Chapter 30 - Alpha's Surrogate

Everyone returned to their human forms and promptly offered Zander football shorts. Xavier averted his gaze from his twins as he marched away with Kiara in his arms, smashing the criminal's head under his heel. Zander walked alongside his brother, yelling through mind-link for physicians to rush to Xavier's room.

Lena promptly opened the chamber door for Alpha, who placed his unconscious Luna on the bed tenderly. While looking down at Kiara's innocent face, Xavier's hand gently withdrew his arms that had been supporting her head and waist. He brushed her hair away from her face, wondering when he had previously been so compassionate with a woman. None of the physicians had arrived yet. One explanation was that they had gone to retrieve their medical kits, the other was that no one could match Xavier's speed. Jennifer and Lena, who knew very little about these things, began cleaning the wounds after removing the scarf that Xavier had tied around Kiara's arms.

"Kiara has lost a lot of blood!" Lena became terrified. The wolf had dug its fangs deep in Kiara's arms, injuring a big portion of them.

"Where the fuck are the doctors!" Dean roared when he noticed all the doctors rushing into the room one by one. They trembled as the Alpha threw a lethal glare at everyone who couldn't reach Kiara before he allowed them to enter the room. The medical staff had not been present at the event, so why had they been so late?

The nurse proceeded to change Kiara's clothing. Jennifer and Lena were the only ones who had remained in the room with the medical team. Kaiden, Tyler and Zander all exited the room at the same time. But who would dare ask the green-eyed Alpha, who had been observing everything the physicians did, to leave the room?

The Doctor who was treating Kiara was terrified because it was not only Xavier standing behind him, but Dean was there in Xavier's eyes. Everyone's life would be jeopardized if Kiara moaned in pain even slightly. After observing the criminal wolf's death, one had to safeguard their own head and torso, so the Doctor swiftly injected Kiara with a painkiller to relieve any discomfort, then began treating her.

Following that, the physicians quickly began treatment, while also attempting to eliminate the poison found in the wolf's canines from Kiara's body as quickly as possible. That was when another doctor stormed into the room.

"Alpha, I am sorry but we are short-staffed, so… " The senior doctor attempted to offer an explanation, but his collar was swiftly grabbed. When Xavier's big hands dragged the middle-aged wolf out of the bedroom like rubbish and flung him into the corridor like crap, the middle-aged wolf was frightened. "Ahh!" In anguish, the Doctor yelled. Tyler gripped the doctor's hair as the Doctor was made to kneel in front of the Alpha, who delivered a harsh kick to his stomach.

"Is it your responsibility to merely eat and shit? Or maybe you should breed every hole that is available to you? Why did I allow you into my pack? To be late when a patient requires you?! I have more than 50 physicians in my pack, yet you say you're low on staff? Then I'll have to fill another position because you've been fired!" Dean and Xavier both roared.

Xavier's final kick knocked the middle-aged man down while the other Alpha stood in the corner of the hallway, watching the altercation.

The Doctor had arrived reeking of sex. Everyone's nose has already picked it up. While everyone else had been enjoying the event, this sex-hungry man whore had been banging an Omega in his office. The majority of the medical staff had been treating the other patients, but this one had been so engrossed in his own pleasure that he disregarded the mind-link when Kaiden and Tyler summoned all of the hospital staff to Alpha's room. The senior doctor had also been responsible for mind-linking his team, but he had failed to do so.

"Alpha, I am sorry," he pleaded while clutching Xavier's leg, which was enough to illicit another severe kick.

"Throw him out of my pack house!" Xavier ordered. Two men instantly hauled the Doctor out of the pack house. The Doctor had been a respected member of the pack due to his treatments, but now he was being treated poorly. Yet who would dare to get on Xavier's wrong side? At this point, he seemed to be acting like a crazed dog ready to bite everyone who got in his way. "What exactly happened?" Xavier inquired, his gaze fixed on Kaiden, who was the only one who had followed Zander to the prison.

"Well, by the time we arrived, the convicted wolf had already slain a couple of the guards then escaped through the old door of the jail, which had been sealed for 20 years," Kaiden explained. Xavier cocked his brows, getting closer to Kaiden, who had just finished speaking.

"So you mean to say that fucker first broke the door of his own cell, then he alone killed our men and broke the sealed door whose key we had lost earlier that no one knew where it is? All this happened yet no one discovered it?" Xavier's eyes had become a darker green color that appeared terrifying. Kiaden was his friend, but his wolf was terrified of this side of Xavier. Zander hastily motioned for him to respond, as his brother had run out of patience. The Beta took a deep breath and proceeded, feeling that Dean's mental state was at a tipping point. "Well, I don't believe it either, but based on what was in the cell, it seems that way," Kiaden added. Tyler's frown could be seen by the Beta. Everyone in the pack was unhappy that they hadn’t been able to stop the wolf from injuring their Luna. One of them was the Gamma. Xavier looked at his brother, who was deep in thought. Zander raised his gaze to Xander, who clearly wanted to know what was going on in his head.

"Regardless of how much proof we have, the fact that these events keep occurring one after the other is not a coincidence, but rather the result of a well-planned conspiracy. A spy, a border guard assassination, the vampire attack, and now this criminal wolf escapes. He had just assaulted Kiara. He had the option of escaping, but he approached the training grounds knowing he would be killed. All of these incidents appear to be related, yet it is possible that things are not as they seem."

Zander had put the facts together but he was still perplexed. Tyler and Kaiden remained silent because they, too, were dumbfounded. Everyone's thoughts and attention were focused on what was transpiring inside the room, where they hadn't heard a single sound. Jennifer and Lena had likewise been silent until now.

Xavier nodded as he let out a big sigh. Something was definitely wrong. The postmortem report on the previous dead wolf was still not finished. The situation that had occurred in the pack today was unprecedented. His blood was still rushing through his veins like lava. He hadn't been able to defend her even though Kiara was in his arms. Xavier recalled the events of the day. He couldn't figure out why Kiara had pushed him out of the way letting the wolf attack her. He leaned his face against the window, driving his claws into his palm while he watched her treatment taking place.

"The Luna is completely fine, Alpha. The doctor is bandaging her," Jennifer group mind-linked everyone. Her voice was full of happiness. Xavier had not moved from his spot by the window but Dean had let out a low growl, scratching the windows. Xavier took over completely to control him. Yes, he had already been aware that Kiara would not die, but still that stupid wolf of his had been planning to kill everyone who had crossed his path.

Xavier's gaze examined Kiara's face, which seemed a little pale due to all the blood she had lost. One perk of being a werewolf was that with adequate rest, she would regain all of the blood she had lost and strength in a couple of hours. Kiara's serene demeanor abruptly changed to one of discomfort, which was acknowledged by Xavier.

"If you're worried, you should go see her..." Zander murmured, receiving a scowl from Xavier. Concerned? How dare he say something so bold? To save his own ass, the younger twin smiled innocently as he leaned lazily against the window looking between his brother and unconscious sister-in-mate.

"Where is that grey wolf?" Xavier demanded, cutting through the nonsense and getting to the vital issue that he needed to address.

"He's probably in the pack hospital. He was also injured," Kaiden informed him, and immediately followed Xavier out of the room. Due to the fact that everyone had followed their Alpha and Luna, the location of the grey wolf was unknown. Tyler mind-linked one of the men to make sure that he was there. Xavier came to a halt returning the gaze to Zander, who had been a slacker. Why hadn't he been moving his ass and accompanying him?

"I suppose I'll go take a shower," Zander said, showing his bloodied hands.

"I believe that I also injured my leg. I'm worried that I won't be able to keep up with you, brother." Zander smiled and as usual, passed off his responsibility to Xavier with poor acting.

"Whatever, just keep up the same drama when Grandpa comes to check on you," Xavier chided while rolling his eyes as he walked away.

"You're such a jerk! Couldn't you just ask me to come with you like a normal person? What's the point of bringing up that old man?" Zander snarled, looking around for the elderly wolf who could be struggling to breathe since his favorite Luna was hurt. Before Stephen could come up to visit his lovely Luna, Zander opted to take a short shower and join Xavier.



The nurse and everyone else who had encircled the guy sitting on the hospital bed, instantly exited the room. The grey wolf, who had now shifted into his human form, was sprawled out on the bed, and had not expected Alpha's presence.

"Alpha," his blue eyes were fixed on the floor, yet his long, broad body was rigid.

"What is your name?" Xavier inquired, noticing his wounded hand. The injury did not appear to be severe.

"Lance," he responded, as he felt Xavier's attention on him. The grey wolf appeared to be the epitome of a warrior. His physique was fairly fit, although he was just a few inches shorter than Xavier in height. He had black curly hair over a long handsome face, yet his aura was merely adequate. He was not now as strong as someone of Alpha blood, yet he appeared to be stronger than the other new warriors who had joined the pack today.

"I'm going to ask you a straight question. Why, knowing the danger, did you approach the criminal wolf when you knew you wouldn't be able to take him down yourself?" Xavier asked.

"When I realized Luna was in danger, I jumped onto the field to save her. I had no intention of offending Alpha Zander at that moment, but I couldn't stop myself because I am a warrior. I am destined to protect and serve the Sirius Bright Pack, especially the Alpha and Luna, with everything I have," Lance spoke confidently, without blinking. Xavier took a deep breath, he hadn’t detected a single falsehood or deceit in his statement.

"You are now Luna's bodyguard. Get treated then come to the pack house tomorrow morning," the Alpha declared, surprising Kaiden and Tyler. Yes, Xavier had intended to assign a bodyguard to Kiara, but no one would have guessed that the grey wolf would be that lucky wolf.

"Thank you so much, Alpha. I will not let you down," Lance vowed as he bowed his head in reverence. He was now Luna's bodyguard because he had been a huge help in the criminal's assassination. He was unquestionably bold and ideal for the task he had been given.


The fresh evening breeze filtered into the room via the window. Kiara slowly opened her eyes, and for a brief moment everything seemed fuzzy. She closed her eyes for a few seconds before blinking before taking in her surroundings.

"Uhh!" When she tried to sit up in bed, discovering that her arms were wounded, she yelped in anguish. There was no one in the room save for a lovely stillness that encouraged her to calm down a little with all the medical fragrance that had permeated the room but was making its way out thanks to the large windows. Kiara, who had never laid in bed needlessly, let her back rest on the headboard and closed her eyes for a few seconds before realizing it was already evening. Kiara's gaze was drawn to the clock, which told her that it was past the time for her evening snack!

She instantly threw back the covers, setting her feet on the chilly floor to carry out one of her tasks, which was to eat the adequate amount of food that had been determined based on her nutritional needs. Yes, her arms were a little sore, but she was healing quickly. She had no intention of breaking a condition of the contract for the minor injuries she had sustained, otherwise Xavier would give her a stern lecture.

Kiara had developed the habit of adhering to the terms and conditions as a result of her father's severe and nasty demeanor during her childhood. She hurried to the door, holding her left arm carefully. But when she opened the door, her careful eyes clashed with the surprised ones who had opened the door at the same time.

"Why are you running? And what is it that has gotten you out of bed?" Xavier demanded, looking her up and down with quiet displeasure. It had seemed like she had been about to die from blood loss just a few hours ago, yet now she had the power to run like a mouse. She had to be definitely a little wolf that couldn't stay put.

"I didn't have my evening snack today, so I was going to ask Jennifer for it," Kiara explained. Xavier's gaze was fixed on her lips as she nibbled her lower lip and looked down at her feet. When a small girl was scolded, the innocence on her face was one of those. She had a little girl who would cry when she was scolded for not eating her food. Xavier averted his gaze from her quickly, taking a deep breath and opening one more button on his shirt. The Alpha was hot! Then Kiara observed that an Omega had requested to enter the room. She hurriedly placed the delicious treats on the table before exiting.

"Eat your snack before it becomes cold. Certainly, dinner will be served to you in our room in a matter of hours. No need to go anywhere. You will not skip any of your meals,”

Kiara gave Xavier a tight smile before sitting on the bed to begin her meal. There was no way this obsessive man would ever let her go without nourishment. What on earth had she been thinking? He'd been gone for four days, so she'd entirely forgotten about his concern about having a healthy heir, but this man would always be there to remind her whenever she forgot.

She saw him take out a chair and sit alongside the bed, staring at her face and drilling a large hot hole into her skin that made her flush. If he kept his eyes on her like a predator, it would be difficult to eat.

"Are you still experiencing pain in your arms?" The Doctor had told Xavier that she would regain consciousness in a few hours, which she had, but he had also stated that she would cease experiencing pain. If she did not, she would have to go to the doctor so that they could check on her.

"Just a bit. Venus is a great assistance when it comes to healing," Kiara responded in a hushed tone. She was relieved that Xavier had opted to break the awkward silence that had settled into the room.

When he remained silent once again, Kiara began to eat rapidly so that she might push him out of the room if he had come to keep watch on her. Did he think that she skipped out on the required meals and snacks behind his back?

"Do you know how to fight?" Kiara was taken by surprise when Xavier abruptly began to talk about her fighting ability.

"In my human form, absolutely, but in my wolf, I will absolutely need more training," Kiara said, putting the final scoop of her snack in her mouth as she noticed Xavier's gaze on her lips. It was enough to remind her of how he had stolen the food from her mouth, then cleaned her lips! Kiara immediately cleaned her lips with a napkin before the incident repeated itself. He looked hungry!

"Why did you push me out of the way if you needed training? Why did you save me while allowing that fucking wolf to attack you?" Xavier asked a straightforward question, which was the true purpose of this conversation. Xavier had dark green eyes when he raised this matter. His aura had made it evident how much he had disliked her actions. Kiara was astonished for a moment as she swallowed the last of her snack, looking anywhere but at Xavier.

"Well, I've been doing crazy things since I was a child," she answered, pushing the dish away.

"Crazy things? Like? Throwing yourself in front of an insane wolf and dying?" Xavier furrowed his brows, completely rejecting her claim. Before responding to Xavier, Kiara looked deep into his eyes. So he wanted to hear the truth?

"Yes, I do crazy things. Like protecting people who constantly called me names, that hated me, and will continue to do so for the rest of their lives," Xavier blinked as she swallowed her sadness.She had finally revealed a small portion of her past that she had been determined to keep hidden. It was just humiliating. "Crazy things, like following you blindly back to your pack and holding your hand," Kiara reminisced about Adira and Martha. When they had their video call, the two of them with terribly sad faces. The three women on the call had been trying not to cry. Kiara could not forget her little cat, whom she would never be able to see again. She felt a few tears welling in her eyes, but she suppressed them. The Alpha's eyes were as icy as they always were, so she continued. "Crazy things, like signing a surrogacy agreement with my mate," she continued, but when she said the word that Xavier detested most, his green eyes revealed some unidentified feelings that could not be decoded. She was well aware that he had a particular dislike for mates. His appearance only confirmed it. "And one of the crazy things is…" Kiara paused when she noticed Xavier's heartbeat quickening, prompting her to peek at his lips as his eyes locked on hers. "I couldn't watch you die…"

Xavier crushed his lips onto Kiara's before she could finish her sentence. Kiara kissed him back, but the intensity and heat that had developed between them was uncontrollable. As Xavier crawled over her, she slipped back onto the bed. When she watched the shirtless Alpha spreading her legs, situating himself between them, then hovering over her small figure, she felt a surge of desire run through her veins.

"From now on, I dare you to stop doing crazy things, Kiara. Otherwise I will make you regret it," Xavier growled, placing hot kisses on her lips, then whispering soft kisses over her mark.

"Aahhh," Kiara moaned as his greedy hands raised her top, so that he could suck one of her pink nipples into his hot mouth. Her long fingers slid into his silky hair and urged him to suck the other. While panting, Kiara carefully pushed her arm away, feeling his kisses all over her breasts, belly, and neck. Xavier's hands slipped into her shorts, then under her panties to enter her enticing wet channel. "Aaahhh, oh my goodness!" Kiara bit her lower lip as two of his fingers began to work their way quickly and roughly into her vigina. Xavier's cock had become pure torture. It demanded the hot tight passage of his woman.

Xavier's lips returned to kiss Kiara as he continued fingering her hard and fast at the same time. His left hand made its way to her waist, only to elicit a little hiss from Kiara. What was wrong? Why had she hissed? Xavier the kiss right away. Thanks to her allure, he had completely lost his mind due to the pleasure and seduction of hers. He had overlooked the fact that her arms were wounded. Kiara caught his hand just as he tried to remove his fingers from her moist folds.

"You asked me to be ready for you tonight," she reminded him of his earlier statement on the training grounds.

"Yes, but you need to rest for a healthy and speedy recovery," he stated, withdrawing his fingers from her pussy and licking them clean in front of her, which was enough to turn her on more.

"I'm perfectly fine. If you want, we can do it right now," she offered, still sitting in the same position and suppressing the desire that his eyes had conjured in her.

"Why are you so desperate?" He wondered. The woman who was always hesitant and could never ask boldly for sex was suddenly showing a different side of herself. Her desperation aroused Xavier once again. How could he refuse his cock's need for that tight pussy if Kiara wanted to be fucked that badly?

"The contract states that we shall do it anytime you want, so how could I reject you when you are so hard and in desperate need of a release?" Her eyes directly pointed out his hardness. Xavier came to a halt as soon as he heard the term contract. "And you'd also told me not to die because you're worried I'd die before giving you a baby, right?" she asked. Xavier was caught by surprise by her unexpected inquiry, which he had no idea had been headed his way.

Kiara's gaze was boring into his eyes, which in turn was giving her an unfathomable expression. She had heard him yelling at the physicians and his heartbeat while carrying her in his arms. He must have been terrified of her death since he desired a pup from her. One that she had yet to give him, he needed to keep her alive in order to do so. when Kiara didn't get a response, she decided to carry on.

"Shhh," Xavier put his finger over her lips with a hush. "Yes, I want to fuck not only your little tight pussy but also your little mouth all night. But for now you need to rest so that you can have my pup in your womb without hissing the next time, without ruining my mood." he remarked.

Kiara gasped, hearing the world 'all night'. She observed him getting off of bed, perplexed. It had only been a hiss and he seemed so pissed off. They could have easily had sex while ignoring her arms, but he appeared irritated for a variety of reasons. Xavier jumped off of the bed and grabbed his shirt. Why was he enraged for no apparent reason?

Xavier noticed a cute little teddy on the bedside table while putting on his shirt. His memory was quick, he remembered that Cole had given the male teddy to Kiara for her birthday and kept the female one for himself . Kiara's smiling and beaming face, which he had seen via the CCTV, flashed in his mind.

Why had she kept this ugly teddy? It was nothing but an eyesore. Kiara observed Xavier lifting up her teddy violently, as if he was struggling its neck.

"What are you up to?" She inquired, puzzled, fearful that he would destroy it.

"Nothing harmful is permitted in my bedroom," Xavier stated coldly.

"How can a little teddy bear be dangerous?" She quickly asked.

"This tiny ugliness is pretty suspicious. Because this may contain a camera or a bomb, I'm taking it away for a quick examination for my pack's protection. If it survived the investigation, I would return it to you," he answered as he exited the room.

Kiara's jaw dropped as she watched helplessly as he took her favorite teddy bear away with him. How was he going to investigate the teddy bear? What had he meant by that there could be a camera in it? How in the world could a bomb be planted in that cute little thing? Had he lost his mind? Kiara feared for her teddy's life.