how many were there that night?" I looked up from our hands and he sighed when he seen my unshed tears.

"5 if you include my father." Gabriel picked Jorge up from my lap and set him on his feet "Why don't you go play with your cousins? Or get to know uncle Ronnie?"

He watched as his son's face lit up at the last question. He then rushed out of the room and bolted down the hall.

I then got up and sat down on the bed beside Everly and she placed her head on my shoulder. "Obviously you kept some things to yourself. Can you tell me what happened?"

"I'm not ready to open that scar again."

She whispered and I understood what she meant. I was the same way for years after Lydia died.