Chapter 14 - I Inherited Billions

The manager looked astounded by the credit card I had taken out.

A condescending look appeared in her eyes the next second. “Are you trying to trick me, you rascal? Stamen Bank has never put out any black credit card.”

“Never put out?”

I was puzzled.

Vincent was the one who had given me this card. How could it be fake?

The only explanation was that this manager was not knowledgeable and could not recognize the real thing when it was right in her face.

I opened my mouth, wanting to explain…

However, a commercial Mercedes Benz slowly stopped at the front door of the sales center.

The manager’s eyes brightened at the sight of the Mercedes Benz. She freshened up herself in front of a mirror and jogged toward it.

Her friendly demeanor was a 180-degree change from how she had treated me just moments ago.

“Wow, I was wondering why today seemed like it was going to be a great day. I see it’s because you’re here, Mr. Campbell. Are you here to sign the contract?” The manager opened his car door with great relish.


Mr. Campbell nodded arrogantly after getting out of the car. He turned to look around him. “Where’s Yvette? I’ll sign the contract immediately once she agrees today.”

“Mr. Campbell, just listen to yourself. You’re an important person. Why would you need a young girl like her to agree? Why not consider me? I can do anything she can.”

She leaned in seductively from beside Mr. Campbell, her breasts pushing up against him as she said all this.

However, Mr. Campbell was not at all interested and pushed her away. “Where’s Yvette? Didn’t I call ahead to inform you people I was on my way?”

“She’s freshening up back there. I’ll help you call her.”

The manager was quite dejected after failing to seduce him. “Yvette, come on out.”

“Oh, I’m coming,” Yvette answered and came running out of the washroom.

However, she looked slightly panicked when she saw Mr. Campbell.

“M-Mr. Campbell, you’re here,” she stammered.


Mr. Campbell answered her and began staring up and down Yvette creepily. “Tsk tsk. It’s no wonder I had my eyes on you. You’re even prettier than you were yesterday. Have you considered the conditions I laid out for you? Be my lover, and I’ll immediately buy a house for you.”

Yvette turned pale at the sight of Mr. Campbell, who was bald, had a huge belly, and was almost halfway through life. “Mr. Campbell, you shouldn’t kid around with me like that.”

An unhappy look crossed Mr. Campbell’s face. “Who says I’m kidding? Or do you think I’m offering too little?”

“No, it’s not that. That’s not what I mean.”

“Do you find me too old?”

“It’s not that. It’s just… It’s just…”

“What is it, exactly? I would agree immediately if I was you.”

The manager interrupted and tried to convince Yvette otherwise. “Mr. Campbell is sincere about you. He didn’t even blink twice at buying such an expensive house for you. Besides, don’t you urgently need money for your father, who’s lying in the hospital at this very moment? This is a great opportunity. Why are you still hesitating…?”

“I…” Yvette attempted to explain anxiously.

However, she kept stammering and was unable to continue saying another word.

I looked at Yvette, who was being pushed into a corner, and I knew it was time for me to make my appearance.

I said loudly to her, “Miss Sullivan, shouldn’t we be following a first come first serve attitude when it comes to serving customers?”

“Oh, right! That’s right. I still have a customer with me.”

Yvette was saved by my words.

She quickly came toward me and happily said, “Mister, let me continue introducing…”

“Who the fuck are you, boy?” Mr. Campbell walked over to me unhappily after being interrupted.

He looked me up and down, and a sneer appeared on his face. “I was wondering what great man was around, but I see you’re nothing but a poor, miserly student.”

He took out two hundred dollars from his pocket and slammed it on the table. “Take this money and get out of here now!”

I glanced at the two hundred on the table, and a smile appeared across my lips. “I see money is what works for you. Well then, maybe you should be the one that gets out of here.”

With that, I took out two wads of cash out of my backpack and slammed them on the table.

Mr. Campbell was stunned.

It was obvious that he had not expected a poor, miserly student like me to have so much cash on hand.

His expression changed and he said grimly, “Trying to go up against me, aren’t you? You’re still a little too naive for that.”

He slammed a Stamen Bank gold credit card onto the table.

The manager’s eyes widened at the sight of the gold credit card…

It was clear she recognized this card!

However, I was not impressed and laughed as I said, “Who are you trying to trick with that lousy card? Do you even have money in there? I’ve heard that there’s a lot of conmen out there who love showing off random gold or diamond credit cards to pull a con anywhere they go, but they aren’t actually even able to come up with ten thousand.”

Mr. Campbell was angered, and his face turned red. “Stop with your bullshit! How could I have no money when I’m the boss of Just Space Constructions!”

“That’s difficult to say. If you really do have money, buy a house from Miss Sullivan!”

“I’ll buy one…”

It looked like Mr. Campbell was about to buy the house.

However, he realized what was happening halfway through his sentence. “Stop trying to goad me into doing things, boy. You’re still much too naive for that. This has to be a two-man show put up by the sales center, isn’t it? I’m not going to fall for this.”

“Ho, so many excuses from a poor good-for-nothing!” I slammed my credit card on the table after saying this.

“Miss Sullivan, there’s no need to depend on him. He’s nothing but a liar who can’t afford any of the houses here. Choose a unit for me. I can swipe my card right now.”

“Mister, are you really buying one?” Yvette looked a little worried.

“Yes, let him buy one unit. If he’s able to swipe his card, I’ll buy ten!”

Mr. Campbell was sure we were putting up a two-man show and said those words with full confidence.

“Alright, it’s a deal.” I laughed mischievously and turned to Yvette.

“Miss Sullivan, prepare the contract and swipe my card.”

Yvette was still hesitant when she heard my words.

“Mister, it’s not that I don’t believe you, but the most expensive unit we have is worth nine million. Are you sure you want to purchase one?”

“It’s fine. Go ahead and prepare the contract,” I replied calmly.

“A-alright,” Yvette replied and went to prepare the contract.

It was not long before she returned with the contract. “Mister, I’ve prepared the contract. You can sign it now.”

“I’m not in a hurry to sign the contract. You can go ahead and swipe my card first.”

“Do you really want to swipe it?” Yvette was quite hesitant as if she was afraid I would be embarrassed here.

“What are you waiting for? Let me do it.” The manager snatched my credit card over and expertly keyed in the numbers and swiped my card.

“Our POS machine is connected to Stamen Bank, boy. Every single transaction can go up to a maximum of ten million. If you dare lie to us, just wait to be embarrassed.”

She passed the POS machine to me and requested me to key in my password.

I calmly took the machine and quickly keyed in my password.

Mr. Campbell sneered and watched the machine after the card was swiped. He was very sure it would display a notification of insufficient funds.

However, he was about to be disappointed.

That was because the POS machine began printing the receipt after a beep.

To put it another way, the transaction had been successful!

“How is that possible?” Mr. Campbell was astounded.

He gave a start and said to the manager, “Miss Ziegler, did you key in a few zeroes fewer than you should have?”

“That’s right, I might have keyed in the wrong number!” The manager immediately lowered her head to check the receipt.

However, she checked seven or eight times in a row, and the amount was still nine million and not a cent less.

“H-how is this possible?” The manager shouted in shock.

“There’s really nine million in his card!”

Mr. Campbell did not believe it even after hearing those words.

He took the receipt and counted it for himself.

The result remained the same.

He was now looking a little panicked!

I was not planning on letting him off the hook. I smiled mischievously and looked at him. “Mr. Campbell, I’ve already bought my unit. It’s your turn now. It’s not that expensive! Such an excellent villa for only nine million per unit. Ten units would only require less than a hundred million.”

Mr. Campbell turned ghostly pale when he heard my words.

Before he could say a word, sweat began to drip off his forehead.

“I-I had a little too much to drink just now and was just kidding around with you. There’s no need to take this so seriously.” He did not even bother keeping his dignity intact as he made a run for it.

Once Mr. Campbell was gone, the manager changed her previously cold attitude and came walking over to me with a bright smile.

She pulled her collar lower and bowed in apology. “Sir, my name is Macy Ziegler, and I was in the wrong for ignoring you before. Please feel free to come to me for anything in the future.”