Chapter 14 - The Rejected Life of Mala Luca

Mala stepped up onto the mats to meet her opponent, a rather large and bulky wolf of a man. She smiled right up at him, smiled a lot today. Couldn’t help it, was actually looking forward to this 3-day competition. Wanted to actually really use all she had, was a shame it was a no wolf competition.

The man she was facing now was from Aston’s old pack. She heard him ask how the old man was? Raised an eyebrow at him and stated “Smoking hot and full of muscle, as you can well see. Unlike your Alpha, fair looks and he clearly needs to hit the weight room.”

Heard a snarl come from the man and laughed. “What can’t take what you dish out. Same as your Alpha, poor baby.” She pouted up at him.

“When you two are ready,” the referee cleared his throat.

They both nodded and he set the match off. The man was not as fast as her, but had a long reach and managed to grab her ponytail that she’d pulled her hair back into and yank her head back. Mala took the opportunity to flip backwards, twist and kick him right in the face. He’d not been expecting it, let go and staggered backwards as she stood up.

She saw anger on his face and winked right at him. New opponents were always fun, you had no idea what to expect “my point.” She smiled at him as he came at her, didn’t think he would grab her hair again in a hurry.

Laughed and dodged his oncoming body, weaved and blocked as did he, until she saw an opportunity to take him down. Shot passed him, grabbed onto his left arm and used it to swing herself around him and land her knee between his shoulder blades. Pulled on that arm, and didn’t let go, kept pulling till she felt it pop right out of its socket, and then let go and dropped off his back, stepped away as he cried out in pain.

Stood and waited, would he call it a day, or would he pop it back in and go another round? Saw his eyes turn on her and winked right at him and then shrugged “Anything goes, but death.” She told him, apparently that was a new rule, she’d killed one the last time she was here, not allowed to do that anymore, it seemed.

He was really glowering at her now. “I got lots more where that came from.” She taunted him and she did. Could dislocate many body parts, had learned some new techniques to go with all her old ones. She had focused a lot of her training on those the last month. Ben and Simon had volunteered themselves up for her to practice on. Poor bastards, but she had trained them in the same techniques now too, and Alpha Aston would be setting up a list for their warriors to volunteer for that training.

It was hardcore training and brutal to boot. Only those willing to suffer the pain of dislocation would sign up. It was to start when they got back.

Saw him grab his arm and put it back in place, a loud snarl ripped right out of him and she chuckled ‘lean and mean.’ Suki chortled inside her mind. ‘go get him.’ Mala intended on doing just that, shot forward the second it was in place, he’d still be in pain, and she was going to take full advantage of that.

They had all caused her pain and never relented when she’d been here last, had taken great joy in causing her pain and then doubling up on it, so now she was out to return the favour to them all. Would be relentless and give no quarter. That was something she had taken away from this place, never give an inch.

Saw him step to the left, was a little slow, hadn’t expected her to be on the move so fast, dropped to her knees and smashed her elbow into the back of his right knee, shot up as he was falling down on to that knee, and was on him a full choke hold to cut off his airway “Night night.” She told him, he was already down on one knee, and she was standing, pushing hard downwards with all she had as she held tight to him, keeping all her weight on his collapsed knee, to prevent him from standing back up.

Let go the second she felt all the tension go out of him and his head drop. Raised both her hands to show she was clear of the fight and let them all see the man fall unconscious to the floor before her.

Was declared the winner, looked right at Aston's brother and winked right at him, oh he was in for a beat down, she was going to put all her grief and anger over her Luna’s death into that man. His eyes were hard on hers, not that she cared at all.

Walked off the mats her whole pack was standing and clapping, something she had never received in her old pack, got high fived by the Beta, clapped on the back by Aston, and picked clean up in a bear hug by Ben. He was grinning stupidly at her.

Her fight here today was the last one for their pack, and they were all now able to head out the door, were in fact leaving the arena when Hudson’s voice called out “Tamala wait.”

She ignored him, Tamala was no more, she was long buried and hidden away, did not answer to that name anymore, kept on walking with her pack.

“Tamala please, I just want to talk to you.”

Ignored him again, though she noted that Alpha Aston had stopped walking, he looked at her and then waved her right passed him, indicating that he would deal with the man.

“You must be Alpha Hudson. The fool who would reject his Mate, when they were clearly the strongest of fighters, even when wolf-less, I hear.”

“I want to talk to her.”

“My pack is not here to fraternise with others. Just defeat their opponents and win this championship. Leave, my elite warrior is of no concern of yours.”

“She is my Mate. I have a right to talk to her.”

“Not your Mate anymore. You rejected her, so you have no rights as far as I am concerned.”

“You wouldn’t have taken her in if she was wolf-less.” Mala heard Hudson grate out.

“You’d be wrong. I’d already accepted her a full year and a half before she came to me. Told me she was wolf-less. It did not matter to me.”

“Bullshit. I would have known.”

“I doubt it. But discussions with the Wolfen council to get their approval was done, because she was underage, and I was trying to free her before she was eighteen. But I was not allowed due to your Alpha at the time. Glenn I believe, vetoed it, till she was an adult. Put stipulations on her himself. There will be a record of it in your packs archives. Go look it up.” Aston stated, and then turned and walked away.

They were all waiting outside. “Let’s go eat, I’m starving.” Aston smiled at them all. Not a single one of them had been knocked out of their division today. All stood to fight again tomorrow.

Aston smiled right at her, and she thanked him via the mind link, she did know about all of that, though why her Alpha at the time had refused her to leave when they all wanted her to. Was still unknown to her. She could only put it down to that he could mind link to her and suspected she would get her wolf at some point. But still, that didn’t make him stop his pack from treating her horribly.

Shook it off. Tomorrow would be the hardest day, multiple fights for each of them, till only 8 from each division remained, for the finals the following day, they all needed to carb load and have a good breakfast as well.

Suki was already healing her bruises, she would be good as new before she even went to bed, could see Ben smiling at her from across the dinner table in the restaurant, and nearly laughed, knew what he was thinking, it was all in the way he was looking at her.

“You two, stop it. I have already told you to behave.” It was Aston.

“What?” both Mala and Ben said in unison, looking at their Alpha and their whole table burst out laughing, including his Beta.

“I told you, I don’t need a pissed off Alpha Wolf coming at us. I meant that.”

“You also told him he has no right over me. Which he doesn’t. I can do as I please, yes?”

“Technically, yes, Mala. But he is unmarked, I noticed, never has been marked. As an Alpha Wolf, he may still hold claim to you.”

“That’s bullshit.” She shot back.

“You’re not marked yourself Mala. It could be seen as neither of you have or are willing, to take another, which, as an Alpha Wolf means he still has rights, or in his mind. He could think that your wolf still wants only him as her Mate.”

“Well, I don’t want him, and neither does Suki. We're glad to be rejected by him. If I’d gotten out of that pack without knowing what he was, I would have, and problem solved.”

“That’s not true either Mala, you’d still be his Mate. Just not scented each other out.”

“It would have been a blessing. I’d not know, and neither would he.”

“But you do both know. I watched him a lot today. He not only watched you fight, he watched you just sit with us, the way you interacted with all of us, so did his Beta for that matter. How many people in his pack knew you were his Mate?”

Mala shrugged. “His whole unit, by the end of the weekend. I nearly died and he lost it.” Shook her head “Why I’ll never know…he’d already told me before I could even scent him, he was going to reject me and was going to take great pleasure in banishing me.”

“You probably should have told me this beforehand. So, I knew what to expect where he is concerned.”

“There is nothing to expect Alpha, nothing at all.”

“On your end maybe. His end from what I have seen today, is quite different.”

“I don’t care what he feels about it, to be honest.”

“Yes, you do, you and Ben are actively taunting him, so you want him to feel something.”

“Yeah, your right. I want him to know, I will never be his. That I’ve moved on. He doesn’t concern me. I’m not now or ever will be attracted to him, be his and neither will my wolf.”

“It’s a deadly game you play, Mala.”

“One I can win. That man could never beat me one on one without my wolf. Let him come, I’ll put him down properly. You need not get involved.”

“That could start a war. I don’t want a war unless it’s necessary, Mala.”

She sighed “Fine, but if he so much as tries to touch me, I won’t be held responsible for the outcome.”

“Fair enough.” Aston finally nodded.

Heard Ben clear his throat a moment later and Alpha Aston sighed, he did know that the two of them hooked up. “Fine, a little discretion though.” He muttered.

Watched Ben lean all the way back in his chair, smirked right at her, had gotten what he wanted, shook her head ever so slightly, not that she was going to say no to the man, the sex was good.

Discretion just meant keeping it indoors. They were not inside their own pack, and to keep the volume down, they were in a human hotel not a sound-proofed wolfen world accommodation.

She strolled all the way to her room, with Ben right next to her, he was already talking dirty to her via the mind link, and found an envelope pinned to her door. “Tamala Lucas” written on the front of it, big bold handwriting. Plucked it off the door and tossed it over the balcony. Didn’t care what was in it, saw Ben laugh “Not even curious a little?”

“No, now I believe you’re going to be real good to me, yes.” She smirked at him.

Heard a light playful growl come from him “Damn straight I am.”

She dropped her key card into the door lock and opened the door. His hands were on her, the second the door was closed “How do you want it?” he growled all deep and husky, his mouth on her neck already.

“In the bed all comfy like.” Mala smiled at him sweetly, saw him raise an eyebrow, then she smirked “I brought my handcuffs.”

“Hells yes.” He laughed now and was pulling off his clothes a second later. “Who gets to wear them?”

“You do.” She grinned as she retrieved them from her bag. “Now you be a good wolf and let me have the fun first.”

He was on the bed with a grin, butt ass naked “You’ll get your turn in them.” He told her and she knew he meant it.

“Yes, I will.” Mala nodded as she cuffed him to the bed, trailed one hand down his body slowly to stroke her fingers along his already hard cock. “Fuck, I do so love how quick you get hard for me.”

“Jump on already.” He smiled up at her.

“No,” she shook her head “I’m going to play with you first.” Slide a finger around the tip of him, “For a long time before giving you what you want.”

Heard him growl up at her, liked the idea.