Chapter 11 - Alpha's Surrogate

Kiara always wondered why Xavier had picked her in the first place. Why had he chosen the daughter of an enemy as a surrogate despite having hundreds of gorgeous nymph-like females in his pack? Why would he want an heir from this young virgin's womb? She never asked the questions that were on her mind, most likely due to her lack of confidence in learning the answers. She was concerned now that Xavier had revealed the obsessive side of himself. He only wanted a pup from her. Kiara slowly opened her eyes. As she gazed at Xavier, her heart flickered with unusual emotion. She was terrified of her own beating heart.

"Tyler has been tasked with preparing the surrogacy legal contracts, but because of the marking situation, they need to be altered. Nothing about our previous agreement will change. He is adding that we must mark each other," Xavier continued, caressing her face. Her body was as cold as ice, yet she could hear and comprehend him perfectly. "I'll give you time to think it over and decide, but only the time it takes for the documents to be drawn up," he offered. For the first time, Kiara had been offered a choice. She merely nodded, knowing she didn't have much time to consider. Her marking ceremony would take place on the day of the full moon. The papers were bound to be finished by the next day. She just had a few hours to make a decision.


"Kiara," Jennifer and Lena entered the corridor, keeping their distance. Xavier and Kiara stared at them. Their expressions showed concern for Kiara, after she left the dining table without having eaten breakfast. The news of the marking ritual should have brought her joy and happiness, but it had enraged the Alpha and Luna, which both of them had noticed.

Xavier drew back his hand that had been caressing Kiara's hair and cheek during their conversation. Their gazes met for a few seconds before he abruptly decided to leave the women alone and make his way downstairs, where the ranked males awaited him.

"Is everything okay?" Lena inquired. Kiara felt guilty after seeing the sad expressions of Jennifer, who was usually chirping, and Lena, who was always smiling. They had been delighted for her when they heard about the marking, and they were concerned for her when she suddenly left the dining room.

"Yes, I'm alright. Please don't worry." Kiara smiled brightly at them, bringing solace to both females' hearts.

"So, why did you leave the dining room so quickly? Why didn't you join us for breakfast?" Lena questioned as they drew closer to Kiara, who appeared to have been crying. Did someone say or do something to hurt her?

"My stomach was a little upset, so I needed to rest. But I'm okay since he was there to support me. Please don't be concerned. I apologize. That is something I will never do again. I'll let you both know the next time it happens." She reassured her two worried friends of her recovery while holding their hands.

"Do you want me to grab you some fruit or something light to eat?" Lena asked as they entered Kiara's room.

"No, I usually skip breakfast, so I'm okay. I don't feel hungry," Kiara said with a little giggle because their expressions were clearly astonished. Her mother used to lecture her about not eating breakfast.

"Kiara, you should not miss breakfast. It's a good thing you told us, a tornado would have landed if the Alpha had been listening." Lena burst out laughing.

"What do you mean?" What was the connection between her eating and the Alpha?

"Perhaps you are unaware, but Kaiden gave me a long list of nutritious foods that needed to be put on your plate. The Alpha has requested the Doctor to prepare a chart for you. In short, I have a diet chart, and according to it, you must have three meals and two snacks every day, without skipping any otherwise, I will be in big trouble," Jennifer stated.

"Yeah, and my responsibility is to keep an eye on your health and lifestyle," Lena chimed in.

Kiara's eyes widened in amazement. Diet plan? When had that happened? Everything from the doctor had already been prescribed on her behalf by the Alpha, and she now had to follow it. He wanted to put more flesh on h bones. Kiara was just concerned about her weight. She was not starved in her pack; this was just her normal figure. Would he continue to feed her until she became chubby? This man was a force to be reckoned with. Everything had been arranged behind her back. She could sense his obsession with a healthy pup growing. He gave her time to make a decision on their marking, though he knew she didn't have much choice. He already informed her that he would catch her again.

"A glass of juice will do," Kiara said. She didn't want her friends to get in trouble because of her. Jennifer immediately ordered an Omega to bring her juice. She was torn between the Alpha's command and the Luna's mood, but juice was preferable to an empty stomach.

“So, do you have any plans for today?" Lena asked, taking a seat on the sofa.

"I don't have much to do here. I am completely free," Kiara exclaimed, laughing. As her semester classes had not yet begun, she had nothing to study.

"Why don't we go shopping?" Lena suggested, looking between Jennifer and Kiara

"But haven't you planned to go shopping this evening?" Kiara was puzzled.

"Yes, but the three of us have nothing to do right now, and we may not have time to go shopping later if other pack members come to the packhouse for an evening meeting. We'll have plenty of time to shop if we leave now. How about we go to a movie after getting what we need?"

"I agree with you. I'll ask the driver to get the car ready, and we'll be on our way in half an hour," Jennifer stated, glancing at Kiara since she was the only one who had yet to agree.

"But I'm going to wear this outfit. Please do not send me another," Kiara gave both females a severe look. The Beta and Gamma female giggled, wondering how the Luna guessed their plan to doll her for shopping.

After half an hour, the three beautiful she-wolves stepped out of the packhouse, where the car was waiting for them. The driver lowered his head and opened the door, not daring to look at them. When he caught a familiar scent, he couldn't stop himself.

"Kiara!" He almost yelped. She recognized the voice and turned to face the man who had opened the door for her.

"Cole!" Kiara was taken aback.

"Oh my goodness! We meet again," Cole exclaimed as he clasped her hand. He knew she wouldn't let him embrace her, so he restrained himself.

"Are you two acquainted?" Jennifer was surprised, then alarmed, to find them holding hands. She was relieved that Xavier was not around, but the other pack members would keep an eye on them. She had never paid attention to this young driver before today, but the way they knew each other's names made it evident that they knew one another very well.

"Yes, Cole and I were classmates," Kiara explained cheerfully. She had not anticipated coming across him in this pack. Jennifer and Lena exchange anxious looks. How was it possible for the daughter of an Alpha to have a friendship with an Omega? "What are you doing here?" Kiara asked Cole, forgetting about her shopping trip. She was anxious to catch up with an old buddy who had transferred schools the previous year.

"I am a member of the Sirius Bright Pack. I am a new driver," he said enthusiastically, watching how elegantly Kiara pulled her hair away from her face. She was as stunning as ever, which made his heart race.

"Ohh," Kiara had never questioned him about his pack before. But she was delighted to see him again.

"So, what about you? Do you intend to meet with someone here?" Cole inquired, noting that Beta and Gamma females had been standing behind Kiara, which was unusual. This has never occurred before. These two women would never walk behind anyone other than the Alpha twins, no matter who the guest was.

"She is the pack's Luna. The mate of Alpha Xavier, "Jennifer responded proudly before Kiara had the chance.

"The Luna?" Lena watched the Omega's bright face blanch. Anguish flickered across his face as it settled over his heart. Feeling their gaze on him, he hastily disguised it. "That's great," he said as he let go of her hand. Yes, the pack had heard that the Alpha selected a Luna, but Cole had no idea that woman was Kiara.

While out, Jennifer and Lena pushed Kiara to buy whatever she desired. They were more eager to go shopping than the Luna was. Kiara was happy they had joined her because she had zero experience shopping at pricey malls.

First and foremost, Lena took her to a shoe store. Kiara could walk in the sandals that she received that morning, but these heels Lena insisted on were too high for her. When she asked for lower heels, but Lena quickly teaching her how to walk in them. Kiara proved to be a fast learner, and they lavished her with shoes of every color. Following that, they moved on to bags and cosmetics. Kiara allowed Jennifer and Lena to buy her make-up. They also taught her how to buy more in the future. Her long hair was lovely, but it required extra care, so a hair dryer and straightener were a nice choice.

Kiara was relieved that she stopped Cole from following them as they entered the underwear store. He wanted to be a bodyguard, but he had to follow the Luna's orders. Lena teased her every now and again, urging her to buy all the matching thongs, panties, and bras so that she might surprise the Alpha while he was in action at night. Kiara had been blushing uncontrollably. Are all married she-wolves this bold? She was also urged to purchase extra pairs in case of wild sex, which would result in her underwear being ripped off.

Jennifer led Kiara to a clothing store where she purchased at least two dozen outfits in various patterns, colors, and brands.

"I don't need so much clothing." Kiara thought of putting back more than half of the items they had picked out. She was only going to be in the pack for a few months. Certainly, Xavier would be upset when he saw how much money she had spent. How could these women spend money like this? They didn't even glance at the price tags.

"This is not even close to enough, believe me. You will attend several meetings, parties, and events with the Alpha over a few days, for which you will require many different outfits. Don't tell me you're planning on wearing the same outfits all year," Lena and Jennifer chuckled, believing it was a joke, but it had been a reality for Kiara. She had no need for so many garments because she had never been permitted to attend a single event, making all this stuff meaningless to her.

"Will the Alpha take me to events?" Kiara resembled a small girl who had been informed about the possibility of visiting Wonderland.

"Yes, as you are the Luna, you will accompany him everywhere. We must get additional clothing, so you are prepared, " They stated as they drew her into a gown shop.

Kiara was surprised by this. Her father would always take everyone to the festival, leaving her alone at home. Martha had to follow her mate, but Adira usually sought to stay home with Kiara. But as the oldest daughter, she was required to attend the festivals. Kiara would be left alone because her father was certain that her bad luck would follow them. She felt sad and left out at first, but eventually became accustomed to it. She used to watch everyone excitedly get dressed and head to the festival, then lock herself away in her room. She had no idea that Xavier would take her to events with him. She was destined to be his Luna, even if only for a few months. The Beta and Gamma females instantly noticed the little smile on her face.

"Oooo... you are thinking about the Alpha?" Jennifer teased.

"No, I am not," Kiara hastily lied, picking up a red gown at random.

"Don't try to hide it. We noticed you were daydreaming," Lena smiled as she poked Kiara's sides. She laughed, but she didn't confess it.

"Kiara, you are absolutely amazing. You've turned our cold, heartless Alpha into a normal being. I still can't believe he has chosen a mate," Jennifer's voice sounded a bit sad to Kiara. Jennifer had married Kaiden prior to Xavier rejecting Petra. She had only spent a little time with the Alpha and former Luna, but she had witnessed all of Xavier's melancholy, anguish, and agitation after that.

"Could you tell me why he's so cold and heartless?" Kiara was bewildered. This morning was the first time she had seen a small smile on his face, which had vanished almost immediately. He was constantly preoccupied with so many things, and his eyes spoke louder than his words, but he was always cold to her. She could feel an invisible barrier between them whenever she came close to him.

"Umm, there are just a few topics that we are not at liberty to discuss. But I remember Alpha Xavier being very different a few years back. He used to be nice and would smile at us, but things happened that caused him to change. Actually, this is an extremely sensitive subject. We really are not the ones who should tell you about it. It's the Alpha's business. I suppose you'll learn more about it shortly. But I'd like to suggest that you not abandon him. He needs you. The Alpha requires your love, Kiara," Kiara looked between Jennifer and Lena, who were pleading with her not to leave their Alpha alone. She couldn't believe that she nodded, knowing she would depart one day.

She received no response to her question about his cold demeanor, but she realized that Xavier's heart was just as empty as hers. She watched Jennifer and Lena as they purchased a few items for their mates. She left the shop by herself and spotted a men's store. When she walked in, her gaze fixed on a watch. It sat gleaming in the case and was absolutely lovely. She bit her lower lip and stared at the black card in her hand.


For several hours, the twin brothers were discussing an issue that had emerged with the affected pack members. Now it was nearly nightfall. Everyone had returned to their work after the resolution. At the moment all the ranking males of the pack were gathered in the Alphas’office. Tyler began to chat while waiting for the meeting to conclude after an Omega had served everyone coffee.

"I have taken note of the contract revisions you requested, but if you intend to add anything further, please let me know."

"I don't expect any more changes. I'm no longer going to allow Grandpa or any of the other elders to meddle in my affairs. That will be the first and last time!" Xavier's voice sounded even more rebellious. This pack had been formed by his forefathers' hard labor, blood, and sweat, then the reins had been passed down to him and his brother. They could run it however they saw fit. Even if some conservative old males tried to stymie him. The twins had issued a warning to the pack's elders, stating that if their conduct did not improve or if they continued to intervene, the new regulations imposed on them might be fatal. When all the elders turned pale, Xavier and Zander smiled evilly. Yes, they were revered and held authority, but they also had boundaries and were not above the Alpha.

"I need to finish this marking thing as quickly as possible before any of them try another trick," Xavier tapped his finger on the table.

"I agree because if Grandpa senses anything out of the ordinary, Kiara may be in trouble. However, since she'll become your Luna, they can't point the finger at her," Zander said.

"Tyler, the contracts should be completed as quickly as possible." Xavier gave the command.

"Alright, but will she sign the papers after reading your terms and conditions?"

"She's going to have to sign it!" With a growl, Xavier stopped his comment short. She had no idea what type of restrictions and conditions he had written into the contract, which had disturbed Kaiden and Tyler due to Kiara's reaction that morning.

“But Xavier, are you sure you don't want her to have a check-up?” Kaiden pointed out the need for a physical examination of a female's health before surrogacy for her to bear a healthy pup.

"There is no need for that because I will not change my mind no matter what the report's findings are. She is the only one that will give birth to my pup" he declared. Zander gestured for Kaiden and Tyler to let it go for now, as Xavier was becoming annoyed. He realized there was nothing that could calm his brother since his thoughts were on someone else who had been absent for hours.

Since the Kiara left the pack land, the Alpha kept looking at his watch. Kaiden and Tyler were also keeping an eye on the time as none of the woman had returned. Where had they gone? Xavier had been away earlier, when he returned he had become incensed when he couldn't find Kiara. For a split second, he considered the possibility that she had fled. But then he learned that she went with Jennifer and Lena. After that, he simply worked, he did not eat, and just kept staring at his watch. He became more furious with each passing second since he could sense Kiara's absence in the pack and around him. Dean had been snarling and snapping at anyone since even the thought of her fleeing had clouded their minds.

Xavier rose from his seat to leave the room, but paused as the sound of a car arriving at the packhouse reached his ears.

“Seems like the girl’s have returned,” Zander, who was seated near the window, stated while watching them getting out of the car. Zander watched his brother stop in his tracks. Kaiden and Tyler dashed towards the window like lost puppies who had found their way back home. When they saw their mates, their eyes lit up. Even though Kiara was far away, Xavier caught her fragrance. Dean finally growled in relief, knowing she had returned and had not fled. He relaxed his muscles and walked out of the room without looking out the window.

“Hmm, who is that man with Kiara?” Zander mumbled, but it was loud enough to reach Xavier's ears. When Xavier heard about another man, his legs stopped working as if he was suddenly paralyzed. When Kaiden and Tyler noticed Xavier approaching, they quickly stepped away from the window. Cole's hand brushed Kiara's as he helped her with the bags.

“Who is he?!” Xavier snarled. Kaiden knew this question had been coming, so he had mind-linked someone who knew the answer but he got no clear response.

“Well, that is still unclear but he drove them today,” Kaiden explained, but it wasn't enough to say why that driver was so touchy with the Luna. Kiara had been chatting and laughing with him, which irritated Xavier. Even Zander was irritated by the annoying young man who hung around the Luna. The Omega had no idea that he was being watched so intently. Xavier stormed out of the office.

"Don't forget this one, Kiara," Cole reminded her as he handed Kiara her last bag.

"Your hands are so teeny-tiny. Would you like my help with your bags?" With a chuckle, Cole volunteered his assistance.

"No, I can handle it. Thank you for your help today," she smiled as she entered the packhouse. She'd never thought in her wildest dreams that she would shop so much. She regretted not enlisting Lena's assistance. Instead, she had sent her to her room, but she was also exhausted from the day’s activities. She placed all her bags on the sofa when she entered the room. She picked up the box and admired it for a few seconds. She moved to the table to put it down, but there was a tremendous bang on the door that startled her. She turned to face the door that Xavier stormed through.

"Where have you been?" He began to take large strides towards her, frightening her to death. With Dean overpowering him, he looked like he was going to devour her whole.

“Shopping,” she answered as she rapidly retraced her steps. Why was he upset? Was it all the money she spent? She knew that he'd be upset if she bought all of that expensive clothing. He had stated that he would provide her with necessities, but what Lena and Jennifer had insisted she buy was extravagant. Did he intend to teach her a lesson that would remind her of her status here as a surrogate? The back of Kiara's legs collided with the bed, causing her to fall over, but he did not stop. When he followed her to the bed, she hurriedly crawled back. She had nowhere to go now. When Xavier was near, the fear of being beaten overpowered her mind. Kiara put her hand holding the little box in front of her face. "I’m sorry for spending so much of your money. I swear I'll return everything," she clenched her fists and closed her eyes. Her entire body trembled in terror,so quickly, the Moon Goddess drew her out of her fantasy and brought her back to reality. She braced herself for a blow, but was suddenly pulled closer by Xavier's large hand.

“Who is he?”

Kiara's eyes opened, finding herself close to Xaiver's lips. They were literally less than a few inches apart.

“Who?” She murmured, still intimidated by his wolf’s eyes. His aura was equally lethal.

"Who is that driver? Why were you so close to him?" Xavier tightened his grip on Kiara's arms.

"He was a classmate of mine. This is the first time we have seen each other in months. He transferred schools, so we talked a bit," she continued, a bit dumbfounded. She assumed he was upset because of all the money she spent, but he was asking about Cole. Xavier let go of her arms as his wolf retreated, but he remained staring into her wide eyes.

"Don't leave territory without telling me from now on," his hands slid down her arms and waist. "Do you understand?"

Kiara shuddered, nodding. His fingers trailed over her lower stomach, leaving a trail of fire, making her whole body feel heated. Then he abruptly got up and left the room. She held her breath until he disappeared. What was that all about? Why was he acting like a lunatic? Because she left without telling him where she was going??

She sat on the bed, her hand over her rapidly beating heart. Was it actually been fear? And if so, why had she felt something between her legs?

She crossed her legs, trying to put an end to the strange sensation, only to discover that the box had vanished from her grasp. Wasn’t she just holding it? Where did it go? She searched the entire bed, including under it, but it was gone. She couldn't have possibly lost it.