Chapter 21 - His Miracle Luna


Later at dinner, Everly offered to make her mother's famous recipe of lasagna, as she pulled it from the oven she smiled at the beautiful melted cheese that was beautifully golden and the right shade of crispy.

It looked absolutely perfect.

As she set it down on the counter hands landed on her hips making her jump slightly. She didn't hear them come in the house ...or the kitchen.

At first she thought it was Gabriel...until they spoke.

"Smells delicious." Aiden whispered into my ear and I quickly moved away from him. His hands touching me made my skin crawl.

"What do you want, Aiden?" I asked him coldly. He smirked a bit while his eyes moved down my body and it made me feel extremely uncomfortable.

"I just wanted to see if you needed any help!" he said.

He took a step closer, but because I was already up against the counter I couldn't move away from him.

Gabriel has been trying to teach me how to mind-link all day, but it failed everytime I tried him, Jocelyn or Kyle.

I was praying to the freaking Moon right now that I could get some kind of link out.

And just as I felt it open up I felt his lips on mine. A burning sensation coursed through my abdomen and I let oit a small scream as I pushed him off of me.

My hand instantly collided with his cheek. "Why did you do that?" I asked him while wiping my mouth, he tasted like stomach acid on my lips.

He didn't answer me he simply placed his hands on either side on the counter completely trapping me in. "Gabriella rejected me, I had no choice but to accept it."

"Well then that's karma for what you did to me, Aiden." I spat at him.

His nostrils flared with anger as he looked down at me. "You are gonna regret everything you have put me through."

Now I was confused, I haven't done anything to him. But before I could ask him anything he grabbed me by my hair and pulled me into the pantry that was big enough to hold both of us.

He blocked the door with the fold out chair that was in the corner then turned to me.

I tried again to mind-link someone, this time I got through to Kyle and I quickly told him what was happening.

Gabriel wasn't here at the moment. He and Aaron were showing Ronnie and his wife Ashley around the pack, thankfully they had Jorge with them.

Aiden was supposed to be with them.

I knew one thing though, had I not gotten through to Kyle then I'd be in serious trouble.

I'm also sure Gabriel felt it when he kissed me.

I know wolves felt it when a mate was unfaithful, or sexually harassed in my case. I delt with so many cases back home in River Ash.

He grabbed my hair again and crashed his disgusting lips to mine and I felt that pain again as he pushed his tounge into my mouth.

I quickly thought and decided to bite it, he pulled away with a snarl then back handed me.

I flew into the shelves from the force of his hit, I may have powers but I didn't know the first thing about how to defend myself with them.

My self defense classes that I went to, prepared me for things like this, but I couldn't handle the strength of a Wolf.

I grabbed my head as I felt a painful throbbing in my temple. If I were a Wolf that wouldn't have hurt as bad, but as a Fairy I'm just a human with powers.

My vision doubled for a moment before it cleared. "Gabriel will kill you." I said, then felt him press himself against my back, then I felt his hard member digging into me through his clothes.

What he was doing was actually turning him on? What a sick prick. "If you can go and sleep with that Alpha after meeting him less than a month ago, then you can sleep with someone you have known your whole life."

Everything he said was jumbled together, I only caught onto the last part and it made my heart race at his intentions. He reached for the zipper on my shorts and undid it then his hand moved into them.

I had to bite down on my bottom lip to keep from screaming as he touched me in a way I never though he ever would.

Yes Aiden was an ass and a jerk, but I never imagined he would be this.

He pushed my shorts down a bit then I heard his zipper being undone. I also heard someone yelling my name, then it dawned on me I never told Kyle where we were.

"No no no please no!" I begged as I felt him against me, he had released himself and it was now against my backside.

He placed his hand over my mouth and leaned closer. "Scream again and I'll kill you while I fuck you!"

I heard banging on the door of the pantry and I gulped, they weren't going to make it inside before he had done something.

I looked for something to hit him with but all that was in front of me were boxes of noodles and different types of flour, the cans and jars were behind us.

I grabbed a box of macaroni noodles and hit him with it. But by doing that only made him more angry as he pushed me deeper into the shelves.

A silent scream left me but he quickly covered my mouth and placed his other hand around my throat tightly while squeezing.

It felt like he was driving a blade into me, was this because I was already marked? I felt him moving against me and then suddenly he was gone.

My body fell to the floor out of pure terror and panic as I moved to the back of the shelves. I felt like I was 16 all over again as I felt my breathing become uneven.

I quickly and with shaky hands pulled my shorts back up. I pulled my knees to my chest and put my head on my legs while rocking.

A voice I have only heard once since I've been here spoke softly. "It's okay, you're okay sweetheart."

It was Gabriel's mother.

I cried harder when she pulled me into her and she just let me. He didn't do any real damage, he was there for maybe 20 seconds, but it hurt like a bitch.

"Gabriel is right outside, would you like me to get him?" I shook my head, I couldn't look at him now, not fter what Aiden just subjected me to, he felt it. He probably thought I was cheating on him.

I heard her speaking in Spanish to him and him back to her, but my head hurt to bad for me to make out what they were saying.

He assumed I didn't speak much Spanish, but I was actually very fluent in it, but at this moment I couldn't understand a word they were saying.

I felt like my breathing didn't want to work with me, and black dots began to cover my vision.

I haven't had a panic attack like this since my parents died. I could feel Olivia shaking me but it was of no use I couldn't come out of this, none of my techniques were working.

I then felt sparks touching my face but I passed out soon after I felt them.

Gabriel growled as he let Everly go and stood up, he walked into the kitchen where Both Ronnie and Kyle were holding Aiden.

Aaron looked pissed as he stood in front of him.

He was speaking to him harshly "What the hell were you thinking? She has been mated and marked Aiden. You know what happens to a female who is marked that isn't willing."

"She was my mate first, our mate first." he snapped back at his brother. I felt my wolf trying to surface at his words.

"You are the one who rejected her first, then banished her from our home. When you did that you lost all rights to her." Aaron told him firmly then pointed at me.

"She found someone who wants her. She and I decided to reject each other because she was happy here and couldn't be with me because of you. And I have to thank her for that..."

"Oh for Gabriella? She fucking rejected me, Aaron."

Aaron punched his brother in the gut "You deserved it for what you did just now. You know how that feels, you felt it the night Everly was with one of our warriors, you told him to leave or you would banish him if he went any further."

I thought for a moment then remembered what she told me. "She thought he left because she was human. Are you saying it was because he ordered him to?" I asked my rage still visible on my face, jealous son of bitch.

Aaron turned around and his gaze softened. "Going 2 years knowing she was his mate built up his bond but not hers because she had no clue." he then glanced over at the pantry and shook his head.

"She won't look at me ever again because of what he did to her." Aaron was truly hurt by that, and he hated his brother now more than anything in the world.

He turned back around and glared at his brother. "I'll be calling mom and dad. They can decide what to do with you when you return home. But you need to leave, before I let her pack tear you apart."

"But first..." I said as I balled my fist up and walked over. I reared back and hit him so hard in the face that I knocked him out.

Shaking my hand out I glared down at him. "If I see him again, I will show him exactly why they call me a ruthless Alpha!" I then turned to Aaron.

"Aaron if you will, escort him home? You may return the moment he is within your packs borders." I told him and he nodded.

Turning back aroundI walked over and back into the pantry, my mother was still rocking her even though she had passed out earlier.

I squatted down and looked at her face, there was a huge bruise along the left side of her temple and both of her lips had a cut running through them.

That bastard hit her again. And from the state of the pantry it looks like she hit her head, not to mention the red handprint on her neck.

My mother looked up at me, then back down at her. "I've been in her shoes son, thankfully Kyle and I got here just in time or things could have been worse." I nodded, I was just a baby when that happened to my mom. We don't speak about it though.

"I want to clean her up and lay her down before Lena brings Jorge home." I could see the blood spots on her shorts, and it made me angry all over again. It took everything in me not to go beat the living shit out of him.

But I respected Aaron, so for him I didn't kill him. This time.

My mother nodded and let me take her from her. Everly has broken out in a cold sweat from the panicked state she was in.

I kissed her head and tucked her into my chest as I stood up again. As I walked past everyone I felt her shaking as I held her, it's like she knew he was still in the house, like she didn't feel safe with him still here.

As I entered my bedroom I closed the door with my foot then walked over to the bed. I placed her down then walked into the bathroom. I grabbed a bowl that was in there and a wash rag and waited for the water to get hot.

I tested it and decided it was hot enough. I filled up the bowl then turned the water off. I walked back out and over to her setting the bowl and rag down on the nightstand.

I then carefully leaned her up and removed her shirt and bra, then I braced myself as I did the same with her shorts and undergarments.

And as expected there was blood there, I cursed Aiden under my breath as I dipped the rag into the water then wrung it out. I slowly and gently began to clean every inch on her body.

When I reached the area I dreaded most I prayed she didn't wake up durring this part, because whether he was there for a few moments or a few hours it would still be sore.

It's a supernatural defence mechanism with the body to let the other person know that you are marked by another and unwilling.

When I was finished I placed the rag back into the bowl and brought it into the bathroom to empty.

Then I came back out and grabbed her a night gown from the dresser and a fresh pair of panties. I didn't want her to wake up without them on thinking something else happened.

I sighed when I was finished and I felt a tear fall down my cheek.

I felt everything that was happening to her, but I'm sure she felt it so much more because it happened to her.

The first thing I felt though was her panic then an ache in my stomach, at first I brushed it off but then I felt it again. I didn't know what was going on.

I tried to mind-link her but because her channel was still new to her she didn't know how to keep it open. If I hadn't heard from Kyle a few moments after that then I wouldn't have known what was going on.

We left Ashley and Jorge with Lena and Gabriella and the 3 of us raced back to the house as quickly as we could.

I was about 2 minutes down the road when I felt everything, and it almost dropped me.

My beautiful mate was being violated.