Chapter 11 - I Inherited Billions

The old man initially refused to budge. However, he finally chickened out when he saw the car heading straight for him. A second before he was about to get hit, he got up to run at light speed. The girl finally believed me when she saw the man with the ‘broken’ leg suddenly move with lightning quickness. A delighted look appeared on her face. “Mister, you’re incredible. That really scared him off.” “It’s no big deal.” A smile appeared on my lips when I heard her praise. If this had happened before, I would never have dared to fight him. All I would have done was blame the world for being unfair. My attitude toward life had changed since becoming rich. I now had more confidence in myself and would no longer tolerate such behavior in a situation like this. “Mister, you’re really incredible. How did you know he wasn’t hurt?” The girl looked at me with a look of admiration. I opened my mouth and was about to describe how I knew. However, I suddenly realized that both her hands had left the steering wheel amidst her excitement. I was shocked and quickly said, “You should focus on driving. We’ll talk about this later.” “Alright.” … We drove for a few more minutes before finally arriving at Shoal Apartments. I was surprised to learn that she was staying at 2047, which was right next to me. “That’s a surprise. You’re actually my new neighbor?” I smiled and stretched out my hand. “Let me introduce myself. My name is Freddie Lang, and I live next door to you.” “Montana Bale,” Montana reached her hand out as well. She said sweetly, “Thank you for what happened tonight. I look forward to seeing you often.” “No worries.” I was about to get to know her better by asking for her phone number. However, she suddenly exclaimed right at that moment, “Oh no, I’m done for! I’m going to be late!” With that, she slammed the door shut, and I was left outside alone. I was speechless… I pouted and went back to my room listlessly. After a simple clean-up, I sat on my bed. I had nothing to do, so I logged into my instant messaging app. The moment I logged in, a message popped up from our class group chat. “Fuck me, our voluptuous junior is doing a live stream. Come on and watch, everyone. The URL is…” The message had been sent out to everyone. The lurkers immediately appeared in excitement. “Is this for real? Is this that big-busted Year 1 junior who overshadowed Lina Holden the first week of the semester?” “Who else could it be but her? She’s got some great boobs and looks so temptingly naïve.” “I had the good fortune of meeting her once. Those were humongous breasts. She’s an all-natural milking cow.” “What are all of you still waiting for? Hurry up and watch her. The sooner we get on the stream, the sooner we can feast our eyes!” These people from the group were acting insane with horniness. I was a little doubtful. How huge could they be? Could they be bigger than the breasts of my gorgeous next-door neighbor? I clicked on the link with some doubts and entered a streaming room with the name ‘Cutie Pie Montana Loves Strawberry Milk’. I was stunned when I saw the female streamer in the room. What the fuck? Was this not my gorgeous neighbor? It turned out that the voluptuous junior everyone had been talking about was Montana. No wonder she had returned to her room in such a rush just now. She had been rushing to be on time for the live stream! Montana was pretty popular. She had only been in her stream for a little more than ten minutes, but there were already more than a thousand people tuning in. Moreover, there were quite many of them who bought her gifts. I found it funny watching my classmates trying to get into her good graces and buying her gifts like dogs in heat. If they ever found out that such a gorgeous streamer was living next to a loser like me, they would probably die of envy. I laughed and turned off the live stream at this thought, preparing to get into bed. Compared to the excitement I had had two days ago, I was now in a much calmer state. I had accepted everything with an open heart now. I had also drawn out preliminary plans for the next steps in my life. The first thing I needed to do was to pick up more knowledge about the economy. Even though there was currently no need for me to be on the board of directors, I would still need to learn whatever was necessary. That was why I had to make sure I absorbed as much as I could before I graduated from university. The second thing I had to do was to win the heart of the fiancée I had yet to meet. I wondered how Uncle Quinn was doing with the arrangements. Last of all, I had to exact any outstanding revenge and repay any outstanding debts. I had been humiliated by many people throughout the years, but there were also many people who had helped me. I was planning to take my time getting back at those who had humiliated me, just like how I had humiliated Lacey today! As for those who had helped me before, I planned to repay my debts to them tenfold! The first person I would repay would be Chris Waller. This guy might have been sarcastic with his words, but he had treated me really well. Not only did he often stand up for me, but he had also generously helped me when I did not even have enough money for a meal. His help to me had gone on for years! Now that I was rich, there was no reason for me not to extend my fortune to him. We were buddies, so we should be together for both the thick and thin! I remembered that his biggest wish was to get a job at Stamen Group after he graduated. His dream was not a difficult thing for me to help him with now. At the thought of this, I wrote a message and sent it to Vincent. I got him to help with getting Chris a job with the group! I slept well after I was done! … The next day was the weekend. That was why I had slept until I naturally woke up. It was already past ten when I woke up, and there was a missed call on my phone. It was from Vincent. I guessed he was calling regarding Chris, so I returned the call. “Uncle Quinn, have you made arrangements for my classmate?” “Anything instructed by Young Master will be the first thing taken care of. However, what do you think is the best position to arrange for him?” “Urm… A normal position will do. He’s just a student now. If you give him a high position, it would be difficult for him to convince others of his capabilities. A basic position would do.” “Alright. I’ll arrange for someone in Human Resources to handle this. Also, do you have any special request regarding his salary, Young Master?” “Nope, I don’t. Just offer him a salary in accordance with the current standards of the group. There is no need for special treatment.” I knew what Chris was like. He would be happy enough with a security job at Stamen Group. This was already offering him a permanent position as a Stamen Group employee. “By the way, just get someone under you to make the arrangements. Let’s not reveal both our identities just yet.” “Don’t worry, Young Master. We won’t let him find out about this. We’ll conduct everything with the usual recruitment process.” “That’s fine. Thank you for the trouble. By the way, have you taken care of that man called Lorne?” The thought of him suddenly crossed my mind. “He was settled a long time ago. I’ve made a call to one of the triad leaders from the Four Seas Triad. He will take care of things.” Four Seas Triad? I drew in a sharp intake of breath when I heard the name. I had heard of this triad before. It was the largest triad organization in South-East Asia, and it had more than a hundred thousand members. Vincent had actually gotten someone from the Four Seas Triad involved over a minor gang member from outside school. This was like killing a mosquito using a cannon! I had no idea whether to laugh or cry over this. “Lorne is going to be scared shitless over you getting such a high-profile person to take care of him.” “He did shit himself, actually. He is currently looking all over the world for you to apologize and beg for your forgiveness.” “He can forget about apologizing. I’m not bothered about meeting him at all. By the way, I still have something to attend to. I’ll hang up first, Uncle Quinn.” I could not wait to share the good news with Chris after my conversation with Vincent. However, he called me before I could even dial his number. “Freddie, do you have any money with you?” Chris sounded anxious at the other end of the call. “I do. What’s wrong? Are you in urgent need of money?” I was slightly surprised. If I was remembering correctly, this was his first time asking me for a loan. “Yeah, I’m in urgent need of money. Can you… Can you loan me twenty thousand?” He asked hesitantly. Twenty thousand? This guy had always been stingy with his money, yet now, he was asking for twenty thousand. This surprised me. “What have you gotten yourself into? Did you get your girlfriend pregnant?” “No, it’s not that…” “What exactly is going on?” “Stop speculating, and just quickly transfer me the money!” he said quite urgently. The more he acted this way, the more I felt like something was wrong with him. Right then, I heard how noisy his background noise was. It sounded a little like he was at a karaoke bar. Had he gotten himself into some sort of trouble? At the thought of this, I quickly said, “What sort of trouble are you in? If you don’t explain, I won’t give you the money.” “I… I…” Chris struggled for quite a while before saying, “It’s like this. It’s my girlfriend’s birthday today, so I brought her to sing at this karaoke bar. An arrogant punk began harassing her, and I was so mad I beat him up. But this guy has some strong backing! He’s part of a gang, and now, my girlfriend is being held captive by them, and they’re making me pay twenty thousand to have her freed. I’m out of my wits, and the only thing I could think of was getting a loan from you.” “Why didn’t you just fucking tell me about this from the start? Where are you now? I’ll come meet you.” “There’s no need to do that. You just need to transfer the money to me.” “Are you fucking stupid? These people can’t be trusted. What if they refuse to free her after you give them the twenty thousand? Stop dawdling and just give me your address.” “Alright. We’re at Partyworld Karaoke around the north side of the school. The suite number is 8688.” “Got it. Wait for me there.” I gave Vincent a call after hanging up my call with Chris. I got Vincent to arrange some help for me. I quickly headed downstairs after everything had been arranged. I stopped a taxi and went straight to the location in a hurry.
