Chapter 22 - His Miracle Luna

Later that night Gabriel looked up from the paperwork on his desk when he felt her waking up.

He got up and left his office quickly, when he reached their bedroom door he hesitated then composed himself before knocking softly and opened the door.

She rolled away from me facing the other direction and I frowned at that.

Did she think I was mad at her or something?

I slipped my shirt off and got in the bed behind her. I could feel how much she blamed herself for what happened, but she didn't have a reason to do that.

She already knew that Aiden was a dick.

I slipped my arm around her and she placed her hand on it, breathing out slowly.

"I knocked his ass out baby!" I whispered and placed a kiss on her shoulder.

"I couldn't.." she stopped, taking in a deep and shaky breath "I couldn't get the mind-link to work before he brought me in there."

I placed my head gently on hers where my chin was resting on her shoulder. "But you did, and if you hadn't it would have been worse." I have no clue how long he was within her, all I knew was that he was.

Mates can tell the difference between a willing encounter and an unwilling one.

"I want him dead, Gabe! I have never wanted anybody to die before, but I do want him to be." I closed my eyes, I remember overhearing my mother a few years after she was violated by that rouge how she wished she could find him a kill him.

"Aaron took him home, he told him that their parents could deal with him. And the way he said it, it held promise." I told her.

"That's because in their pack sexual assault of any kind is usually deemed by banishment or if you are a ranked member your status is revoked." My brows rose at the thought of him not being an Alpha because of what he did.

"But it didn't happen there, it happened here. Aaron has the power to take his Alpha status himself if he had kept him here."

I shook my head. "His parents think of you as one of their own still. They'll do you right mi amor!"

She rolled onto her back and I finally got to look into her eyes, they held so much emotion it was hard to pin point which one overruled the other.

"I want to get rid of his touch...please?" Now I knew what I was seeing, she wasn't sure how to ask .. or even if she should.

I leaned down and softly kissed her, I felt her tense up on me but when she felt no pain the tension finally eased off and she kissed me back.

Her hands cupped my cheeks, almost like she wanted to feel the sparks that flowed with her touching me.

I pulled away and gazed down into her eyes just to be sure she wanted to do this and not wait until she felt better, Everly nodded her head.

"We have people sleeping, your brother and Ashley are in Aaron's room tonight because he didn't want to leave you, Jorge is down the hall and Kyle and Jocelyn are asleep in the living room. We can't be loud."

She smiled at me, but it was a faint one, and nodded her head regardless.

Pretty soon our clothes were on the floor and I was hovering over her, I placed one of her legs on my hip and slowly slid into her my head resting on her shoulder as I did.

I had to bite back my own moan, she covered her mouth as her eyes closed feeling exactly what I was feeling.

The first time was a want, pure sexual tension between the 2 of us that had built up slowly and crashed into us like a damn freight train.

Now? This was a need, it was something she needed and I was happy to give it to her.

As I moved a bit faster she uncovered her mouth while biting her bottom lip. I was doing the same, the only thing that could be heard in the room was our skin on skin contact and heavy breathing.

I placed one of my hands between us and slowly began rubbing circles on her little bundle and her eyes flew open, her mouth parting as a silent moan left her.

Her hands went to my side as we moved together, me more than her because she was still sore. Even if she hid it from me I still felt it from her.

But she was taking it like the pro she was right now. I didn't want to move all the wy into her in fear of hurting her, but by her hands moving to my hips I knew she wanted all of me.

As I plunged fully into her, I felt her hips rising and meeting me thrust for thrust.

I heard her making noises now and I felt her clenching down on me, I quickly leaned down and covered her mouth with mine just as she came.

Her entire body spasming beneath my own.

This wasn't meant to be a quickie but no sooner than she stopped cumming I felt myself release.

I jerked with my spurts and slowed down my pace, her hand was rested on my face as she whispered "thank you"

I glanced down at her and seen her face totally relaxed.

I'd say mission accomplished.

But I forgot to use protection that time. I was gonna say something but I didn't want to break the feeling she had right now.

I pulled out and fell next to her. If The Goddess deems it necessary we would know if we were expecting in a few months.

But she has her ways of picking the right time for such things.

Everly rolled over into my side and I pulled the sheets over us, as my eyes began to feel heavy.


When she woke up again the sun was peeking through the curtains. Everly rolled out of Gabriel's hold and to the edge of the bed where she sat up.

She picked up her clothes from lastnight and put them back on before going into the bathroom to do her morning routine.

When she was finished and walked to the

Dresser and changed into a pair of knee length shorts and a loose fitting shirt. She then went to the door, she glanced over at Gabriel one last time before walking out of the room.

I could hear people speaking as I neared the kitchen but what happened last night reared itself back into my head I stopped before I turned the corner.

I tried to shake the memories away but it was too fresh. So instead of going into the kitchen I walked past it and went into the dining room.

I sat down at the table and placed my head on my arms that were resting on the table..

As I thought about it, I could have fought harder. Hit him, scratched him or even kneed him in his family jewels, but I did none of that. i let him take what he wanted from me.

I jumped when a hand ran through my hair then hugged me from the side, I knew the scent. She only wore one perfume.

"Can I make you a cup of tea?" Jocelyn offered, she knew I wasn't a fan of coffee. Only drank it if I needed energy. I shook my head but my stomach grumbled, I missed dinner because of everything that happened the night before.

"What can I get you?" she asked me instead of offering.

"A phone!" Her phone was instantly in front of my face, unlocked and everything. I sat up and scrolled through the contacts in her phone.

I could feel her eyes on me and what I was doing, finding his name I hit the call button and hesitated while it rang.

I heard him answer and I slowly brought the phone to my ear. "Aaron?"

He let out a huge breath and spoke again "Eve, sweetie how are you? He didn't hurt you to bad did he?"

Closing my eyes I felt a tear run down my cheek "where are you?" I asked him.

Aaron sighed and looked at his watch. "I'm about to leave the house. I want to tell you what happened in person, and not over the phone."

I nodded my head, I understood his reason. "I'll be there in a few hours okay?" he assured me and I sighed. "Okay Ronnie, I'll see you then!"

We said our goodbyes and I hung up the phone. I handed it back to Jocelyn and looked up at her, her eyes widened when she seen my face fully.

I quickly looked away, I seen it when I went in the bathroom ealier. My lips were swollen and my heart felt like it was throbbing in my temple. It was black and blue, I hit it so hard even my eye was bruised.

I heard more people come into the room and when I heard little feet hitting the floor I quickly hid my face by leaning it down on my arms on the table.

I didn't want him to see me like this.

He placed his little hand on my head and I felt a sob come out of me. He was entirely too sweet for such a young child.

"Uncle Kyle said you got hurt.. I can beat up whoever did it, Evie!" Jorge said while running his finger through her hair, he didn't like it when she was upset.

"Daddy already did buddy!" Gabriel said from the doorway.