Chapter 12 - I Inherited Billions

Chris was anxiously waiting for me at the entrance when I arrived at Partyworld Karaoke.

“Freddie, have you got the money?”

“It’s all here.” I patted my backpack.

“Let’s hurry up and get my girlfriend freed.” Chris was very anxious. He was like a cat on a hot tin roof.

“Wait a minute. How many of them are in there?”

One always has to know one’s enemy and oneself to win a battle. I had to know the exact situation I was getting into.

“There are about seven or eight of them. Their boss is called Shar-Pei, and he’s Lorne’s follower. He’s the one in charge of all the entertainment spots around school. My girlfriend is being held captive by him.”

“Alright, let’s head in.”

I had nothing to worry about the moment I found out he was Lorne’s underling. “I’ll pay them the money once we get into the suite. All you need to do is follow behind me.”

I gave him specific instructions because I was worried he might do something out of anger.

“Freddie, are you sure you can do this?”

“It’s fine. I’ll handle it.”

I followed Chris inside after we discussed it, and we knocked on the door to suite No. 8688.

It was a VIP suite and was quite spacious. There were three rows of leather sofas filled with gangsters with tattoos all over their bodies. A bunch of empty beer bottles were messily lying all over the table.

Chris’ girlfriend, Natasha York, was sitting in the corner.

I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw her sitting there safely. She did not seem to have been harmed.

With Chris pointing the way, I quickly approached Shar-Pei. “I guess you’re Shar-Pei, aren’t you? I’m here to free my buddy’s girlfriend. Here’s twenty thousand.”

Shar-Pei glanced at me sideways and took the money from me. He weighed it in his hand. “Why is there only twenty thousand?”

“Shar-Pei, weren’t you the one who asked for twenty thousand?” Chris said from beside me.

“I said twenty thousand for my people’s medical fees. But shouldn’t you be taking mental anguish into account too?” Shar-Pei sneered as he said.

“Shar-Pei, you shouldn’t be hiking up the price at this point. You said before that you wanted twenty thousand.” Chris was getting agitated.

“Is that so? Well, I could accept twenty thousand, but you need to make my people happy.” Shar-Pei laughed nastily as he said this.

“How do we make you happy?” I looked coldly at him.


With that, Shar-Pei gave Sunny Boy at the side a look.

Sunny Boy caught the look and turned to enter the bathroom.

When he came out, there were two cups in his hands filled with yellow liquid.

“You’re guests here, after all. Feel free to enjoy this freshly-brewed beer. Both the host and guests can enjoy today! This will make me and my people happy.” Shar-Pei laughed wickedly as he looked at us.

I looked at both cups of liquid.

An extremely upset look crossed my face.

I knew very well that it was not some freshly-brewed beer. It was pee!

They actually wanted me to drink pee!

This had seriously crossed the line.

“Shar-Pei, don’t you dare take this too far!” Chris clenched his teeth.

“What’s wrong? Shar-Pei is buying you beer because he respects you as guests. You shouldn’t be rude about this,” one of Shar-Pei’s lackeys said from nearby.

“That’s right. Don’t force us to do this the hard way. It’s fine if you want to refuse our hospitality. Just leave your girlfriend with us. Let us have some fun with her, and we’ll let all of you go.”


Chris was exploding with anger.

I quickly ran toward Sunny Boy and kicked the cups of pee before he realized what I was doing…

The gangsters were unprepared for this, and they were drenched.

The suite was filled with curses in an instant.

“I’ve got some on my face, you fucker!”

“Fuck this bastard!”

They took off their clothes and came rushing at us in anger.

I was already prepared for them the moment they removed their clothes.

Slam! I pointed at them with the sharp, broken beer bottle I had smashed against the table. “Be fucking reasonable, everyone. Even Lorne had to escape with his tail between his legs when he met me, what more you bunch of bastards. If any one of you dares lay a hand on me and my buddy here, I promise none of you will live to see tomorrow.”

I was threatening them viciously with a ‘weapon’ in my hand.

This bunch of gangsters was stunned by my words.

Shar-Pei gestured for his underlings to be silent before giving me a serious look. “Buddy, are you part of a gang? Who’s your boss?”

“I don’t have a boss, because I’m the boss!”

“What’s your name?”

“Freddie Lang,” I told them honestly, since I had nothing to hide.

“Freddie Lang?” Shar-Pei frowned as he looked at the underlings next to him.

“Have any of you heard of him?”

“Nope.” Everyone shook their heads.

However, Sunny Boy suddenly remembered something and said, “Shar-Pei, I’ve heard that name before. You instructed us to look for him last night.”


“It was in the group chat yesterday. Didn’t you mention a student named Freddie Lang who beat up Lorne? Lorne has been searching all over for him. Have you forgotten about it?”

“It’s this guy?” Shar-Pei was astonished as he looked at me in delight.

“You were the one who beat up Lorne?”

“Yup, that’s me.” I nodded in acknowledgment.

“You’re really something, buddy. How dare you beat up my boss? This time, you’re dead.”

He turned to an underling by his side to say, “Watch them closely while I give Lorne a call. Don’t let him escape, understand?”

With that, he left the suite with his phone in hand to make the call.

Chris’ face fell after Shar-Pei left. It was as if he had just failed an exam.

“We’re dead. We’re absolutely dead. We could have settled this with twenty thousand, but you’ve even offended Lorne. We’re completely dead now.”

“Don’t worry, it’s just Lorne. There’s nothing to worry about.”

“What do you know? That Lorne is the boss of the Gray Wolf Gang. He has a few hundred people under him, and all the internet cafés and nightclubs around our school are his territory. He’s a big shot around here. Now that you’ve offended him, we won’t be able to settle this with just money. Sigh. I shouldn’t have gotten you involved,” Chris said with regret.

“Everything’s going to be fine. There’s really nothing for you to worry about. Who knows, Lorne might come here to apologize to me,” I said with a laugh.

“Are you dreaming? You beat up Lorne, and you expect him to apologize?” Chris was speechless and rolled his eyes at me.

“Guys, we’ve probably done good. Lorne says he’ll be here in five minutes and told us to make sure that this Freddie Lang stays. Don’t let him get away.”

I could not help but frown at his words.

I thought Shar-Pei’s attitude toward me would make a 180-degree change after he was done with the call. I had not expected this.

However, it was not long before I quickly figured out the reason for this. Lorne would never have told anyone that embarrassing story of his, especially in front of all his lackeys.

That was why Shar-Pei did not know the truth of the matter.

I felt relaxed after figuring this out.

We sat in the suite, waiting patiently for Lorne’s arrival.

Lorne hurried into the suite five minutes later.

Shar-Pei immediately welcomed him with delight when he spotted him. “Boss, we have this guy under control for you. How would you like to have him taken care of?”

“Taken care of?”

Lorne’s face changed as he gave Shar-Pei a big slap. “What do you fucking mean by that?! This is Young Master Lang we’re talking about!”

He ignored Shar-Pei after that and approached me with a big smile. “Young Master Lang, I was the one in the wrong last night. I shouldn’t have stepped on your tail, and I shouldn’t have laid a hand on your girl. Please forgive a petty good-for-nothing like me.”

He took out a black VIP card from his pocket as he said this and placed it in front of me. “Here’s a joint VIP card, Young Master Lang. You are welcome to use it anytime at any entertainment spots around the school to enjoy a super VIP treatment.”

“Do you think I’ll still need this with my status?” I said condescendingly.

“Y-you’re right.” Lorne was now covered in sweat. He had no idea how to continue apologizing.

I could not go on putting him on the spot when I saw him this way, so I gave a wave of the hand. “We’ll just forget about whatever happened with you. Let’s talk about your underlings next instead.”

“Shar-Pei? How did he offend you? Just let me know and I guarantee I’ll be able to give you a satisfactory answer.”

“Offend? He didn’t really offend me. He treated me very well, even offering me his special freshly-brewed beer,” I replied sarcastically.

Lorne immediately understood what I meant by ‘freshly-brewed beer’. He did not say another word as he turned to kick Shar-Pei violently.

Shar-Pei was rolling about on the ground in pain from the attack, but he was still stubborn with his words. “Boss, what are you doing? You were looking for this Freddie Lang everywhere last night. You said you wanted to have him…”

Lorne’s face turned pale at the words, and he got even more vicious with his attacks. “Stop fucking spouting nonsense. Young Master Lang is much respected, even by Hector. I would never dare to have any disrespect for him.”

“Hector? Which Hector?” Shar-Pei asked while lying on the ground.

“Hector of the Four Seas Triad, of course.”

“Four Seas Triad?” Shar-Pei trembled on the ground.

It was obvious this was someone who scared him shitless.

“Lorne, you can stop now. I’ll handle myself.”

Shar-Pei finally understood how scary my true identity was, and he refused to allow Lorne to continue hitting him. He crawled fearfully toward me and began slapping himself across the face continuously.

He said as he slapped him, “Young Master Lang, I was too blind to recognize a great man, and I’ve ended up offending you. Please do not hold it against a nobody like me. Please forgive me. I’ll never dare do this again, never again.”