Chapter 22 - The Carrero Contract - Selling Your Soul (Mafia Romance)

I like some darkness, even if it does come from Master Carrero. There is no one quite like him. For his flaws anyway, I have to say, he can be amusing. ‘‘Lucie is my biggest fan. He secretly adores me and is just jealous that you get to sleep up here with me every night. He totally imagines the worst.’’ I flutter innocent lashes and continue sipping my drink, exuding my sexual confidence with subtle little mannerisms that are as natural as breathing to me nowadays. Wasn’t so long ago I had to force each one to build this façade known as Camilla Walters.

‘’Possibly because Alexi tells him the worst.’’ Gino laughs and the little flicker of smug crossing Alexi’s face makes me wonder how much truth is in that joke. I have no idea how he got lumbered with Luciano other than through family but I don’t get the feeling he likes him at all and can completely imagine him using subtle hints to get under his skin. Lucie already thinks I’m banging the boss and that’s why I get preferential treatment, it would annoy him wholly if Alexi hinted at it too.

‘‘I get to cut him loose in three months when he hits retirement. Until then, I ignore him.’’ Alexi downs his drink and slides it on the table, tossing a cushion aside and gestures to me with a finger wiggle, patting the couch next to him suggestively and I just narrow my eyes. He actually smiles and the world does not self-combust. I hate that when he does it, even though it’s so rare it’s almost an endangered species; it makes me a little weak and weird for him. Alexi has dimples and a gorgeous smile when he flexes those muscles and I despise him more for it. It does funny things to my insides.

‘‘What? It’s not like you to want me so close … Are you drunk?’’ I watch him suspiciously, looking way too self-assured and chirpy for my liking, yet I get up and move anyway. I know underneath that almost happy look, he’s still brewing close to the pissed he was on the phone and don’t want to push my luck. He’s being non-Alexi and I should just tread carefully when he is not behaving as he normally does. Changes in character are usually a huge warning sign with any man and handling him with kid gloves is a must.

I walk over and sit down closer, about a foot away and nestle myself back into my cross-legged pose and try to exude my confidence and ease, even though I feel anything but. Alexi reaches out, putting a hand across my legs so he cups my thigh and yanks me a tad closer. It makes me jump and almost spill my drink all over him. It’s not like him to be so hands-on or want me glued to his side like this and Gino is watching with interest while depositing his own drink on the table.

I have a moment of alarm, a pang of doubt as I remember brothers from high school and how they were famed for group fucking the same girl; that was their kink—brotherly banging one girl at one time and my eyes dart from one to the other in alarm. If Gino likes that kind of thing, maybe Alexi is willing, even if he does have me on a sex ban.

Is that what twins deem appropriate because they are technically from one cell and half of one person?

I stiffen as he tries to pull my legs closer possessively. It’s only now that I am this close that I realise Alexi looks a little wired and even in the darkness of the room his pupils are tiny. Gino looks the same and it’s not a coincidence. I look around for tell-tale signs of cocaine but see nothing at all, trying to find any other reason why my normally cool and cold arsehole of a boss seems to be suffering from a schizophrenic personality.

‘’I want you to come closer, no reason.’’ His eyes lock on my mouth, he slides an arm behind me on the couch to rest along the back behind my head and this time I know for sure something is up. I feel incredibly uncomfortable and look to Gino for answers. Alexi looks like he wants to devour me, eyes honed on me in a way which says ‘’I will fuck you right here, right now.’’

Alexi made it clear he does not ever want to cross this line so there is no way in hell he is in his normal frame of mind. He’s so close I can feel his breath on my cheek and his body warmth is taking over me. I tremble with the waves of testosterone oozing my way.

‘’Are you coming to our opening night?’’ I try to keep the nerves out of my voice, fixating on Gino but Alexi running a finger down my throat to the open neck of my shirt dress makes me flinch. I’m not sure what to make of his sudden attention and smile his way adoringly, trying to ignore what he’s doing as he angles close enough to dip and lick my neck if he so desired. He angles so close I think he actually might and swallow hard, palms instantly clammy and trembles ensue.

I am trying to read this sudden sexual interest in me and not react like I want to get up and run. I know how to play the game and I endure his touches with little outward reaction, as though having a cougar like him size me up for the kill is normal daily work routine.

The sizzle of electricity in the very small space between us is suffocating me and despite not wanting this, my body starts reacting like a wanton whore at his closeness. I tighten my knees and curse myself out for having traitorous reactions to the man I really do not like. He may have the personality of a drain sewer, but physically my body is still hot for him. Gino just watches me with a smile and I feel like I’m being hemmed in my two predators on the prowl for meat. Heart rate elevating that maybe I am in over my head and should get out of this room. I can barely breathe, my lungs getting tight and my inhales are shallow.

‘‘Do you need me to go get you a girl? You’re coming across as very horny and in dire need of relief.’’ I catch his hand as it heads to my first button and shove it off gently, pulling my dress back up and buttoning it one higher so no cleavage is on show; sending him a clear message to stop, flicking a glance and a glare his way that is loaded with a warning.

I don’t know what this is but I don’t like it. He doesn’t cross this kind of line and I have no idea why he’s doing it now. He had a chance with me and he blew me off. The feeling is now mutual and I have no desire to be his next bedroom victim.

Alexi looks annoyed and tugs my legs in against him again so that my knees are pressed against his fully and my thigh is touching the full length of his upper leg warmly. I am practically sitting on his lap, in

the arc of his arm and very much in his personal space. It’s suffocating. I don’t think I have been this close to him since the opera and I really have no clue why he’s behaving so erratically or so over the top possessive. He is not one of the sex-starved men he likes to mess with, so I doubt he has a serious itch that needs to be scratched.

‘‘Relax sweetheart, my brother and I are always in competition. He doesn’t like the fact I made eyes and remarks about his sexy little redhead. Alexi doesn’t share his toys, he never has, much to my disappointment. He’s sending me the signals, not you. A HUGE back the fuck off Gino!’’ Gino is amused, he stands to pour himself a drink from the table and throws me a wink and a dirty look as he makes an obvious assessment of my body and legs. Alexi doesn’t react, he just watches his brother with zero facial expression and I take a moment to calm the erratic pounding of my heart.

I really want to move away from all this male dominance shadowing me, but I physically cannot move. I stay facing forward, otherwise a turn of the head will put my face right against his.

‘‘I asked him if I could fuck you. This is his answer.’’ Gino smirks. I blanch at him and then throw a wary look at Alexi sideways. Not sure when this little question was asked but not sure how to react either. Wondering if that is what all those gestures were about and not understanding how they could translate so much silently. I know he doesn’t want me to screw around and damage his reputation, but this is his twin, and we are in his private apartment.

As for Gino? Well, he is a complete wanker, assuming I am a possession you ask to borrow and not someone who can make her own choices.

What is it with these Carrero men? It’s all about fucking ownership!

‘‘You have a girlfriend. Go home and fuck her, this one’s hands off.’’ Alexi says coldly and even though I rebuffed his fingers on me, he still has his arm around my legs like he’s protecting his kill from other savage animals. His touch is searing my skin and heating me to volcanic levels as goosebumps travel

over every part of me. He’s definitely on something and I start searching the side of his face for other signs of drug use.

‘’Here … want some?’’ Gino holds out a silver box to me, almost reading my mind and this time I can see I was right to be suspicious. Cocaine in a vessel for easy snorting. Both have been up here getting high and I just give him a long look as I try to figure out what sort of answer I should give.

Drugs are not my thing at all, but I have learned in the company of men high on it, that refusal just makes them agitated and suspicious. I would rather do a small line and make them relax around me than have an argument about not wanting to. I used enough drugs on the girls I pimped out to keep them timid and pliable but I avoided product myself to keep a clear head. Maybe now is not the time to refuse.

I reach out as Gino drops the metallic container in my hand, but Alexi takes it from me almost as soon as it hits my palm and throws it back at his brother aggressively, a frown enveloping his face. His eyes almost glowing with inhumane ability. Gino catches it expertly with fast reflexes.

‘’No!’’ It’s that icy tone again and Gino looks right back with a sinister twinkle of mischief. I however, am shocked at the instant refusal, especially coming from someone who pushes and uses product like he does, yet he suddenly doesn’t want me to do it. I know Alexi uses it socially from time to time.